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Chapter Twenty : Future

"2008," he says with his eyes dull, as if watching a great tragedy about to happen. I watch as his fists clenched and I felt..hurt seeing him like this.

I held his closed fists and opened it. "Did something happened..here? Should we move on..if you feel uneasy?"

He shakes his head. "You deserve to know."

"The reason why I became the safe boy that I am right now."

I couldn't say anything but held his hands in mine as if it were enough to comfort him. We watched the young him play with dirt and cars when his toy plane landed on the middle of the road.

The young Marco runs and a vehicle was coming closer, he stands in the middle and picks up his toy. I try to run to save him, but Marco's hand stops me. I stare in horror as I watch the young him unable to realize the danger ahead of him.

"Let it be Star," he spoke and I opened my mouth but closed it. We watched the vehicle coming closer when a lady runs and pushes him on the other side. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see the horror happen through my eyes.

"Let's go," he says coldly but I tugged on his sleeve. "I'm sorry, Marco.. I-I didn't---"

"It's not your fault," he replies. "--let's just leave. I know you don't wanna see everything, don't you?"

I held his hand. It was sweaty and cold, as if reliving the memories that haunted him all these years. "Let's just go home. This was a bad idea, I'm sorry--"

"Stop saying sorry will'ya? It's not like you're the one who was stupid to pick that darn toy," he smiles but anyone could tell it was just a fraud. "--how about we go to the future for change? That might be nice. Who knows I might be a millionaire or something."

"Marco..." I say under my breath.

We head back in the time machine and it was kinda awkward and I don't know if we should keep it going but he said so, so I pressed the buttons and travelled one last time.


I stopped and my eyes widened. W-why are we in Mewni? Aren't we visiting Marco's? (*LENNY FACE*)

Mewny was still the same except when I saw monster and humans and mewnians getting along with each other. What's this?

We both jolt in shock when a hand brushed our shoulders. We turned around and my eyes widened. .T-this is me?!

She--I mean, me, became so..mature. It was as if I grew into the woman my mother wanted. And is that..Marco!?

Marco sure looks handsome, he has a stubble under his chin and he has his hair slicked carefully. And what's he wearing? A crown? What does that mean?

"Star--I mean, me!" the future me engulfs me in a bone-crushing hug. I pat her back slowly, feeling embarrassed and awed that I'm like this when I'd grow up.

Marco then faced his older self and did a short bro fist. "How'd you get so handsome and muscular?"

The older him smiled. And it's obvious I'm now smitten on older Marco. "Work-out. It's been awhile seeing my young self."

"Why are you together?" I asked as I watched them grin that meant something else.

Marco then makes a realization and pounds his fist on his other palm. "Let me guess, I decided to be Star's counsellor and assistant in her adventures,  is that right?"

"Well there's that but we actually got m---" Future Marco got cut off when future me covered his mouth as she grins cheekily. "Yes, you're right, younger Marco."

"What brings you here?" Future Marco spoke after future me removed her hand from his mouth.

"Just hanging," Marco replied, trying to act so cool, but he fails.

"You two are so cute!" Future Me squeals.

"Mind staying longer?" Future Marco suggests but we decline.  "We have to go or we'll lose fuel," I say apologetic and they smile and wave farewell to us while we head back to the time machine.

Did Marco really came to Mewni with me? And it's odd that he had a crown on his head. It wouldn't mean...

I looked at Marco and flushed red. I don't mind, the future him looks so attractively, it's a shame if it won't happen..right?

"Ready to head home?" I grin at him and he nods. I press Present and pull the handle.

JUNE 6, 2017