WBP|I Love You

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Chapter Twenty-Nine :I Love You

"I really enjoyed today Star," he grinned whilst turning into a tomato. I chuckled and shook my head. "It was nothing."

"Well...See you tomorrow?" I smiled at him and he waved his hands before leaving.

"Wait!" I called out and when he whipped his head, I tiptoed and give him a peck on the cheeks before dashing away with my remaining dignity, my cheeks painted pink as I grinned like a buffoon.

I kissed him! Ha! Two can do that.

I closed the door with a loud thud and leaned my torso on the frame. I brought my hand to my chest as I heave and try to calm its erratic beating.

"Care to explain why you were out late?" I jolt when I saw Lucinda seated on the high stool, her face stern whilst she crossed her arms .Her voice was intimidating but I did not mind, I was too happy to be afraid of her.

"We went to Mewni," I stated.


"I wanted to tour Marco to Mewni," I responded and stepped closer to where she was and held her hand. "Today was great, Lucinda. I never felt so much happier than when I got my wand."

She sighed and let out a defeat smile. "How can I scold you when you look so happy right now?" she squeezed my hand. "--so does he like you? Have you finally found your answer?"

I looked down, my cheeks boiling hot as I rewind what happened awhile ago. "I-i don't know," I trailed off. "--b-but he almost..kissed me."

"Then doesn't that mean he likes you?" she says and I look at her.

"I don't know. Maybe he almost did it because of the situation or he felt just l--," I stopped when Lucinda slapped my cheek and it stung. My eyes widened and looked at her holding my aching cheek. "W-why?" I tried to speak.

Lucinda gazed at me stoicly. "You need to snap out of it! Have confidence! Marco obviously likes you and stop denying and live in fear!" she raised her tone and it was then I opened my eyes.

"Should I tell him?" I say in a mere whisper.

She rubs my aching cheek. "You gotta tell him. There's no way he'd confess his feelings first, Star."

"Thank you, Lucinda," I cried and embraced her as she patted my back softly and shoved a couple of locks that rested on my face.

|The Wild, Buffoon Princess|

"Hey Marco I got some cheesecakes from Mewni, want some?" I offered him and showed my cheesecakes. His eyes beamed with  jubillance as he grabbed one hastily.

"Geez. You act like a beggar," I mocked.

"This is delicious!" he exclaimed and stuffed more of the cheesecakes to his face. I chuckled and couldn't help but adore his idiotic face right now.

"Marco, are you free like tonight?" I brought up. He paused and glanced at me before wiping his face that was smeared with the cake. "Why?"

"I want to show you something," I say shyly, fiddling with my fingers. My heart was raising in anxiety and I today was the day.

"Sure, where?"

"The park,"  I say and grabbed a cheesecake myself to relieve myself.

"I remembered something," Marco pipped up. "Janna told me something weird and I  wanna ask you if you know it."

My face scrunched. "What?"

"She said Mahal ka ni Star and I don't know what that means  but since you are close with Janna, I am hoping you know it," he stared at me dumb-founded and I blinked once.

That girl! How dare she!
I sighed. "Not really, she hasn't taught me any of her language," lies. Lies.

"Well can you ask her? I mean when I tried to ask her she just smirked and shook her head, saying that I need to learn it myself."

"I will," I gritted my teeth. That sneaky girl!


"Janna!!" I screeched and the boyish girl whirled her head towards my direction. She smiled and I darted her a deadly glare.

"How could you!" I pout.

"What?" she says trying to act innocently.

"Geez, I don't know," I sarcastically commented. "Obviously, it's about what you told Marco."

Her mouth shaped into an O. "I was trying to help you!"

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks, but no thanks because I'll be telling him anyway."

"Really?!" she shouted.

"Y-yeah," I scratched my head. "Tonight."

"Eikkk," she squealed and choked me in a bone-crushing hug.

|The Wild,Buffoon Princess|

"I can do this," I encouraged myself under my breath as I waited on the bench staring at the pond in front of me and hid my hands beneath my pocket. The park is really a bad idea since I came early and I forgot to tell Marco the exact time, leaving me freezing by the dropping temperature. It's not helping that I'm sweating and turning cold because  I'm anxious and I compelled myself with every once of courage  to come and confess.

I started to eye the surrondings if I could find him.


"So what are you gonna show me?" he spoke beside me and here it goes.

I took a deep breath and  answered. "My heart," I pointed my chest and he furrows his eyebrow in confusion.

"Marco you are really compassionate, caring, kind, gentle, smart, approachable and I might not be able to survive this world if it wasn't for you," I say shyly.

When he stood quiet still eyeing me I scooted closer and leaned in closer to his face, my face blushed as well as his under the nightsky. I cupped his cheeks and without further ado I met my lips with his.

I stiffled a moan when he kissed me back, wrapping me by the waist and pulled me closer to his body as my hand went down to ruffle his brunette locks and rested my other hand on his shoulder. We kissed slowly and I could feel every emotion bursting through me as we kissed senselessly under the cold bench that marks our very first kiss.

I pulled us apart and I panted for air gazing at him and he smile cupping my cheek. "I love you too,  Star."

My heart swelled and tears started trickling down from my cheeks as I throw myself on him in a tight embrace,  crying on his chest.

"Marco remember what Janna told you?"

"It means Star loves you and I really love you too," I smiled warmly.

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