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We were currently setting up for the show. Bree and Michael were nowhere to be seen which was usual because they were lazy assholes. We were finally set up for our act and the boys put all of their stuff together.

Luke tried to be cool and jumped off the four foot high stage. Instead of landing it he lost his balance and fell on his butt. All of us laughed and I helped him up.

"That was almost as embarrassing as stick boobs," I said and he glared at me.

"I made them work," he said while walking away from me like a diva.

"Come on Nicole and Mariah, lets go find Bree and Michael, they're probably stuck in a tree," I said and we left to the back stage area to find them.


I saw Cierra, Mariah, and Nicole marching around the back stage area and I ran up to them.

"Hey do you know where Bree is," I asked them.

"Wait you don't know where she is either," they said in unison.

Before I knew it there was a search party going out for her. We had tons of time like, five hours I think, but there was a reason why she was the champion at hide and seek when we were five.


I heard them the first time, when they started calling my name. I just didn't want to be found. I quickly sent out a text to all of them that I was fine and I'll be there when I need to be. That still didn't stop them.

I was out in the parking lot sitting on a branch of a tree. I saw Calum run out of the building. he looked around a little and then he saw me. He ran up to me and gave me a very sympathetic look. I may or may not have been crying.

He climbed the tree and sat on the same branch beside me. He was the only one I trusted with my problems. Not Michael, I didn't want him to mess up during a song because of me. Calum was a friend, he thought about me but not as much as Michael would, he would overreact.

"Brother," he asked. He didn't have to say anymore because he was spot on. I nodded quickly and he put an arm around my shoulders.

"According to my brother I'm too fat to be pretty and because of that no one will like our band." I said my voice cracking several times. His grip tightened.

"Brianna... I don't know your middle name Watson, your brother is a dick, you will never be fat," he said. I laughed a little at his honest statement.

"If I had a lifetime supply of dill pickle chips I would," I said and he smiled at me.

"You're fabulous, you know that right," he said.

"Psh, please. Tell me something I don't know... wow I'm a narcissist," I laughed at myself.

"Lets go inside and talk about it," Calum said giving me a small smile as a random raindrop fell in his eye.

"Sure," I said as I hopped off of the branch and onto the ground.

We walked inside. We went to a hallway in the far back and I started crying.

"This is why I worry so much about Michael leaving me! This is why I think I'm not good enough to be in the band. This is why I've been so quiet and acting weird lately... my brother said I had a horrible voice," I admitted and Calum pulled me into a hug.

"You're voice is beautiful and strong. If your brother is saying things like your ugly and your voice is awful, then he must be def and blind," he said starting to get angry.

"Or just plain out dumb," I smiled while we pulled away.

"By the way it's Danielle, my middle name. I don't like it because my brother said it was stupid but I realize now that he is a bastard so it doesn't matter," I said and he laughed.

"I'm telling Michael then," he said.

"Go right ahead," I laughed while he started running to find Michael but tripped over a crack in the floor.



It was now time for the show and it was packed. I think I saw a couple empty seats but they were in the nosebleed sections. Bree and Calum appeared and we freaked.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!" Cierra screamed in her face. She gave us a sad look and her eyes found the ground quite attractive.

"It doesn't matter," she said but then she started smiling, "lets play the best show we ever have."

"Wait!" I said before we went out on the stage.

"I need to say something to the crowd at the end," Cierra and Bree nodded their heads in approval.

"Okay now we can do this," I said as we ran onto the stage to be greeted by thousands of fans.


It was the end of the show and I was getting nervous but there was no backing down now.

"Nicole said she wanted to say something so give her your undivided attention while Cierra and I play on our phones," Bree said into her mic. Everyone including Cierra laughed. I mouthed the word bitch at her and most of the fans caught it.

I skipped over to the mic and smiled.

"Yeah I know that there's been a lot of shit on twitter about Ashton. Well just want to say something to those fugly haters," I said and I held up two middle fingers. "Fuck you, you piece of shit bitches!" I said into the microphone.

Bree and Cierra dropped their phones, which they had actually gotten out and played on, and fell to the ground laughing so hard. My comment earned the fans screams of approval for about five minuets.

Bree was on her knees clutching her stomach because she was laughing so hard.

"Bree the floor is yours again," I said while I handed her the mic.

"Oh god hahahaha my stomach hahahahahaha I can't breath hahahaha," she finally said. She got up and sighed.

"We are so fucked by our manager," She said and the crowed started cheering.

"Well we have to go so bye!" she screamed and we went off the stage.

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