Well... Coment.

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You wanted to find her QUICK before she got in the hands of him. You went up the stairs quickly and peeked around the corners. He was no where. You sighed a sigh of relief. You ran to your room, checking, not there. You ran to the kitchen. Not there. You went to the ink machine room. No. There were so many places to look. It is like a game of hide and seek. Look everywhere for the person hiding. You went to look in the studio with the projector and the 'Sanctuary' Sammy likes so much... Well.... He doesn't use it anymore. He puts his things that he doesn't want in there. You searched in and out of the sanctuary because he told you his song. Then you went to check in Sammy's music director room, where could she be?! How is it this difficult... You thought for a moment. 'This place is like a flipping mansion.. SO MANY ROOMS..' You looked behind the wall. Still not there.. You then went to look in the little closet. Not there... Then you heard singing coming from the projector room.   You went to go see who it was. "Oh my god! kaylee_the_otaku !!!!!!" You ran up to her and tackled her to the floor. "OH MY GOD IM SO GLAD YOUR OK!!!!!!" She was so confused. "What?" You explained everything. She was scared for her life now. But didn't like what Boris and Bendy had done to you. You told her it was fine " But, we won't be fine if Boris find us, so we have to go now! Because he will be checking here I-" "Oh goodie! Now I get 2 snacks!!" He growled. You growled at him and tackled him to the floor with immense force. You started to hold him down. "KAYLEE RUN!!" She got out of the booth and ran. She left the door open and so you didn't have to open it and run. You punched him and he pushed you off. You got up quickly and ran away. You closed the door and ran up. You yelled for Kaylee. The door swung open and hit the wall. And he was running after you. You ran more in fear of getting caught. You ran faster and found Kaylee at the top of the stairs. You grabbed her wrist and pulled her, and ran into Bendy's room. You told her to not make a sound and just hide in his closet. She hid as you left the room and went to go find a place where you an Kaylee could hide when Boris was done being the bad dong he is. You went lurking in the hallway. You did t hear footsteps behind you, but you felt a pair of claws sink into your shoulders. You started hyperventilate. You froze up and couldn't move. "B-Boris... Stop..." His gloves were off, and his claws sunk deeper into your skin. He kept his claws in and scratched your shoulders leaving four scars on them. Blood leaked out of you as you felt weary and passed out from blood loss. (Do you wanna die in this chapter? Then there will probably be a sequel. Cast your vote in the comments.

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