A twist

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Calum was taking Rebecca home from spending the night. I walked out of mine and Michael's room to stretch. That's when I heard yelling from Cierra and Luke's room. Me being the person I am I put my ear up to the wall to investigate. I could distinctly tell the different voices of Luke and Cierra, but it was hard to understand what they were saying.

"Luke you alway do this ------ why don't yo-------!"

"I don't know Cierra why----------- maybe if you----------- it wouldn't happen!"

"And whose fault is that huh---------- not mine Luke!"

"Maybe that's why your------------- left you!"

Then there was a sickening silence. Then Luke said something so quiet that I couldn't understand it. Then I heard footsteps storming towards the door. I backed up just as Luke threw it open and slammed it shut. He was fully dressed and storming to the elevator. I ran to catch up with him, damn those long legs.

"Luke where are you going," I asked.

"Out," was all he said. I grabbed his arm and slammed him against the wall.

"I will let you go, but you need to answer me one thing first what did you say."

"I said maybe that's why her boyfriend left and that we needed a break," he said with a cold face. The arm I used to hold him to the wall went limp. How could he do that. Cierra had a boyfriend of five years before Luke. They got into a huge argument and they broke up. He had said some extremely hurtful things then he left the country to America. It left her devastated, it took her seven months to get over him. With rage still in his eyes he took a step to leave, but I caught his arm.

"Don't think this won't have consequences," I said sternly. "What you said was beyond okay, and she will probably be beyond repair. You exploited something for evil intentions and there will be a price, you may have just lost your best friend." My words sobered his anger into sadness.

"I expected better Luke, I'm not even pissed at you, well a little bit, but I'm mainly disappointed. If you want to leave still you can go, but don't be surprised if she pushes you away," I spoke truthfully and let go of his arm.

"Give me your room key," I said holding out my hand. He placed the thin card onto my hand. I spun on my heel and ran to Cierra's room not bothering to look back at Luke.


H-how could he do that. I heard Bree yelling at him in the hallway. After a while I heard the keycard slip into the slot. I went deeper into my hiding spot, I did not want to talk to Luke.

"Cierra," I heard Bree's voice coming from the open door.

"I-I'm not Luke," she said and the lights flicked on.

"Turn them off," I mumbled. The lights went back off. She closed the door and sat on the bed.

"Cierra where are you," she asked disappointment thick in her voice. I slid the closet door open and stood up. I walked out and sat by Bree wiping my eyes with my sleeves.

"Did he tell you," I asked.

"Yeah," she said through gritted teeth. I leaned my head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arm around my should and she rubbed up and down my arm.

"I don't want to take a break," I pathetically whispered.

"I know," she whispered.

"C-can we just keep this between you and I, what he said?"

"Yeah whatever you need. Hey Cierra have I told you about the shining lights?"

"What," I asked confused.

"I'll take that as a no," Bree slightly laughed. "It's a song I'm writing, you see when Calum said he was talking to Mariah he actually was. I overheard what the-"

"Wait so let me get this straight, you were eavesdropping on Calum and Mariah's ghost," I questioned her.

"Not eavesdropping I prefer the term investigating, but anyways she told him not to come to her funeral and to stay on the tour because she wanted him to see the shining lights, so I'm making a song to sing at the concert in a week all it has is lead guitar and vocals, but it works."

"Can I hear it," I asked.

"Sure," Bree said. She took a breath and began.

"Listen to me.

I'm never far.

Don't you miss me.

I'll be watching you from the stars.

I'll be there cheering your name from the crowd.

Do not shed tears.

You'll go far!


I'm one of those shining lights.

That make the gleam in your eyes.

I'm the one you see.

Lighting the stage that supports your feet.


I'm one of those shining lights," she sang the rest, but I was too caught up on the chorus.

"So what do you think?" She asked.

"Calum's gunna love you, he's gunna cry then he's love you," I said laughing a little. The we went into a comfortable silence.

"Hey Bree do you think you can sing something for me and Luke at the concert?"

"Why don't you sing it?"

"I can't hit the high notes."

"You think I can?"

"You can, please Bree just try."

"Okay, what song?"

"All I wanted by Paramore," I said Bree started grinning.

"So proud Cierra, so proud," Bree said wiping an imaginary tear from her eye.

(A/N DOUBLE UPDATE I AM ON A ROLE hehehe I broke up CUKE I'm evil lol I might have a surprise so 😉 check often love you all comment vote and stay sexy and ASHTONS DIMPLES)

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