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We had just gotten done with a mini tour that consisted of five shows in one area. We had Mariah come with us because Calum had taken a "liking" to her and by that I mean he fell head over heels.

"You people are coming to my house," Bree said crawling over the back seat to sit by me. In the process she hit Michael in the face with her foot.

"Ow! What the hell Bree?" Michael whined.

"What time," Luke asked.

"I call the couch now Ashton gets the floor," Calum said sticking a finger out at him.

"No fair why doesn't Michael ever sleep on the floor," Ashton rolled his eyes. The car got ver loud very fast and I was driving.

"Bree please shut them up," I pleaded while she buckled into the passengers seat.

"HEY SHUT YOUR FACES," Bree screamed and all of us snapped silent because there was authority in her voice.

"Thank you, and I never said the boys were invited. We have been with you for five days and no offense but the girls need some girl time okay," she said a little softer. All of the boys slumped in their seats and muttered under their breaths.

"What was that Ashton? What about me being a loud mouth? If you said that you're totally right and need to come up with better insults," she said turning her head to look at Ashton who was wide eyed.

"How the hell did you hear me? I almost couldn't hear it," he said backing into his seat as far as he could.

"I may or may not be from the planet Krypton," Bree said smirking at him and turning around.


"You die now," I screamed and hit Mariah in the back of the head with a pillow. I must've hit her hard because she fell face first on Bree's bed and started laughing as she readjusted her grip on her pillow.

I started laughing too until I felt Cierra's pillow hit me in the gut. I then heard Cierra scream when Bree took her out.

After we had calmed down we all went on social media because we were no-life's. There was a picture I was tagged in and it took a second to load.

My phone slipped out of my hand and clattered to the floor. I started trembling and I gritted my teeth so I didn't let out a scream of rage. I dug my nails into my pillow and took deep breaths.

"Nicole?! Whats wrong!" Mariah asked me obviously very worried.

All of the girls looked at my shaking lips and the tears in my eyes. It took me a second to find my voice because it wouldn't work.

"T-the picture," I muttered almost so quiet I was surprised they heard me, again it had become silent.

Cierra scooped up the phone and took one look at the photo. She started having the same reaction as I did and she handed Bree the phone. She looked at the picture of Ashton either getting kissed or kissing a girl. Bree had a different reaction to the photo. She tossed the phone to Mariah and marched out of her room.

"Maybe it isn't what it seems," Mariah proposed. "They're positioned awkwardly and he looks a little surprised, maybe its photo shopped or something."

"Maybe," I whispered.

"That dick is going down!" Bree screamed and appeared in the room while wielding a plastic sword that was her little brothers. Her family was out of town and she stayed behind because of the shows.

"Bree why did you steal your little brothers sword," Mariah asked.

"This is mine I just let him use it sometimes," she said like it wasn't a nerdy thing.

"Well please put it away," Cierra said.

"No! I'm going to beat his face in," she started marching towards the door.

"Wait, Bree, let me talk to him first and if I need you to beat him up you can," I quickly said.

"Fine," she said and sat on her bed.

I got up, grabbed the keys to Bree's car , and headed to face Ashton.


I knocked on the door and was quickly greeted by Ashton. His beautiful dimples appeared and his hazel eyes lit up when he saw me.

"Hey, Nicole, come in," he said while moving out of my way I walked into the familiar house and sat on the couch. He closed the door and sat beside me. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and hugged me.

This stung because if the kiss had really happened then he was pretty good at acting.

"What's wrong, beautiful, you look sad?" he asked with what seemed like genuine concern.

"Do you love me Ashton," I asked. He seemed taken back by the question and he released the hug. He grabbed my hands in his and swung them.

"Of course I do," he said his piercing eyes burning holes in my heart.

"Then why did you kiss another girl. I know I'm not the prettiest or the most outgoing but was I really that bad," I asked letting my head drop. I started crying and he took a second to let it sink in.

He pulled me into another hug. This one was reassuring and loving like he was proving something.

"I was tricked the girl asked for a kiss on the cheek and at the last second she turned her head and kissed me on the lips. I swear it was nothing and I was disgusted," he said leaning back on the couch. My head rested in the crook of his neck and he held me while I calmed down.

He put a finger under my chin and pulled it up so I looked directly into his beautiful eyes that even though we had the same color, were so different.

He leaned in and kissed the tip of my nose I closed my eyes and I then felt his thumb wipe a tear. He then kissed me and I melted. It was short but it proved that everything I had thought was a lie. He did love me and I didn't do anything wrong.

I leaned back into him propping my legs over his and wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Lets watch a movie," he said while turning the tv on. I pulled out my phone and texted Cierra.

"I'm going to stay at Ashton's tonight sorry I ruined out girls night and make sure you tell Bree to not kill him," I typed quickly and got a reply very soon.

"Kk be safe and USE PROTECTION," I rolled my eyes at her comment and turned off my phone when I heard the opening lines of Zombie Land.

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