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Chapter Twelve : Trip

I didn't get a single wink of sleep last night. I couldn't help but get hyped up for what would happen today. We would be having a field trip and it was my first time. We'd go to different locations and discover new things.


packed everything I might need for the trip, took one last glimpse of myself on the mirror, pulled down my dress to my knees and tucked a lock of hair behind my ears.

I have to hurry up since the schools' bus will pick me up on the way and it's my first time riding it which would be amazing and a first time for everything.

"Have fun Star!" Lucinda says leaning on the door frame and I smiled, waving my hands as walked towards the street.

|The Wild, Buffoon Princess|

When I entered the school bus, my eyes quickly roamed for the familiar brunette and in the corner I saw him with a spare seat to which I took.

Marco isn't actually supposed to be on this bus--but it is an exception since he's my guide in a way--Mr. Skeeves's orders.

"Are you excited?", I beamed and he nodded, enthralled whilst typing something in his phone.

"Who's that?" I smirked coyly, nudging him by the shoulder teasingly.

"J-jackie," he blushed like a school girl. "I was just asking her to be my partner for the trip."

My smile faded. "Don't you want to be my partner?" I say it lightly that I didn't want to make it seem like I'm disappointed.

This time he looked at me and flashed a guilty smile. "I'm sorry Star, but you know this is very important to me. I want to get close to Jackie. I feel like this is my only chance."

"I guess," I hesistated then flashed a wide grin. "Good luck geek!"

I didn't want to press further because Marco seems to really like this Jackie girl. As a good friend, I should cheer him on silently as he's facing his own battles. I feel disappointed since I wanted him to be beside me, but it's alright.


We arrived and our first destination was the museum. I don't know anything about what this place holds,  but once I entered the building, my eyes widened to the size of saucers.

Since I couldn't sleep last night, I instead did some research on some artifacts and information since it would benefit me somehow.

I roamed around and found myself in front of the bone of a certain monster--the dinosaur.

I gawked and resisted myself to not touch it and if I break it, then I'm gonna get my butt whipped and I would never hear the end of it.

I moved onto the next one trying to forget the temptation.

This museum is awesome. It has the HIStory (MJ reference) and artifacts that are no longer alive and here in this world.

I took a glimspe at Marco that happily talked with Jackie and I smirked seeing him talk to her made me proud like a mother. Then we went back to the bus to head to the next destination.

It was the Art Museum.

My eyes peered and skimmed through the different artworks ranging from paintings to sculptures. It is really beautiful to see patterns and slash of random colours that ended into a beautiful portrait or an abstract art.

I was quickly fascinated and infactuated with the whole artworks in front of me that I forgot Marco and his sudden moves with Jackie.


The teachers told us to take a break and take our lunch. I was taken aback and didn't realize that it was already noon. I had been so enthralled with the ordeal that I completely forgot to keep up with time.

Whilst I opened my packed lunchbox, the person sat beside me and smiled lazily. "Yo".

I smiled. "Yo. I'm really sorry if our first meeting was bad. I kinda resented Marco that time."

Janna waves her hand. "Nah. It's fine, Butterfly."

I continue to stare at her opening her lunchbox and my eyebrows knit in confusion. "What's that?" I  pointed at the white substance. She smiled and replied. "Rice. I'm half Filipino and we like to eat rice with almost every dish."

"Cool," I slumped and ate in silence.

"Why aren't you hanging with Marco?" she broke the silence and I placed down my untensils and smiled again. "He's trying to make a move on Jackie."

"That coward surely has some guts," she answered and afterwards we both chuckled.

"You seem cool, Star. Wanna be friends?" she extended her hand. "I'd be delighted," I grinned and grabbed her hand, shaking it to a blooming friendship.


Sadly the trip was coming to an end and we all grabbed and checked out our belongings before heading towards the bus.

"I'm sorry Star I----" I cut him off, placing my finger on his lips, smiling slyly. "No it's alright. I bet you SQUEALED like a girl in the bathroom when she hang around with you."

"How do you know me so much?" he responded and we both chuckled on our way home.

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