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*night of the party*

Mac's POV

I touch the fabric of my dress. I'm really glad Taylor talked me out that red one. This one is so much more beautiful.

Karen walks in a few minutes later. Her black hair bouncing as she walks. "Time to make you pretty." She says.

I sit down in the chair by my bed and let her fix me up. She curls my hair and make a small bump on the top of my head. She pins it up in the back with bobby pins. She brushes my bangs in front of my face.

She walks over to the other side of the room and walks back with a black leather bag in her hand. She pulls out an eyeshadow case.

"Smoky or more natural?" she asks.

"Smoky." I say. I hardly ever wear make up and it's a masquerade ball. I can be someone I'm not.

She smiles and gets to work. It takes maybe about ten minutes until she tells me she's done.

She walks over and takes my dress from the bag it's in. She pulls it out and walks to me.

"Strip." She says.

I do what she says willingly. In this prison I'm in, they don't like back talk. I learned that the hard way.

I go think back to the time when Jason had me tied to that table. He kept talking about all the things he was gonna do to me. To be honest, I was pretty terrified.

I told him he wasn't going to touch me. That was the wrong thing to say.

He didn't do what he said he would do. He did something worse. Instead of him groping me, he made me grope him.

He laughed and smiled that devilish smile until Tanner showed up. Tanner pulled me away from him and then kneed him in the balls.

He dragged me back to his room and then held me until I had finally stopped shaking and crying. He promised he would help get me out too. So many people are making promises but they never keep any of them.

Karen gingerly hands me the dress. I pull it up over my hips and she zips up the back of it. She smoothes it over my body and fixes all the layers of it so it looks good.

I step into the black stilettos she brought with her. She fastens the straps and turns me to face the full length mirror they brought in this morning.

I look at the reflection in mirror with wide eyes. The old and weak Mac is now gone. The image in front of me is a new and stronger version of her. From the fire in her eyes to the hard expression on her face. I had changed.

Karen put the mask in my hands. I lifted it up to my face.

Everything was going to change tonight. Everything.

Niall's POV

We were setting up the equipment for the performances tonight, when Taylor walked in and looked at me with a worried expression. I had told her and only her about my meeting with Mac's kidnappers.

She walks over to me and pulls me away. "Where is she?" she asks.

Her face is flushed and her eyes are darting around, looking everywhere for Mac. Her hands are shaky and sweaty.

"She'll be here." I said. There was already a least two hundred people here. "They promised."

She nods and walks away.

"Niall!" Harry screams.

I run over to him and he looks up at me.

"Have you met Rachel yet?"

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