Crimson Red

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You were now... A Cartoon! You remember Sammy cutting you and then stabbing your chest, Bendy and Boris walking in after hearing you scream, Bendy taking Sammy,Boris taking you, and you almost died.

                                               ~Bendy's P.O.V~
How I remember it... Is that my baby doll wanted to play Hide and Seek. Yes, Reader, you are my Baby Doll. And I love you. Ever since you walked into the studio. Anyways. I remember she wanted to play Hide and seek with me and Boris. Then when I find Boris. We looked around and couldn't find her anywhere. So she was downstairs. But before we went, we went we checked once more, but she screamed and I knew she was in trouble. We went down there and when we got there, we passed the room not even knowing she was in there with Him... When I heard her scream my name, I ran but didn't know exactly where it came from. Then I heard the Loudest, blood curling scream there was. It sent a chill down my spine. I ran to the room and saw Sammy hugging my Baby... Right after he stabbed her. MY BABY GIRL!!!! I wanted to hurt him so bad. I wanted to KILL HIM. She was dying slowly from blood loss. There was her blood on Sammy's face. I took his wrist harshly and told Boris to take her and go somewhere safer. He took her as I took Sammy. I took him to a room and threw him on the floor. I yelled at him. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HER?! SHE COULD HAVE DIED!!! DO YOU WANT HER TO DIE BECAUSE OF YOU!!?? WELL SHE IS CLOSE TO DYING AND YOU?? LETS JUST SAY THIS, YOU ARE GOING TO DIE COMPLETELY!!!!" I couldn't let him live for doing that to her. I attacked Sammy and killed him. I went back to Boris as he was taking care of (Y/N). When I exited the room Boris told (Y/N). "Stay with us! Please don't leave us." She smiled at him and Boris covered his mouth, whimpered, his tail went down, he started to cry ink tears. "W-What happened?!" I yelled. Boris just squealed in sadness and ran to his room. I looked at (Y/N) and put my finger under her nose. No movement. No breaths. Nothing. I hugged her body and cried silently on her. Blood got on my shirt as I hugged her closer. I had an idea. I went to the ink machine room, put her in the machine, and got it started. It took at least 2 hours for her to come out. She was out.... But a... A... A CARTOON!!!!! I covered my mouth. I went over to her and picked her up and petted her head. I was on my knees and her head rested on my chest as I held her closely. Ink got on us but I didn't mind it. I was glad that she was here... With me... My Baby Girl... I love you.

