WBP|Fictional Characters

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Fictional Characters

Summary : For those who will not understand this chapter, here is a brief summary--no spoilers. Marco and Star goes to the library to find a book that is magical and will teleport them into another world. Marco finds the book and they both get teleported into the story of the book. They turn into the characters of the book and so on.

"Marco can you fasten your pace, it's almost an hour when you started scanning literally every books in these bookshelves," I stated, taping my foot impatiently and bit my lips.

"Hmmm," Marco replied and I bet he didn't even care to know what I said. I sought and sat beside Marco while he tenaciously scanned almost every books, opening them and closing it then returning it to it's rightful shelf. Has he gone crazy? I watched him and my heart raced again.

Why must it be you?

"Can we go now?" I asked for the twentieth time and groaned loudly.

"Later. I'll make you two bowls of nachos if you stay quiet while I do something," he mumbled.

I kept quiet since I was starving and I needed Marco's famous nachos that pleases my mouth. Just the thought of it made my saliva drawl out and my stomach growl softly. I blushed and hopefully Marco didn't hear it.

All of sudden there was a brimming ray of light and suddenly it pulled me towards it no matter how I held myself to the cold surface of the ground. I screamed and warped myself first following Marco behind me.

I remembered catching a glimspe of the book that caused this. It was a foreign language but it creeped me out and I continued to scream on the top of my lungs while Marco got to me and grabbed my hand as we were in for an unknown destination cause by the sudden portal. My pulse was throbbing and my breath was hitch.

Ang Mahiwagang, Makapangyarihang Libro (The Magical, Powerful Book)

It was the book's title and before I could rant out my thoughts, the ground was in sight and one thing led to another I fell on my butt and it was pure torture. I screeched and watched as Marco fell the same way as I was.

I smacked him. "What the hell is this?!" I roared.

"There was this rumour that our school has this certain book that is magical and so I tested it and here we are, we are teleported in the book's world."

I stood up and crossed my arms. "How the hell do you get us back?"

He shrugged and I groaned in annoyance, grabbing a handful strands of my hair. "You imbecile, urghhh!!!"

I closed my eyes for a second and when I flickered them open once more Marco was gone.

"Marco come out! Stop scaring the crap out of me!" I screeched and roamed around my surrondings.

Where is that jerk?

When I was heading towards the rocky path my eyes widened as I watch my clothes changed tremendously from a simple blue dress to a long puffy blue gown.

"Why the hell is this happening?" I mumbled aghast and continued my way towards the only option and path, the rocky path and in hopes to find the idiot that vanished into thin air.

And I'm pretty sure Marco is not hiding because I saw the transformation happening to me.


I immediately scanned my surrondings from the forest to a small vintage looking village. I watched my clothes transform from something in the 60's probably.

I began to walk and the vibe is different, people are much loud, livelier and friendlier. I could see milk men dropping and picking the bottles. It's really refreshing and different to what it is now--my present.

I stopped when a girl probably the same age as me stood in front of me trying to be intimidating, she threw a glare at me and has her arms crossed.

"Where were you?!" she roared and I eyed her head to toe.

"Err who are you?" I spoke as polite as I could but failed big time. I shouldn't have asked her because her foot just sprung into my sight and hit my stomach making me fall on the ground.

"You stupid midget how dare you have the nerve to joke at this time?!Are you crazy? Aren't we supposed to be prepared for the prince's return?" she scoffed.

"Does it ring a bell imbecile?" she added and I nodded hastily, if I need to survive then I must be a phony.

I squealed when she grabbed my arm violently and sent me to who knows where.


I screamed when I felt something brushed my shoulder. I spun my head and found a handsome fellow I blushed at the thought and fiddled with my fingers.

"Where were you lil Vendetta?" he scratched his head worried and playfully smacked my head.

"Didn't I tell you not to play in the forest? Look at your gown it's a mess!"

And he pinched my cheek."You're lucky you're so adorable annoying little sister that I can't stay mad at you!"

I sighed. What a waste, he's  my brother and I thought he's my boyfriend in this illusion.

Tugging me with his broad shoulders, we head straight and suddenly the village came in view somehow this feels like home and I wonder where Marco is.


As I arrived from my so called "home", I got dragged inside and was compelledly prepared by brushing my hair to an extreme, tightened the clothes that I wore that I almost choked.


The dance begun as I sat down to my seat sipping water when  I spat it out when I saw a familiar face wearing a blue gown being talked to the prince?

To my curiosity, I stood up when Keena, the girl earlier, clutch on my wrists. "Shall we dance?" she plead with persistence in her eyes. I groaned regretting some choices I'll be making.

"I'm sorry but I have to catch my running damsel in distress," I spoke and yanked her hand away following the path of the blue gowned lady and I'm certain it's Star.

I pushed around the crowd of people as they all stared at the center. I stopped and stiffened watching Star dancing gracefully with the Prince, a blush crept onto her cheeks and a wide smile plastered on her face. For some reasons I want to snatch her away from that cocky prince.

I stood and watched them twirl and held each one's tight so dearly when the prince leaned in going to give her a kiss when I barged, the music stopped and everyone stopped. I sucked my breath and grabbed Star's hand away from them towards the door.

"Who are you?" she questioned watching my eyes behind the mask.

I didn't respond and instead I planted a kiss on her cheeks.You idiot.

I hate her for being such a gullible person, she belongs to me and not that prince in this world.

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The chapter wasn't written well because I am exchausted.