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Chapter Twenty-Seven : Sailing

"I'm not yet done with your birthday present," I smiled, watching his face blindfolded. I held his hand and led him slowly to our destination.

I teleported me and Marco to Mewni, my homeland, my beautiful planet and I chuckled when I saw Marco's face troubled and scrunched. I untie the blindfold as his eyes roam and scanned the surrondings.

"This is Mewni. .right?" he gawked.

"What are you waitingfor? Let's go," I held his hand as I dragged him along the busy stores and people.

We headed first to Sluck Heilan, it is the one of the most famous places at our planet. You travel first at a dark, deep cave but once you get to the middle, there is a waterfall that looks so pure and majestic and I'm taking Marco there.

"Are you sure we are not going to a bear's cave?" he mumbled at me and I laughed. "Relax. Can you just trust me for once?"

He snorted. "The last time I did, we became prisoners."

"Geez. You don't need to bring that up again!" I pout at him and kept walking.


"Woah," he gasps, his jaw hanging as his head rotated around the center of the cave, the waterfalls. I laughed watching his priceless reaction and when his gaze met mine, I swear his eyes sparkled with happiness and longing. Then he grabbed my hands and hoistened me up twirling me like a ballerina.

"Put me down!" I scowled and smack his shoulder playfully.

This time he placed me down and his eyes stared at awe at the waterfalls.

"If you told me we were heading to the waterfalls, I might've brought some extra clothes," he spoke beside me as we sat down on the cold ground beside the mesmerizing view.

"We can't swim there," I responded my eyes still focused on the running water. "Why?" he asks.

I faced him. "Because only couples can swim here. It is said that if a man and a woman will swim on this waterfall, they will be granted a blessing of everlasting love from one another."

"That's what my mother told me. She and my father took a swim here and I swear their love is strong because my mother endured being with my childish, buffoon father," I chuckled.

"Well we can pretend to be lovers," he blurts out and I was taken off guard that my face was heating up. "--f-for now, if you want to swim. I mean, you can't just rely on a waterfall legend to make your love strong, you need mutual understanding and respect to do so."

I reluctantly nod and he stood up, his hand extending towards me. I grabbed his hand and with haste we dashed towards the waterfall and dunk our clothes wet with  the water splashing. My teeth was chattering because it was extremely cold and I simultaneously rubbed my shoulders trying to find warmth.

Then a pair of arms wrapped around from behinnd me and shivers came running along my spine. He rested his head on the crook of my neck and wrapped me tighter.

"I wish we could always be like this," I mumbled under my own breath and we stood there just hugging each other on the waterfall.


"Thank goodness you have magic, if not we could've died or something," he joked, our clothes were currently being dried off by my magical dryer.

"I have one last place to bring you to," I say.

The famous love boat. If two opposite gender rode the same boat, by the end of the sailing, they'd develop feelings towards each other and the purpose of my whole trip is to maybe believe that somehow Marco could like me.

Even if Marco doesn't, our friendship won't be damaged by that. Atleast I tried.


"Enjoy the trip," the sailor said as he began paddling.

What would happened to us on this boat when the ambiance is filled with bliss and romance, the lights from every building reflected by the crystal water, the silence that resonated and my heart pounding heavily with Marco gazing at me intently?

One thing I hope is that by the end of the ride, I might get to confess my feelings.

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