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I was terrified but somehow I put on a confident front. We were walking to Nandos and Calum was smiling sweetly at me.

"So what music do you like Becca? It's okay if I call you Becca right?" he asked. For gods sakes I wouldn't care if he called me Shirley.

"Yeah that's fine and I like anything. I love One Direction, Breaking Bridges, Green Day, and you guys mostly," I answered running my fingers through my hair to comb it.

"So did you find us by One Direction," he asked.

"No actually I was a fan of Breaking Bridges and then when Michael appeared on one of their twitcasts with his fetus hair and shit I got into you guys too," Calum started laughing.

"Fetus hair and shit?" he questioned.

"Don't judge me," I started laughing. He held the door to Nandos open for me.

"Thanks," I smiled at him. Maybe this wouldn't be as awkward as I thought.


Her eyes looked like emeralds. She sat across from me at the two person table at Nandos playing with her hair. Her hair was a really pretty strawberry blond color leaning more towards the red side. She had freckles plastered across her cheeks and nose. She was tall and her sense of style seemed different than ours. She wore a dress that was flowy and a pretty good length with it being tighter at the top. It was a pink color witch looked pretty with her pale skin.

"What are you thinking," she asked leaning back in her chair.

"What to eat."

"You haven't picked up the closed menu once."

"Please I've been to Nandos enough to have memorized the menu." She started laughing at that comment.

"I wish I had that good of a memory," She looked out the window behind me and gasped.

"I want that car!" she yelled. I laughed and turned around to see a lime green corvette. She had a slight accent or something to her r's.

She picked up a menu and squinted at the letters.

"What's up with restaurants having the smallest print on their me yes ever," she shook her head.

"Do you need glasses?"

"Yeah they just kinda got broken during volley ball," she giggled.

"So are you always this accident prone," I asked.

".....Maybe," she laughed. Finally we ordered and made small talk, laughing at our own stupidity, you know the usual.

Finally our food came and I've never seen someone so happy. She started scarfing down her burger and I smirked, it reminded me of how Mariah ate tacos.

"Damn did you starve yourself," I asked chuckling.

"No it's just that food is like my own child I will kill you if you touch it."

"So you eat your child."

"No- It's not- I didn't....." I laughed at how flustered she was.

"Shut up god, people and their dumb logic," she glared at me squinting her eyes almost shut, jutting out her bottom lip, and leaning towards me.

"Trying to read some fine print I see," I teased her and she leaned back in her chair again.

"You've got a quick mind don't you, now if only you applied that to learning something you become smart, you could really have something going for you there," she retorted and I laughed.

"You aren't so bad yourself," I said pointing my fork at her when though it still had lettuce from my salad on it.

"Salad boy," she murmured.

"Salads are nutritious and delicious," I crossed my arms.

"Yeah sure talk to me when they've made bacon flavored salad," she said and I laughed.

"So what's your twitter so I can follow you," I asked. I quickly followed her and we ate in silence. The waiter came to have us pay. Becca reached forger purse but I handed him a twenty. She noticed him walking away.

"Wait! Don't take that money!" she screamed and ran after the waiter. She exchanged the twenty for the exact amount needed and walked back over to me. She handed the money to me but I shook my head.

"If you don't take this I will shove it in your mouth," she said and unfortunately I didn't see a hint of bluff in her pretty green eyes. I reluctantly took it.

We got up and left the Nandos. We started walking to a bus stop for her to get home. It was starting to get dark and the street lamps were on.

"Thanks for the wonderful night," she said.

"It wouldn't have happened it you hadn't been so stubborn," I pointed out.

"It's one of my many charms," she smiled. We made small talk as we waited for the bus to come. When we saw the bus coming down the road we hugged each other. I slipped the twenty in her front purse pocket. We pulled away and I could see that she was was blushing furiously. She stepped on the bus and found a seat close to the front. She waved goodbye to me out of the window as the bus pulled away.

I started walking to the hotel when my phone buzzed. I picked it up to see it was a DM from Becca. You're keeping the fucking twenty lol I have to give it back to you so maybe we could meet up tomorrow.

I chuckled and shook my head at her stubbornness, then I replied. Sounds like a plan.


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