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Bree was still pissed at Michael, who still hadn't apologized, and Nicole and Ashton, I think, might be high. . . which isn't good because they have a show in, like, fifteen minutes.

"I like food and food is yummy," Ashton and Nicole sang as they ate their fifth large Pixie Stix and drank their third Red Bull.

"Too much happiness, gunna kill something," Cierra said as she pried all sources of sugar away from them.

"Here have these," Luke said as he handed them mugs, "if you don't drink them I will ban you from candy for life." Their eyes grew wide and they chugged the big mugs.

"What is it," I asked Calum who took a seat next to me.

"Straight caffeinated coffee, straight from the pot," he said as he took a sip of his own mug.

"Is that what yours is?"

"Mariah, do I look like the kind of person who would drink straight coffee?"

"Yeah, your right, never mind."

Bree came rushing in with her guitar over her shoulder, the one Michael gave her, lately it must kill her to play on that thing.

"Cierra do you know the song," she asked while pacing back and fourth.

"Yes I do," Cierra said.

"Good does Nico- are they high?" Bree asked while looking at Nicole and Ashton who had passed out from sugar crash.

"Five large Pixie Stix and three Red Bulls," I told her and she nodded.

"Great," she said sarcastically. She pulled a beanie on and walked out of the room while Michael was walking in.

Cierra pulled out her phone and started scrolling while Luke had a talk with Michael. Cierra claimed it and it was the truth, she sucked at helping with arguments.


"Apologize to Bree," Luke said in a hushed tone.

"I didn't do anything!"

"You called her a clingy bitch and she was just trying to have fun with her boyfriend who had ignored her the entire day," Luke accused. I looked over at the couch to see Cierra's eyes watching us cautiously. Like if a fight broke out she would immediately put a stop to it.

"I just wanted to be alone," I said gritting my teeth.

"Well Bree hates being alone unless she is pissed, she hasn't talked to any of the girls unless they were necessary questions or answers to questions. You don't even know about her family do you?"


"Her brother has been calling her ugly and fat, her parents are pissed because she missed their family vacation to go to those shows, and she's been getting mass amounts of hate because, apparently, she's ignoring you and being a bitch even though you still haven't apologized," Luke said angrily and I backed down.

"Come on, Nicole, we need to get on stage," Cierra said and walked with a sober Nicole to the area where they entered the stage.


We had played about five songs and now it was time for our closer, my new song. I heard the intro from Cierra and finally it was my cue.

"I'm starting to lose my patience. My hope of hearing those few words is growing thin. Apologies, well deserved, that will never be heard. You should really start listening. The next words you say will either make me or break me," I sang into the microphone. The rest went in a blur. I said goodnight and we quickly left the stage.


I sat in the 5sos dressing room watching their performance on the tv they had in the room. I was in their dressing room because now was a time that I wanted to be alone. Finally the concert was over, Michael played like usual and I hated it. I hated that he isn't as phased by this as I am. It's like he doesn't care. Shit, why am I crying! I don't fucking cry over guys!

The unwanted tears flowed and wouldn't listen to my pleas to stop. I put my head in my hands and tried to calm myself down by singing.

"You're just a little bit out of my limit. It's been two years now, you haven't even seen the best of me, and in my mind now I've been over this a thousand times," I sang quietly with my eves closed. I pulled my knees to my chest and kept my eyes closed.

I felt an arm slide between me and the couch and it wrapped around my waist. He pulled me into his chest. Calum, Luke, or Ash I'm guessing.

"It's almost over, let's start over," he sang. It wasn't Ashton or Calum or Luke.

"Michael?" I asked without opening my eyes.

"Yes, otherwise known as dick head," he said. I laughed and smiled as I hugged him back.

"I'm a shitty boyfriend," he said kissing my neck.


"Thanks, Bree, I feel the love." I opened my eyes to see his beautiful blue ones. he sadly smiled at me.

"Why didn't you tell me about you family and the hate," he said. He seemed a little hurt.

"I didn't want you to worry and play a shitty show." I said lifting my feet into the couch and looking away from his worried eyes.

"Bree I worry about your accident prone, but pretty little head no matter what," he said messing up my hair. I laid my head on his chest. His grip around my waist tightened. His other hand held under my thigh.

"Is it possible for you to wear flannel and band tees for the rest of your life," I asked while playing with the hem of his Metallica band tee.

"I don't know, is it possible for you to wear blue, black, and band tees for the rest of your life," he countered.

"Best wardrobe ever," I whispered as Nicole came into the dressing room. Best timing ever. (sarcasm intended)


The others were down at the hotel pool, but we had skipped to spend time together. After just fixing a fight we did what sensible people would do. We played Black Ops Zombies. We were sitting side by side on the edge of the bed.

"Michael if you don't get a new gun from the mystery box we're fucked," I said as he ran out of ammo. We finished the round and just to be dumb I shot him. It didn't hurt him, but butterflies came out of him (don't ask me I didn't make the game).

"Oooooooo pretty," I said like an idiot and wasted all of my ammo shooting him. We both died quickly and he looked at me like I was psycho, which I was.

"You know there's a difference between a zombie and me, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, Zombies are cuter," he glared at me for a second. He then pushed me onto the bed and laid on me.

"Michael, get off of me," I said just because I knew he wouldn't.

"No," he said while peppering my face with kisses.

"You're squishing me to death," I said being over dramatic.

"Tell me I'm the most fabulous unicorn you've ever seen."

"Michael, please tell me you are fucking kidding."


"Fine, you're the most fabulous unicorn I've ever seen."

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you."

"Michael off now or else you will face the wrath of Hades." He quickly rolled off of me.

"Mother of god, Bree, you're very scary, what does that even mean?"

"Hades is the god of the underworld, that means that all of the souls will come and destroy you, and it good that I scare you, that means if you ever break up with me you better run," I said and he pulled me into a laying down hug.

"I'm dumb Bree, but I'm not that dumb."

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