I used to be..

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You and him were walking down the stairs as he started to talk to you. "Listen, I think I might have to be more watchful over you, and, I might have to chain you up when I'm not watching, or do everything with-." He said. "Yea, umm, no thanks." I would appreciate it... IF YOU WOULD LET ME FINISH!!!!!!" He yelled as you took a step back. "As I was saying before you RUDELY interrupted me. I might need to do everything with you, so you don't sneak away from me. Or I should just kill you now, and-" "God.. I wish Bendy and Boris would remember me.." You said out loud. You were thinking about it, but then you actually had said it. (Good job! Now- No. I'm not giving you anything. Read. *points to book* Read. The. Book.) He looked at you. "What?" He asked suspiciously. "N-Nothing! I said absolutely-" He squeezed your cheeks in. " I want to hear what you said.." "I don't want to tell you!" You said. He scowled at you. (Dang, getting scowled at already... Don't mind me I'm just here to make you sad, and angry at yourself. *sighs, says in a calming sweet voice* you really shouldn't have come here.. *pats back* oh well.) He let go of your cheeks and you crossed your arms and turned away. "Well... Then I will make you say it." Your eyes widened and you turned to him. "Y-You.. Can't!" He looked at you with a smirk. "Oh, I can (Y/N).." (HORY SHEET!!!!  HE DOESNT CALL YOU LAMB ANYMORE!!! HE CALLED YOU BY YOUR NAME!!!!! *runs in circles and has a derpy have on* AHHHHHHHHHHH!!! ) "I'm not going to say it! You will hurt me and... And... I don't want that.." (WAIT!!!!!! MY LITTLE SIS JUST MADE THIS PILLOW INTO......

*Insert Illuminati Confirmed Music theme* Ok I'm done

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*Insert Illuminati Confirmed Music theme* Ok I'm done. Read till you die) you started to tear up. "I don't... I don't want that out of a guy. I want a guy who is sweet, and will love me for who I am, and won't hurt me... And.. I can't..." He was shocked that he had crossed your standards of a guy... Your eyes widened as he put his hand on your shoulder and started to squeeze it slowly and then came a whisper in your ear. "I don't care, if I'm not your type.. You listen to me, and you don't EVER cross me, and if you do, you will be dead... Dead to me, dead to the world, and dead in the ground." He said as he squeezes your shoulder more, and it started to hurt so you asked him to stop. "P-Please, stop. Your h-hurting me... Please let g-go.." You asked. He chuckled darkly as he let go. He went to the throne room, and sat down. I know now, that after that talk, you won't cross me, or leave without my permission. So go. I have many things to do, and do not bother me." You nodded and went upstairs and sat in the ink machine room. You sat there in a curled up in a ball remembering what Sammy said. But then you heard a voice. "Hey... (Y/N) right?" You looked over and saw Boris. "Yea, what do you need?" "Just wanted to say hi, since I didn't get the chance." You nodded, but felt a hand on your hurt shoulder. You winced in pain. "Ow.. Please mover your hand." You said. "Oh sorry, Pie." You can obviously tell that it was Bendy by the nickname he had given you. "Hey Bendy.." He looked concerned. "Pie? What's wrong? Are you alright? Who hurt your shoulder? Wh-" you cut him off. "It's all ok, Bendy. I'm fine." He could obviously tell, you weren't fine at all! "Tell me what's wrong. Please, I want to know what's wrong with my pie, and I don't want to throw her away." He said. You took a deep breath and exhaled. "Sammy hurt my shoulder and he told me he didn't care that he was not my type of guy.. He told me if I crossed him, would kill me. Or hurt me badly."  Bendy was furious. "I knew it had something to do with him..." "Can I tell you something, Bendy?" "Of course!" "Bendy.. I was not made this way. You know.. A cartoon. I was Human." Bendy was shocked. "Really?" You nodded. "Yes... I used to be a human. And-" "Sorry for interrupting, but what happened to you? How did you become... Like this??" "Well, I was human, and You were my dad. You raised me, saved me from my cruel mother that abused me everyday, kept me safe, made the best decisions for my safety..." You smiled at the happy memories. Then your smile turned into a frown. "Until.. The 4th. It used to be the best day. I would watch the fireworks with you and point out the big pretty ones. But I went with Sammy and disobeyed you. Then when you found us, Sammy knocked me out by accident and I fell into the water... Then you dove into the water to get me, and when I woke up, you disintegrated right in front of me. You... You... You died right in front of me!!" You said as you started to cry. "Aww. I'm so sorry. I can't believe you were a human!!" "Yes I know.. But I died 2 times I believe. I don't remember. Sorry." "Who killed you the 1st time?" "Well, I am glad to tell. Sammy killed me first. He technically kidnapped me then next thing I knew, i was tied up, and on a table but he was right in front of me and had a knife, and told me I was too pretty to sacrifice. So he kept me. But then you and Boris were looking for me because it was a game of hide and seek gone wrong, so he ran to a different room with me, then I remember that I was tied up in a chair, and he apologized to me so many times before, he took out a knife, but I started to scream for help, and and wanted to know what was going on. But he didn't tell me, he just cut me until I was at the point to where I was passing out because of blood loss, but before I was even able to pass out, he just... Stabbed me... Multiple times, and and I screamed your name. From that point on, I was so weak. You both came in, and Boris grabbed me while you took care of Sammy, but you didn't kill him fully... But Boris took me outside of the room, and I died..." Bendy was wide eyed and intrigued in your back story. "The second time?" You chuckled. "Joey. I was cartoon, and he wanted to take me away from you and Boris. But he did, and drove me to his house, and when you and Boris found me, Joey slit my throat and I died and he went to jail. I'm not sure for how long..." Bendy scowled at that one. " Well! I'm not letting that traitor touch my pie again. Sammy doesn't get a slice, I want my Pie to be whole to me, no slices missing. And I can tell, you don't like Sammy." You nodded. "I don't.. He is rude, mean, and he hits me, and I hate that he does that." Bendy looked sorry for you, and you looked at him. He had worry in his eyes. "I love you." He said as he hugged you. "What are you two doing?" Sammy asked as he growled and grabbed your wry and pulled you away behind him. "(Y/N)! RUN!!! Go!" You nodded and got up as Sammy saw you getting up, but he imprisoned you I'm an inky blob up to your chin. "Let her go!" He yelled. Sammy shook his head. "Your not getting her back... Because she is dying... TODAY.."

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