Time Bomb

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Nicole and Ashton were...uh... busy and Bree was getting something done to her hair so that left me alone. I decided to go take a walk around just for fun. I had my hands shoved in the pockets of my blue sweatshirt and my earbuds were in. I had a black beanie on and some blue jeans. I also had some blue converse on (yes THE blue converse). I just casually walked down the sidewalk and looked at the scenery. I took out my phone and started a twitcast.

"Hello there people of the world. Just um taking a walk, so how have you people been? I realize that while I'm talking to my phone I probably seem like a psycho to everyone else." I looked down away from the camera to hide my embarrassed face.

"So Luke and I have made up. We have stopped our fighting and became friends again." I looked away from my phone when I saw Jade. She was walking down the opposite side of the road with a guy I had never seen before. I turned the camera at them so the audience could see.

"Oh my god," I said as he bent down and kissed her.

"You are seeing this too right." I turned the camera back to me. "Please tell me that someone out there in my 500 viewers was recording this?" I waited and soon got a reply from a girl who said that she had it all on video.

"Post that on YouTube and I'll show Luke. Do NOT tell him about this, I need to let him down easily. I need to go bye guys love you all." I turned off my phone and ran all the way back to my house.


I had gotten a call from cierra saying that I should come over. I was happily walking to her house when I made it to the front steps. I didn't knock on the door, I just walked in and locked it behind me. I climbed the steps to her room where she was sitting on her bed with her computer out.

"Hey ,Luke, I need to show you something. It's very important," she said. Her voice was flat and empty, like she really don't want to show me. She patted the bed beside her and I sat on it. The computer was opened to YouTube and the beginning image was her with the same outfit she was wearing. The video started.


I watched his face the entire time, it showed sadness and it made my heart cry. The video ended and I closed my laptop. He quickly pulled out his phone and typed something, it returned to his pocket and he leaned back on my bed.

"I broke up with her, I also gave her the name of the video so she could watch it," he said. His eyes were shut tight and I longed to see his blue eyes shine with happiness. I moved my body to lay beside him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his chest. He hugged me tightly back and buried his face in my hair.

"I'm such a jerk, I should've listened to you," he said his voice cracking at the end.

"It'll be okay. Calum wants to see you, i already told him about this. He thinks that a night just with you and him will be good. I can drop you off." Luke nodded and pulled away. I grabbed my keys and we both headed out to my car.


I couldn't believe it. I can't believe that I thought that my friends were being jerks when it was me. Cierra didn't judge me at all and that made me happy. She drove while singing to some music on the radio. She started grinning and turned it off. She pulled out her phone and started tapping on it, soon there was the intro of heartbreak girl and she was bobbing her head to the beat.

"You call me up. It's like a broken record, saying that your heart hurts," she sang. She grabbed my right hand in her left and kept driving with the right. I started singing the chorus with her.

We pulled up into Calums driveway and we both got out. We walked into the house side by side.

"Calum! Are you here," I called out.

"Just a sec, I'll be out in a minute," he replied. Cierra and I sat on the couch and she turned to face me.

"So how are you doing," she asked.

"Fine, but I still can't believe it. I just don't know where I will find someone as great as her that likes me." Cierra slapped me in the arm really hard and shot to her feet.

"How blind are you! Did that song mean nothing to you! Did the fact that I cared enough to hold you while you were going through a breakup mean anything," she started crying.

"What did I do, I don't understand."

"Luke Hemmings you are fu$&@#% blind," she screamed at the top of her lungs and ran out of the house wiping her tears with her sleeves. Calum ran out beside me.

"What the frick did you do?"

"I don't know. All I did was say that I didn't know where I would find someone as great as Jade who likes me. Then she flipped out." Calum put a hand to his face and shook his head.

"You really are blind, and I can't tell you why because I'm sworn to secrecy. Lets just say that I would kill to be in the position you're in tight now, but I would actually realize why. Lets just play some Black Ops," Calum said as he started walking to his room. I glanced one more time at the open front door and shut it. I hurriedly followed Calum into his room.


I drove to Ashton's house where Nicole and him were just hanging out. I told them the entire story.

Aston through the entire thing predicted, "wrong thing, he said the wrong thing that little s$&@." He was right, he did say the wrong thing and I was devastated.

"Cierra, Luke's an a$$ he should come to his senses soon," Nicole said hugging me.

"No, he's a di@& even though he doesn't have one," I retorted sharply.

"Wow, Luke really screwed up this time," Ashton said shaking his head.

"Sorry if I take this out on you and the others. I just feel like if I don't vent my rage I'll explode," I said somewhat sympathetically. Nicole got up and grabbed a paper and pencil off of her desk. She handed them to me and smiled, "then write it down." This is how I wrote our next single that would climb on the rating charts. It was called Time Bomb and it was perfect.

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