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Wow the boys actually didn't do that bad of a job. It was the next day cause I kinda fell asleep in the back. We were in Miami, Florida now and I was enjoying the warm yet damp weather by staying inside. We were staying here for about three weeks.

I had tried to play my Paramore CD, but it was a goner, no amount of peanut butter could save it. I sighed as I threw it away.

"I can go get you a new one," Luke offered and I smiled at him.

"I can go get it, I saw a music shop in the downtown area."

"I'll go with you," Calum said handing off his Xbox controller to Nicole because he had lost to Bree, again.

"No I can go alone." Calum then took out his phone and took an unexpected picture of me.

"I got your picture I'm coming with you, dear Mariah count me in. There's a stor-"

"No." I bluntly interrupted his singing and everyone laughed.

"Guys I really just want to be alone, Calum remember. . . the anniversary, I explained and he gave me that pity look again. I had told Nicole about the anniversary earlier because if anyone could convince them to leave me alone she could.

"Yeah guys, Mariah's a big girl she can go get a CD, but just don't forget your rape whistle," she defended me.

"Wow, come on Nicole lesbihonest," Cierra rolled her eyes.

"Well it's not her fault she ate her twin in the womb," Bree added.

"I don't know guys, Mariah might want to see a dead body," Luke added and we all gave him a weird look.

"Did a guy just quote Pitch Perfect?" Cierra asked.

"Michael, Calum, and Ashton didn't say anything, therefore no guy has quoted Pitch Pitch," I said and Luke glared at me.

"Okay I'm gunna go," I said laughing. I walked away from the tour bus shaking my head at their stupidity. Everything was going well and the CD place was just across the street, then history repeated itself.



It's been two hours, everyone was worried. The music place was literally five minutes away by walking. I sat on the couch tapping my foot rapidly and staring at the floor.

"I'm gunna go find her," I stated and stood up.

"We are all coming with you," Bree said. We all filed out of the bus one by one. We then heard a siren and a police car whizzed past us.

I looked worriedly at everyone. The all had big eyes and frowns on their faces. We all broke into a run following the police car. There we saw a toppled car that was half in the wall of the CD place and half out. I ran to a police officer directing traffic.

"Was anyone injured in this?" I quickly asked.

"There was a young girl, she was DOA," I lost everything. My breath, my balance, my hope, everything.

"Di-did you see what she looked like," I asked shaking.

"I saw it all happen. There was a girl with red hair walking across the road, then a car came. The driver was drunk behind the wheel and had ran a red light. All the sudden a girl with black hair pushed the other girl out of the way, she took the blow and we think she died instantly."

I went numb. I sat on the curb while the others cried. Except for Bree, she dealt with pain by getting angry. I knew she was going to explode any second so we all gave her some space.

"It's my fault! Why the hell am I so stupid," there was the explosion. She picked up a cinder block from the debris and slammed it against the ground. She did something I've never seen her do. She counted to ten and cried as she stopped being angry. She gets angry so she doesn't feel the sadness.

"I'm g-gunna go find the r-red headed girl," I stammered. It wasn't that hard. She was sitting on the curb opposite from us. I sat beside her and she only glanced at me.

"You're her friend, aren't you," she said the guilt could've been seen in her voice.

"Boyfriend, actually."

"She saved my life."

"She always was a showoff."

"Why aren't you crying?"

"I still can't believe that she's dead. I don't think she's dead so I don't cry."

"I'm so, so sorry. I feel like it's all my fault."

"It's not, whats your name?"

"Rebecca, yours?"


"Well Calum. I am truly sorry. I wish I could go back but I'm not a time lord. I owe you something because I can't just leave like this," she said as she cried.

"Fine. I've got to go," I said as I stood up.

"Okay, and Calum I am truly sorry."

"At least she died happy," I mumbled and walked away.


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