Kisses and Promises

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Mac's POV

I shake Niall a little to wake him up. His eyes open and look at me.

After sitting and wishing my dream would be real, I decide to make it real. I lean down and kiss him.

I've taken him by surprise. I can tell by the way he tensed then relaxed once he realized what was going on. He pushes me away.

"Not that I don't love the way you woke me up but... what's going on? Why did you kiss me?"

"Be my boyfriend." The words rush out of my mouth so quickly I don't think he understands me. "Please?" He looks at me confused. "I know I told you I would never be able to love again but maybe you're what I need. Maybe someone new is what I need. You saved me from getting even more broken than I already am. Maybe you can fix me."

He leans back against the headboard. He looks up at the ceiling. He smiles. Then nods.

"I thought you'd never ask."

I smile. A real smile. The words he just said make butterflies in my stomach. I lay my head in his lap and pushes strands of hair away from my face.

"What made you ask me that all of the sudden?" He asks.

I look up at him. "I had a dream about you."

I tell him what happened in the dream.

"I like your dreams." he said.


"I like that I'm the man of you're dreams." He laughs.

I slap him on the arm. "Really?"

He laughs again. "I'm being serious. I'm glad I'm the you're dreaming about me instead of him."

I smile. "Yea." I say. "I'm glad too."

He leans down to kiss me. "Our first kiss as boyfriend and girlfriend." He whispers against my lips. I kiss him before he says anything else.

He leans back. "Who do we tell first?"

"Nat." We say at the same time.

I grab my phone from the nightstand and call her. I put her on speaker.


"Hey Nat. I have news."

"You kissed him didn't you."


"Niall. You kissed him. You did didn't you? I kissed Harry. And let me tell you, he is an amazing kisser. I get turned on just thinking about it. OMG!"

"Ah! Ok! Stop please! I do not want to hear about your make out session with Harry. Ew!"

"Ok then tell me about yours. Is Niall a good kisser?"

Niall looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "The best."

"Ah! I knew it!"

I laugh. "We didn't just kiss."

"Oh you naughty girl. Sex on the second date. No mam. I taught you better than that, but I'll let it slide since he's so damn sexy."

"OMG! NAT! You're on speaker."

"So he's with you right now?"

"Yea. We're together now. He's my-"

"BOYFRIEND! OMG! Why didn't you just say that?"

I try to answer but she interrupts again. "OMG! I have to call Beth and tell her. And Harry!" she hangs up.

I sigh. "Well, that just happened." I know my face is red. "I love her to death but she drives me crazy."

He laughs. "You have a great friend. Without her we never would've met." He kisses me again.

I kiss him back and sit up. I look away from him and the room is silent.

"I wrote a song about you." I say.

"You did?" I nod. "Can I read it?"

I get up to get the paper I wrote in on and hand it to him.

Niall's POV

I can't believe she wrote a song about me. No girl has ever done that for me. I didn't think she would ever do anything like this. For me.

She surprised me when she asked me to be her boyfriend. I said yes of course. I will give her the ability to love again. As long as she loves me.

I look down at the paper in my hand and begin to read.

Fix me

I'm trying

Trying to forget


But it hasn't happened yet

I'm losing

Losing this war


I won't have to fight anymore

All the things he took away from me

He left me broken

He left me to bleed


Help me pick up the pieces

Make them new

Help me through this

I need you

I was blind but now I see

All that I need

Is for you to fix me

His words

Are still there

Your love

Can make the repair

His kiss

I never had

Your lips

Erase the bad

All the things he took away from me

He left me broken

He left me to bleed

-repeat chorus-

Hold me in your arms

Heal all my scars

Be my hero

Be my love

Give me strength

To rise above

The hurt and pain

All the memories

-repeat chorus-

He left me broken

He left me to bleed

Please fix me

I look up at her after I finish reading. I'm crying. She looks sad. I pull her to me and kiss her. I kiss her hard and wrap my arms around her. Her hands are in my hair, tugging and pulling me closer. She moves onto my lap and pushes me, so I'm on my back on the bed, and kisses me harder.

She stops to catch her breath. We are both breathing hard.

"I promise to fix you, to never hurt you and to give you everything he couldn't. I won't take advantage of the chance you've given me." I tell her in between breathes. She nods and kisses me again.

"Promise to catch me if I fall?" she whispers.

I answer her with a nod and another kiss.

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