This is what I want.

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I fell off of the bed. I had woken up and I forgot where I had spent the night and when I saw Calum beside me I accidentally fell off. He stirred and looked down at me from the bed. "You do know that the bed is up here," he sarcastically asked. "No way! I thought that was for your dog," I said getting up and rubbing my back. "Dis you actually hurt yourself," Calum asked laughing. "No," I lied while brushing the hair out of my face.I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and looked at my text messages.


I shook my head as I read that. "What do your psychotic friends think is happening," Calum asked sitting with his back against the wall. "Judging by the look on your face they think that crap is going down." "Yeah I should probably go talk to them. Thank you so much." I hugged him tightly and left down the stairs. I checked my phone again, there were no texts from Luke.


Michael and I sat in my room waiting for Cierra to get her. Michael sat and watched me as I paced back and forth. "Bree seriously you're being over dramatic, they probably just hung out for the day." "But what if they start falling for each other." "Bree seriously calm down." Michael stood up and wrapped me in his arms to keep me from walking. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I broke out of Michael's arms and launched myself out of the room. I crashed into her and she fell to the floor. I go on top of her and pinned her to the ground. "YOU ARE A HORRIBLE FRIEND! WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME AND NICOLE," I screamed in her face. "Michael please control your girlfriend!" "He has tried that before and it didn't end well for him. I put him in a head lock and made him tap out." "Yes it was terrifying! She moved so fast I thought I was gunna die," Michael's voice appeared behind me. "Yeah it was really...WAIT THIS ISN'T ABOUT ME WHAT THE FRICK HAPPENED WITH YOU AND CALUM!" "Nothing happened, all I did was spend the night at his house," Cierra said and I stared her down looking for any guilt in her eyes, there usually was some every time she lied. There was none I let her up and grabbed her arm. I pulled her into my room and Michael followed us in closing the door after him.


Michael sat in Bree's desk chair and Bree sat on his lap. I sat on the bed facing them. So what happened," Bree asked. "Luke stood me up and I was depressed about it so I called Calum and asked if he would do something with me. We went to the mall where I saw Luke and his girlfriend there. I threw a hamburger at her and we went back to his house. We watched a movie and went to sleep. That's all that happened," I explained everything besides the fact that he used me as a pillow. Bree stared at me and I got creeped out. "Fine, but I still don't think you're telling me everything," she leaned back into Michael and crossed her arms. "Did you really throw a hamburger at her," Bree asked obviously happy that I told her that. "She'll be picking sesame seeds out of her hair for weeks," I said as Bree leaned over and high-fived me. "I have taught you well," she said nodding. "Please you haven't taught me sh$&." Her and Michael started laughing at that. "So? Are you excited for the gig we have tonight," Michael asked me. "Oh my god I completely forgot that we had a gig!" "Well you might want to get ready, it starts soon." "FRICK!" I screamed and ran to the bathroom to quickly get ready so I didn't look like crap.

We were at the gig and we were just about to go on. "Bree do you think I could sing a song today," I asked glaring at Luke who was showing Jade around. Bree looked where I was glaring and smirked. "Will I hate everything about you suffice? It can be the closer. You can go up front and I'll play drums." I started grinning like a madman,"you read my mind." Nicole, being a kill joy, ruined our happiness. "Wait so Bree would drum but who would play guitar?" My brilliant idea came when Calum walked out of the dressing rooms. I ran up to him and jumped on his back which was turned to me. "Calum will you please guitar for us while we play I hate everything about you," I asked. He turned his head in shock to look at me. "Next time just fricken ask." "Yes thank you so much Calum!" I slid off of his back and skipped back to where Bree and Nicole were standing. "Calum said he'll do it." "Great now lets do this," Nicole said adjusting her bass guitar on her shoulder.

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