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Hey everyone!!! I was going to update today but it's Monday and apparently teachers decided to give lots of homework so...that didn't happen.

But I just wanted to say that I will try to update as soon as I can but it may not be soon. Maybe this weekend. Not sure.

Anyways. How was everyone's Easter? I'm pretty sure it was better than mine since I spent mine ALONE.

Btw, a few months ago I entered this songwriting contest and won a directors award. They only give out 30 of those and I got one!!! Today they sent me another letter with a songwriter contract. A SONGWRITER CONTRACT!!! Like I could be writing songs professionally one day. In case you didn't know, the song that Mac wrote for Niall called "fix me" I wrote it. It's not the one I entered but it's one I wrote. The lyrics she was writing at the beginning of the story was also part of a song I wrote. I wrote it about One Direction.

Also, please comment. I would really love to hear your thoughts towards this story. I'm working really hard on it and want to know what you think.

I love y'all and I'll try to update soon!!!!xD


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