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God I love performing. An I also loved Cierra for making that song. My head was banging and my hair was all in my face. I strummed the correct notes on my guitar and sang the chorus.

"I'm ticking like a time bomb. About to blow up in your face. Im trying to grab your attention. But you're so blind, so blind, you don't even hear me! And I keep ticking! Like a time bomb!" I held the last note for I don't know how long. I played the last few notes and ended the song. The lights went black and we left the stage.


We passed by them while going on the stage, they were coming off.

"You were great Cierra," I told her. She shook her head and stormed away from me.

"Okay seriously you are blind. She wrote that entire song and it was about you. Get it through your head and figure it out," Nicole said. Bree and Nicole ran to catch up to her. I shook my head and put on a smile as I ran out onto the stage.


"My god I seriously want to kill him. I want to punch him in the face several times and then kill him," I screamed in our dressing room, venting out my rage on Bree and Nicole. Bree rested her chin on her hand and rolled her eyes at me.

"Can I join you in that. Maybe we can knock some sense into his head," she shook her head and avoided my angry gaze.

"Oh I can take care of it myself and I will, one of these days, kick him in the balls if it means he will understand," I took a pillow from the couch and chucked it randomly. It hit Nicole while she was taking a drink from a water bottle. The water soaked her shirt, her favorite shirt. Both Bree's and my eyes grew wide. Nicole looked down at her wet shirt and slowly looked up at me with her eyes wide and her mouth open.

"Oh, Nicole I am so sorry," I said trying to fix the problem.

"I am giving you both ten seconds before I run after you with a chainsaw. Run."

"Wait what did I do!? It was Cierra who did it," Bree said throwing me under the bus.

"Bree, now you will be running from both of us."

"What the frick! Nicole she's the one who got you wet," Bree screamed arming herself with an apple and running into a corner. Nicole stood up and hit me with a pillow so hard that I fell on the recliner that was behind me. Bree started laughing and Nicole shot her a look of daggers.

"You're next," Nicole said getting a better grip on her pillow. Bree chucked her apple and it hit Nicole upside the head.

"You just hit me with a fu$&@%# apple you piece of s$&@," Nicole screeched.

Soon after we were all armed with pillows and were hitting each other hard with them.

"Mother of god. Im in heaven." We heard a voice say. We all froze and looked at the doorway. Calum stood there staring at us. Michael and Ashton appeared behind him and had their arms folded across their chest.

"Um, Calum, you might want to rethink those words," I snickered. Michael and Ashton cleared their throats. Calum slowly turned around to face the angry band mates.

"Hey boys, lovely weather we're having," he grinned sheepishly.

Ashton raised his eyebrows," leave now, before you die," Calum hurriedly ran away.

"That's what we thought," Michael called after him. Nicole took a sharp intake of breath and shook my shoulder.

"You said that he doesn't notice you, so make him notice," she whispered in my ear, "what do you have to lose?" I mulled it over in my mind for a second. Ashton and Michael were about to leave.

"Wait," I said before the left. They turned acknowledging me.

"Where's Luke, I need to talk to him?"

"He's in our dressing room," Michael said. I started walking to the door.

"Thanks and if you could leave us alone to talk that would be great," I said smiling at them. I quickly ran to their dressing room to find Luke on the couch scrolling through his phone. I had opened the door quietly and he didn't know I was there. I quietly knocked on the door to show him that I was there. He looked up at me and showed me a weak smile. I stepped in and closed the door. I slowly made my way to sit beside him on the couch.

"I'm sorry that I've been ticked at you, I just thought that it was obvious," I said looking down at my hands. he turned his phone off and put it on the coffee table.

"Apparently it is obvious, to everyone but me," he said shaking his head, "I've thought about it and I still don't know." It was now or never. I quickly turned his head to face me and connected our lips. I pulled away quickly wishing that I could've kept it going longer.

"Now you know," I said as I got off of how couch and exited the dressing room. leaving a shocked Luke to figure out what the h&@$ just happened.

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