                                               ~Back to you, Reader. Or should I say..... BENDYS BABY  DOLL!!!!!~

                                     "I don't know sweetie pie." He looked at you softly. You hugged them more. You heard a knock on the door. "Well... Is someone gonna answer it?" They nodded no. " well... I'm not. I'm a cartoon, and I'm ugly.." The looked at you sadly. "Hon, no your not. You may be a cartoon, but your not ugly at all. Your perfect. So go answer the door." You went from your room to the door and then another knock landed. You flinched and opened the door. Joey was there. He had your clothes. He just stared at you. "Uhm... M-Mr. Drew? H-Hello? Please d-don't stare. I -I'm new to this form." He looked at you more. "N-No! I love you." You stared at him with a wide blush. "W-w-what!? M-Mr.Drew!!" "N-No!! I-I MEAN I YOUR NEW FORM!!!" You looked at him. "Well can I have my clothes Mr.Drew?" You reached for the clothes but Joey just held the bag away. "Follow me!" "I-I c-Can't!! Joey! Bendy heard Joey's voice and panicked. "Joey Can't See Her!! He'll take her and examine her!! She can't be taken from me again!!" He got up and ran to the door. "Follow me!" Joey said as he held the bag away from (Y/N). You said you couldn't. Joey then took the bag to his car. "Then you can't have these!!" He yelled. "N-No! I'm still going to need those!!" You ran after him. "I'm still part Human! I was changed but I still need to change my clothes!!" You just chased after him as you opened his backseat car door and tried to grab the bag but when you were just inches away, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you in. He closed the door and started the car. You sat up and saw Bendy coming out of the building and chasing the car. "JOEY STOP!!!" He yelled as Boris chased after him and saw what was happening. You were in the back seat and Joey locked the doors. He sped off to his house and he dragged you into his house. He locked the doors and took your room and locked you and him in there. "Just let me leave!! All I need are my cl-" he put a finger to your lips. "Shhh darling... All I need is an examination like a little something really quick to show the police. And tell them to take Bendy and Boris away from you and tell them they turned you into a Cartoon like them and tell them to take them away so they can never harm another person ever again. And then they will hand you over to me and you will be my adopted cartoon daughter by law!" You looked at him like he was crazy which he was. "I'm not about to let you take Bendy away from me! He's my dad, and I love him!" He looked at you. "And I love you too mush to let you go. Your mine. My little sweetheart. And I love you more than anything. Bendy doesn't love you. He is just using you. Same as Boris. They once called me and told me to come by and get you. I'm not lying. Listen." He gave you his phone and he recorded 'The Call'. You listened closely and heard Bendy and Boris say, "We don't want her! She is a horrible daughter. I can't even believe we even excepted her!" Your eyes got watery and you started to cry. "S-so they wanted me gone... *sob* all along??" Joey nodded his head. "Yes pumpkin. It's sad." You cried in his shirt and he held you closely. He sat on the bed and you held him closely. You calmed down and hugged him very closely. "I-I'm sorry..." He said as he patted your back. "I-It's... Alright. D-dad... " he noticed this and hugged you. You turned to him and you were facing his chest. You cuddled him and he pulled you closer. "I love you." You spoke. (WUUTTTTT!!?? WUT R U SAYING READER!!? I THOUGHT U WERE BENDYS BABY GIRL!!?? HOW COULD YOU!?? Oh well.. Joey you may now kiss the bride... LOL SOOOO DED!!!!) he blushed and hugged you more. "I love you too. More than any grain of sand there is in the ocean. Honey pie" you blushed and kissed his cheek. "You take a little nap my little loved one.~he purred in your ear and nuzzled your nose. You fell asleep but woke up to no one in your bed. It was at least 6:00. P.M. You wandered around. You went room to room upstairs and then heard a groaning noise??! "What?" You whispered to yourself. You went to the room where you heard the noise and put your ear to it. "WTF?" You whispered. You heard.... JOEY!??!! You backed away from the door and you saw the doorknob rattle. You ran to your room and went to bed. Your feet made thundering steps. You ran to your room and got back in the position you were in when you were sleeping. You pulled the covers over you and you pretended to sleep. Your mind was racing and so was your heart. You heard your door open and you laid there waiting for something to happen. "Alright. You can stop pretending, (Y/N). I know you were listening. When you ran, you made lots of noise." You laid there like nothing happened. " Well, if you like to listen to it so much, wanna know wh-" You shot up out of your bed. (Just saved yourself from a Lemon with Joey. Gross...) ALRIGHT !!!!! GOD!!! I WOKE UP, WANDERED AROUND CUZ I DIDNT KNOW WHERE YOU WERE SO I LOOKED AROUND THEN WHEN I HEARD YOU, I WAS GROSSED OUT SO I BACKED AWAY, AND I SAW THE DOORKNOB RATTLED SO I JUST RAN IN HERE AND PRETENDED LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED, THEN YOU CAME!!!!" You yelled. "Well missy! Do not! I repeat, do not!! Raise your voice at your father!" You looked at him. "Well Sir! You aren't my father! Bendy is! And I'm leaving!!" You got out of bed as Joey crossed his arms and looked at you. "No. Your. Not." Joey blocked the doorway in your room. "Yes. I. Am!" You argued. You tried to push him out if the way. He pushed you back and you fell on your butt. "I'm, leaving, and you can't do SH!T about it!" His jaw fell open. "How dare you use that language with your father! Your going to get grounded you angsty teen!" (Ahh, FNAF SL ... Reminds me... I'll make another book just so this won't be the only book in my place thing whatever. Reminds me... I like pickles. :) lol) "Don't call me that! I'm not angsty! I'm just a teen!" You pushed him out of the way and headed downstairs. Joey got up and was filled with anger. He went over to you witch you were only 3 steps down, he pushed you and you fell forwards falling down the stairs. You hurt your arm, and your leg. You tried to get up but Joey was taken over by a dark side. His eyes went completely black with tiny white pupils. He held you up by your arms, and threw you in the kitchen. Your head bumped against the cabinets. Joey came over to you and picked up his butcher knife. He put it to your throat. He held your chin up, and put the blade close to your throat threatening to cut it if you move. Bendy then knocked down Joeys Door, and saw that he had a knife to your throat. He slowly walked to him. One step.... The- "Move one more step Demon, And her throat gets cut!! Leave now, or else..." He was serious no trembling, nothing. Bendy took one step closer to him. "BACK AWAY!!" Joey threatened as he put the blade on your throat. Bendy took a half a step, and Joey took the knife and cut your throat clean with one swift cut. Bendy was horrified and sickened by the sight. Boris came in and when he saw you, he felt so sick and lightheaded he fainted. Bendy cried as your throat bled a dark crimson red. You were still part human. Especially with your blood.  You were human because you can still die at a special age. You were human and Joey knew it. You were on the floor and you saw your blood pour out of you. Your vision faded to black.

Bendy X Reader [COMPLETE AND UNDER HEAVY EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now