You never knew

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                        After the building shook, you screamed and the lights went out. You hyperventilated and climbed onto the table. " J-Joey?! W-What's going on?!" Joey ran out side and you went outside with him he looked on the roof and saw her. The one, the only... DemonDragon13440952 ... " What do you want!? Demon?" DemonDragon13440952 said deeply " I want my friend back. I need her back. Bendy wants her back too. (Y/N)! Bendy misses you!" You held your head and looked at her with tears in your eyes. " We can gat Boris better! We can make sure that he will never gets hurt again!" You started to cry and screamed at her. " NO!! NO, BENDY SAID IT HIMSELF!!! HE DOESNT LOVE ME!!!!! HE DOESNT WANT ME BACK!!!!!" Joey looked at you. " Do you want to go? I mean you could always go back, but I'll miss you, and it's okay, you can leave, go be with a Demon, And wolf, and a dragon. I mean your living with animals but you don't have to. Do you want to go?" You looked at him, then DemonDragon13440952 , then back at him. You nodded your head yes. He hugged you. DemonDragon13440952 swooped down and picked you up. You looked at her. " Bendy hasn't been eating or drinking. He needs you there with him, he needs you to help him bring Boris back." You looked at her. " You know, he regrets everything. He wants you there with him. He feels so incomplete with out you or Boris there with him." You looked at her as she dropped you off. She turned back into her normal self as you just stared at her. " Okay, look, yes I am a dragon. I should have to,d you. But the thing is I honestly hope this doesn't effect our friendship. Okay? We good?" You looked at her. " Y-Yea." She knocked on the door and you heard Bendy go to the door immediately. You hid behind her and Bendy looked down. " You didn't find her did you?" The thing DemonDragon13440952 was not expecting, was that bendy was a human now! She stared in awe as Bendy looked down. " I knew it... You couldn't find her. I did this just for her." You Looked from behind DemonDragon13440952 , You took a good stare at Bendy and he saw you. " (Y-Y/N?)" you nodded your head and stepped out. You ran up to him and he embraced you with a hug and you did the same. He cried little ink tears and took you inside. "Thank you, DemonDragon13440952 . Very much." She nodded and transformed into a dragon and flew off. Bendy looked at you and smiled at you with tears running down. Your ow tears rolled down your cheeks as you looked at the floor to your left side. He noticed and went up to you. "Hon, what's wrong?" You then started to sob. " Please tell me." Tears went down your cheeks and onto your shirt. "IM SORRY!!!!!! IM SORRY FOR GOING AWAY WITHOUT YOU KNOWING AND IM SORRY FOR LEAVING YOUR GIFTS BEHIND AND IM SORRY FOR RUINING P YOU LIFE BY COMING HERE!!!!!" You sobbed. He hugged you and when you felt his sudden embrace, you calmed down a bit. " It's just, I missed you." " I missed you too dad." He heard another knock on the door and it was a robot. He introduced himself as Genos. " Is DemonDragon13440952 here?" He had flowers in his hand and we told him to look by Joey's house but go across from there. You told him her address. " Anyways, you need a bath. You seriously smell like Joey." Bendy and Boris would take turns helping you wash at times. They would take a rag and would cover their eyes with it, then Make their way to the tub and you would hand them the sponge you use. They never EVER would look at you.... Well......neked.. ( OMFG F.ING NOSEBLEED IM SO DEAD AFTER WRITING THIS!!!!!! LOL SOMEONE KILL ME PLEASE!!!!!) Now that you were back, you and bendy got the machine running and waited a couple of hours hearing a voice. " Hello? Bendy?(Y/N)?" You and Bendy sprung up and ran to the voice. You saw Boris right there humanized and everything, you didn't take the bath yet because it was Boris' turn to help you out. Bendy informed Boris. As you went to your room, you got undressed and were left in ur undergarments.. (* Blushes madly* Ahem...) Just them Boris came in. " Hey, (Y/N) Bendy wanted meeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Boris turned into a tomato and covered his eyes. He went back and to,d Bendy to tell her. He didn't want to do that again. " Ok." He went to your room and opened the door and saw you (*AHEEEEMMMMM COUGH COUGH AHHEEEEEEMEMEMMEMM!!!!!* sorry must be coming down with something. Oh I know! MAKING THIS STORY!!!!!!!!) neked.... " Hey Uhhh (Y/N) BoooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! You screeched. " PRIVACY PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! JUST TELL ME THROUGH THE DOOR!!!!!!!" Bendy was a tomato and was dead Then and there. " Boris is helping you wash.." "Alright." You were bushing so hard and your heart was racing. You made you way to the bathroom and got a towel, and started the water. You sat there in silence and sink into the ink. ' Oh my god... They just saw me.... Neked...' You thought. " Boris! I'm ready!" He blushed and got up. " O-Okay kiddo!" ' Did he just stutter?' You thought ' He never stutters.' He came in With a rag and put it over his eyes and washed you " O-Okaybyeillseeyouwhenyougetoutloveyou!" He said all at once and left. He went outside and hyperventilated. He ran to his room and laid on the bed and the rep,any of you in your room in your undergarments just kept flashing and he was so embarrassed to even see you like that and you felt the same. You were so embarrassed... Bendy was too. You all felt the same after that.

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