Music to his ears

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                                           Bendy listened closely as he heard you singing. DemonDragon13440952 was with you and sang with you. With her singing along bendy didn't want to listen. It made you upset. You had a talk with bendy and he didn't like her voice. You said " Well if you don't like it, don't listen!!!!" You walked away and saw DemonDragon13440952 sitting there. She over heard everything. She liked how her friend told bendy he didn't have to listen to you both sing. She asked if she should leave and you begged her not to. " Should I go?" " No! It's okay! Bendy won't listen! I like your singing voice you are a great singer!" You persuaded her to stay and she did. You had stopped singing for now. You watched Studio C and laughed at it. It was 4:45 and she had to go home. " I'll text you later!" You said as she walked away. You looked for you phone and saw bendy had it he was looking at another one of your YouTube videos!! And you were self countious about those. Some of them you thought were too bad. And some were good but you thought they turned out bad. Then you went back to singing but sang softly so Bendy could not hear you. So he went downstairs and sat on the last step and heard you sing. Bendy was so love struck that when he was about to put his head on his hand and his elbow on a step or counter he fell. You heard a thump and turned around. You squeeked and saw Bendy behind you on the floor. He saw you looking at him he blushed and tried running back upstairs but you grabbed his tail and yanked him back. " What were you doing here?!" " I-I'm sorry! You know that I- " " You what? Like me? No way!" He was surprised you didn't remember that he liked you ( Btw you are a 7 year old girl with other childish thoughts on your mind.)  " Uhh... No! What? Never! Your just my friend?" ' NOOOOOOOO NO SHE ISNT SHE WILL BE MINE!!!! MINE!!!! MINE FOREVER!!!!!!!!!! (Y/N) WILL BE MINE FOREVER!!!!!!!!! MINE ONLY!!!!!!' Bendy thought. ( Sorry for the short chapter!) 😢😂😂 Bendys thoughts are crazy!! Like.. 4 real. They r.

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