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Chapter Five : Mayhem

"What is this. .place?" Marco gawked at his surroundings, his eyes wide as saucers and his mouth looking like it was about to drawl spit. I chuckled at his face and shook his shoulders lightly.

"This is the arcade dimmension, there are over thousands of machines in here I think and I hope you'll like it," I licked my dry lips. "This is a treat for being my buddy."

"Star. ." Marco trailed off, his eyes still darting in the beaming lights from the machines, then he whirled his head to meet mine and I swear my heart lurched seeing him against the blurry lighting. .it feels so unusual.

"I love it!!" he shouted and grabbed my arms without precaution, my face landing on his frail chest. I could hear his heartbeat pounding swiftly and I got a sniff of his perfume. .for girls.

"And please don't tell anyone you know my secret," I mumbled, still buried on his chest. I felt his head bobbed which I could conclude of a yes and he pulled me away.

I jabbed my finger at his chest. "Now human, play," I ordered and watched him drift towards the machines. I rolled my eyes and took a seat by the vending machine, crossing both of my legs and watched him play like a joyful kid on Christmas.

I sought and pulled out my wand."I'm sorry," I mumbled to it before carressing the delicate details of the heirloom.

I stole a glimspe on Marco again and a smile sneaked it's way on my lips. What a cute guy, so hyped about it.

I haven't slept well to be frank. I kept myself preoccupied in learning this planet, this planet is almost identical to my own but it's label and names are different that it confuses me.

I stiffled a yawn and felt my eyes becoming heavy. I whipped my head to snap myself but the surrondings became blurry and my eyes were too focused on locking and entering the blissful, sweet chamber.

And there I was, sleeping by the bench without any worries.

However, when I fell into the deep chamber, like an abyss--I call it I felt my shoulders being shook back and forth violently. I thought this was part of my dream, a figment to amuse me while my brain is resting.

Then I heard the familiar voice too well, he screamed some inaudible words and my ears felt like throbbing. This feels so real to be just a dream isn't it?

Then the non-inevitable thing happened that really, seriously stirred me awake in mortification.

It was the empty taunt of words that certainly mortified me. "Wake up o-or I-I'll  kiss you!"

My eyes flickered open in an instance to see Marco so close to my face, his face distorted and looked so queasy. I sat up and pushed him away from my face. "W-what do you want?" I spoke groggily and irritated.

I wanted to scratch his pretty face for waking me up. I am still in my unawake state and I might end up hitting him if I get pissed off by this.

"These geeks," he panted as if his breath was saying sayonara. Tch. Isn't he a geek himself? "--they are coming for me!"

"W-what?" I was unable to comprehend what the hell he wanted to say and I was really tempted to punch his face.

"I beated them in this game and now they're currently finding for me with knives!" he yelled frantically and I snapped standing up, then grabbed his shoulders.

"Get your ass here!!!" a mob of geeks came into sight and Marco suddenly scooped my legs and hoistened me into his chest as he started to run--like freaking fast as if I wasn't worth any weight. Kinda fluttering but not the right time.

"Why are you carrying me?!" I yelled.

"We need to freaking get away!" he yelled back due to the obnoxious sound the geeks made.

"Put me down," I ordered him and he only looked at me like I was nuts. "Do you have a death wish, Star?!"

"I have a wand Marco," I told him nonchalantly. "--and even though it's impressive how you, a stick figure, had managed to carry me like it was nothing--you're stupid."

He halts then looks at me. "I forgot about it," he lets out a stupid laugh. "I also forgot I am a red belt at karate."

"Then what the hell are we running away for?!" I hissed. "Let's fight and kick their ass!!!!" I screamed, wanting blood and war in my veins.

"You really have a dirty choice of words when you're cranky," he spoke with amusement laced on his tone.

"I just woke up, dweeb," I said like it wasn't the most obvious one."Eh. What the hell let's fight them!" he yells and puts me down.

"That's the spirit!" I grin and pulled out my wand while Marco stepped his right foot foward and his hands in an awkward posture. I'm doubting if he could ever fight.

I take a deep breath and pulled up my wand close to my chest as I see the mob with knives on their hands slowly appearing in front of us.

On cue the knives went flashing and throwing it at out direction, though Marco shrieked at first but then managed to kick and swat the knives that went across his direction.

"Shield bubble!" I chanted and a circular shape of what is called bubblegum wrapped my whole body to safety. The knives went passed the barrier and I released the barrier.

Some lunged forward with their knife bare and I held their hand with the knife swiftly before twisting my body as well as their body and kicked the knife away.

It was exhausting and I was still bloated but seeing Marco in combat, I regained my bubbly and psychotic self. .that well. .resulted in all the crowd of mad geeks bursting because of my Narwhall Blast.

Marco stared at me in disbelief and I stuck out my tongue holding a peace sign. "Get used to it."

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