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"There's a fair today! We have to go!" Bree stated after band practice. Bree was tugging on my arm and bouncing up and down like a little kid. I was happy to see her so excited because lately she had been sad and she wouldn't tell me why.

"Nicole and I want to go," Ashton said packing up his drums.

"Can Cierra and I come with?" Luke asked while holding Cierra's drumsticks above his head while she jumped up trying to get them.

"Sure," Bree said while dancing horribly.

"I'm going to be the seventh freaking wheel!" Calum shouted while grabbing the drumsticks from Luke and handing them to Cierra. This action earned a hug from Cierra and an evil glare from Luke.

Nicole, Cierra, and Bree had a silent conversation while giving each other looks that must've stood for something because they answered with different looks.

Bree whipped out her phone and started typing. She waited for a second, then smiled and started typing again. She returned her phone to her pocket and gave Nicole and Cierra a thumbs up.

"Not anymore, Calum." Bree winked at him and said it in a sing song voice.

"Brianna uh I don't know your middle name Watson! Did you just set me up!" Calum said trying to grab at her phone.

"No I invited someone with us so you won't be as lonely. There's a difference." Bree said sticking her tongue out at him. "We will meet her there."

"Dude, Bree so set you up," Ashton said smirking.


Bree drove us to this "her" persons house.

"Hey Michael, do you know Bree's middle name?" Calum asked me.

"He shouldn't," Bree answered for me. "I've never told him, or anyone in this car."

Calum looked at Nicole and Cierra in amazement. "So you two don't know?"

"Nope," Cierra said popping the p.

"I only like her for the wide variety of food at her house," Nicole said jokingly.

Bree laughed before nodding her head, "same for you, you always have brownies."

Bree tuned into a driveway and put the car in park. A girl opened the door and smiled. She skipped over to the side of the van and opened the door.

"Hey Bree, Cierra, and Nicole," she said brushing her black hair out of her mouth.

"Hi Mariah, I'm surprised you haven't passed out." Bree said teasingly.

"Yeah I am too, I prepared so I wouldn't fangirl." Mariah blushed.

She got in the van and took a seat next to Calum.

"I met her at the mall three days ago and we became friends. She is a big 5SOS fan and she didn't know that we knew you guys." Bree explained.

Nicole laughed as if remembering when Mariah had found out. "Well she knows now. Can we please leave so we can get to the fair."



Bree and Ashton were starting to scare me. They had a little TOO much cotton candy were getting hyper and was embarrassing all of us.

"Lets go to the roller coaster. THE TOWER OF DOOM!" They screamed while throwing their fists in the air.

Calum put his head on my shoulder and sighed, "please tell them to shut up." Bree and Ashton linked their arms and started skipping to the roller coaster.

"Come on guys, lets make sure they don't kill themselves," Michael said taking a picture of them.

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