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Surprisingly I was the last one to wake up. Luke had moved me off of him and was sitting on the other side of the couch with his feet up in the air and his back on the cushion. He was getting his butt kicked by Bree on Injustice Gods Among Us. Bree was silent while Calum was rubbing it in Luke's face for her.

"You ditched me to play video games with Bree?" I asked incredulously but I was kidding. Luke noticed and played along. "Babe I can explain!" I giggled and got up. Calum got a phone call and went to the back to take it. Nicole was knocking on the bathroom door and trying not to laugh, "Ashton, Bree won't kill you," she said.

"You can't promise me anything, Nicole, she is evil," Ashton whined.

"Yes," Bree said not taking her eyes off of the screen. "I am evil, I am the devils favorite demon." She giggled at her own comment.

"You stole that from Kane," Michael said walking in the room with the same clothes he had on last night, but he was drying his wet, messy shower hair with a towel.

"Michael I swear if you use all of my shampoo again I will make you buy me more," Bree said smiling as Luke lost yet another round. "Wait, again," Nicole questioned. Michael facepalmed and Bree laughed. just then Calum burst into the room from the back where Michael had came from.

"Breaking Bridges is our opener!" Calum said picking me up into a bone crushing hug. "For what," I questioned gasping for air.

"Oh you know," he said casually while setting me down. "Just the American Tour!" he couldn't hide the excitement from his voice. Ashton screamed like a girl and ripped the door open. All of us jumped up forgetting what we had been doing and started dancing like idiots.

"Dinner for everyone," Bree exclaimed happily. "Everyone except Nicole, Ashton, Cierra, Luke, and Calum." It took all of us a minute to realize what she had said.

"So just you and Michael," Calum said. "Yep," she smiled, "we will go later." Nicole flipped her off, "I was hoping for food." Bree smirked and turned back to her game.

(Time has passed)


"Michael I don't understand how you aren't seeing this my way," I screeched as I slammed the door to Michael's house. He shook his head and folded his arms across his chest. We had gone out to eat and there had been...issues.

"She was a fan! Whatever she does doesn't really matter!"

"It mattered to me Michael! She was trying to kiss you! I wasn't going to let her do that!"

"That doesn't mean you need to pull her to the floor and threaten her!" I back away from him and tried not to smack him.

"You didn't hear what she said to me!"

"What did she say, Bree, tell me!" He gave me the most hurtful look he could and it took me a minute before I could form the words. I sat on his couch and put my head in my hands.

"She said that I was fat and ugly. She said that Breaking bridges wasn't even good and the only reason that people like us is because we open for you. She got in my face when you weren't looking and told me my one major fear that I have never told anyone, not even Cierra or Nicole, that after she was done getting her picture you wouldn't even remember my name." The words spilled out and he looked at me in shock. I was angry and I usually didn't shut up when I was.

"I shoved her away because I know how easily you could leave me for someone better."

"Bree that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard, you don't actually belie-" "Yes, Michael, I do. People have told me things like this forever, before I was a musician." I was getting increasingly angry with every word.

"People like her have been exploiting my weaknesses, insecurities, and flaws since forever and I am done with it!" He opened his mouth to talk but I cut him off.

"If you knew half of my insecurities and problems you would wish you would've never known me! Because of that I worry, every time a fan tries to steal you away because they might know something! Sorry for shielding you from my problems!" He went silent and my mouth dropped at my own words.

I had said everything that I was too afraid to and it felt so good, but being the stubborn person I am I wasn't going to let him get out of this. I stood up and quietly made my way up to his room. I grabbed some pajamas and quickly changed in his bathroom.

I shook everything away including my tears that hadn't fallen because I wouldn't let them. I pulled my baggy Metallica shirt over my sweatpants and opened the door. Michael grabbed me into a hug and rubbed my back.

"I'm still upset," I said as the tip of his nose trailed down my neck making me grit my teeth to keep my voice even. He sighed as his warm lips brushed against the cold skin of my ear. We both pulled away and he brushed some hair out of my face.

"Yeah I know," he said not meeting my gaze. "That doesn't mean that I don't love you," I told him making him give me a small smile.

"I must vent my rage on zombies, Michael, put in the Black Ops!" I said triumphantly, trying to lighten the tension between us. He smiled softly and chuckled. "To the Xbox!"

We had made it to level 40 before Michael decided that a swim in some lava would be nice. He died and the two other people we were playing with online died. I was alone and quickly overwhelmed I died and Michael laughed.

"Hey at least it was the moving zombies that got me, not the unmoving, inanimate object of lava," I retorted slapping his arm.

He turned off the Xbox and I gave him a confused look. He turned me to look at him and held my hands tightly in his.

"Bree, I'm sorry. I didn't know about that and I hope you can forgive me. I want you to know that your fears aren't ever going to be a reality because you name is going through my head all day, everyday. I understand your actions now and I know that I would do it too." He pulled me into his lap as he finished his speech. "Because you are mine, and I am yours," he whispered in my ear. I slowly drifted to sleep in his arms.

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