The gift

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                                                                     You woke up trying to sit up, but you wounds prevented you. You saw a bell on your nightstand with a little note saying, " Sleep tight? And if you wake up, just use this to call us. We will answer. Promise." You smiled at it. " Cool." You wanted to stretch, you wanted to get up and walk around. But instead, you just laid there. You laid there for what felt like forever until Bendy And Boris came in your room. " Hey Cupcake Sweetie, who is this (C/N)? *cough, cough... Cousins name... Ahem..* You looked at him. He had a box in his hands. " Oh! T-That's my cousin! H-He always sends me things if his own. Just from his house. Nothing expensive, nothing bought. Just from him! He has a sister and they both put their own things in their boxes. Then they would send them to me! But
I don't know how they knew this address though." Bendy scoffed. " Cheap little boy." " Hey! You got me a plushie of your self, AND a can of bacon soup! All from here, and I liked it. So that makes you cheap!" Be blushed grey. " Take your box..." You were about to sit up until your back and leg snapped. You screamed and Bendy went over to you. " What's wrong? A-Are you okay Cupcake?" " A-Ahhh... N-No. No. I'm not. My back hurts and my leg.. They popped..." Bendy inhaled. " I'll go find another ink thing to finish you off. Okey bye! Love you!" You sat their wide mouthed as he left the room. You thought of him coming back with an ink monster and him coming back to kill you. You started to tear up. Then you thought of Boris coming back and and saving you. Your tears left your eyes. You gathered as much strength as possible. You got out of bed and walked to the door. You opened the door and before you could turn the corner, Bendy popped out and scared you. You squeaked and fell on the floor. " Wow. Great job Dad." He just started to laugh. You asked him where he put your box. He said he put it on your nightstand. You needed help getting back to your room because now, you couldn't get up! Remember. You were attacked by an ink monster. You asked him if he could help you up but he just picked you up bridal style and set you down on your bed. " Stay tight princess!" He winked at you. You just blushed, took your pillow, and covered your face. You took the box and opened it. It had a letter. You read the letter and it said,

" Dear (Y/N),

We miss you and we haven't seen you in a while. Do you think we can come over to your new place? Or do you think you could come over to our place? I took my FNAF collection and gave all the POPS to you. I have no use for them as I just now found out about this game called BENDY AND THE INK MACHINE! It sounds like a pretty cool game that I could get on my computer! If you come over, I could show you! It's So cool! There is this little Dancing Demon thing Called Bendy and his Pal Boris! Can't wait for you to see it!"

(C/N). Xoxo."

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