All I Wanted

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(A/N YES MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA the moment we've all been waiting for......the concert! Author is not responsible for any deaths read at your own risk.)


I was usually the calm one. Now it was taking Bree, Nicole, and Rebecca to calm me down. I was nervous about the song that Bree was going to sing for me and Luke. I was also kinda excited because Bree was going to be performing the song for Calum tonight and she kinda warned him......kinda. She ran up to him yesterday screamed in his face "YOURE SO GUNNA DIE TOMORROW" and then left.

"What if he still says no," I said to Bree. Nicole and Becca still had no idea that we had even broke up.

"If he says no all of the boys plus me, Nicole, and Becca are gunna be attacking his ass!" Bree yelled and Nicole and Becca gave her a weird look. I laughed at her embarrassment when a manager came and told us we went on in three minutes.


I watched them jump onto the stage Bree smirked as she picked up a microphone. Becca appeared beside Calum and she smiled at him.

"Hey do you know how Bree's gunna kill me or something?" he asked her. She over dramatically shrugged and smiled at him obviously knowing.

"Ladies and gentlemen! I have to warn you this set will be very emotional for two out of four boys back there so if it takes a minute for them to come out please know that they are crying like babies," Bree said. The crowd laughed.

"It's funny cause you think I'm kidding," she said and the crowd laughed again.

"No, but seriously this next set will be very personal to two of the boys it will make some of you cry except for those cold heartless bastards out there," she said squinting into the crowd and smiling. She pointed to a random place in the crowd and smiled. "There's one of them! Sup my homie! I say homie because I'm a cold heartless bastard too."

"Bree I'm gunna kill you for saying sup," Cierra said glaring at her.

"You just said it," Nicole pointed out. Cierra redirected her glare at Nicole, who just gave her a thumbs up which resulted in a middle finger.

"SHUT UP AND PLAY THE SET!" Nicole yelled and started the intro to strangers. They played the normal stuff. Strangers, time bomb, Ect. but then they stopped and Bree picked up the microphone again.

"Okay first we are going to kill Calum," Bree said. As you know Mariah passed away, well I overheard them talking and she said that Calum would see the shining lights so I have made a song to sing to him as a message from Mariah."

I looked over to see Calum's knees wobbling. Becca sat him down in a chair and his hands shot to his mouth. The intro started with just Bree and Calum's eyes started to water.

"Listen to me.

I'm never far.

Don't you miss me.

I'll be watching you from the stars.

I'll be there cheering your name from the crowd.

Do not shed tears.

You'll go far!


I'm one of those shining lights.

That make the gleam in your eyes.

I'm the one you see.

Lighting the stage that supports your feet.


I'm one of those shining lights," Bree sang. The only instrument playing was the lead guitar. She continued singing, but I focused on Calum. He sat in the chair beside Becca, she rubbed his back as he silently cried while staring at Bree. She played the last chord and Calum shot up from the chair. He marched out onto the stage and picked Bree up off her feet swinging her around and hugging her tighter than Ashton hugs Nicole, and that's tight. He set her down and thanked her as he wiped his face off. She softly smiled at him and gave him a small hug before he left the stage. I looked out into the crowd to see most of them were crying.

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