12. heroes

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It shone on broad daylight like gold basked in diamonds. The sight of it awed his countrymen and he, even after centuries of owning it, still catches himself staring, wondering what he did in his past life to deserve such a shield.

His Golden Shield of Valor protected him from rabid enemies and merciless demons; along with his Sword of Light, he was unstoppable, invincible.

Tigreal placed his left arm in the loop behind his shield and gripped his sword on the other hand. Even as he slept, he never let his weapons out from his sight.

He looked up and saw a myriad of stars sprawled across the resilient night sky; he closed his eyes and silently uttered a prayer to the gods.

He thanked them for protecting him and for blessing him with strength that no one can go against. He vowed to use his abilities only to serve light and nothing else.

Light, he thought. No other thing mattered to him but light. Goodness. Purity. Peace.

And he knew another soul who would place its life on the line just to preserve light and order.


He thought of her often; too often that he found himself awake even in the dead of the night. He haven't seen her for a while. Natalia left him after the great battle that transpired in the grounds of the Church of Light.

He never knew why she left. He was eager to get to know her after the fight. She was such a brilliant assassin. He saw her in combat and she was beyond lithe whenever she swung her blades on an enemy. Its as if she mastered the art of it even when she was little. Everyone can see how she moved with such precision.

She sneaked behind enemy lines and slain those she thinks are worthy of death. She served the light while lurking in darkness.

And he, loved every inch of her brave soul and she is clueless as she could get.

He was too shy to admit to himself that he has been thinking about her even after years have passed since their first and last meeting.

His shield led him to her. He sensed danger on Natalia's realm, therefore it was his task to be her ally until every evil thing on her land has fallen down.

They won the battle but he lost her. She was gone like a bubble right after they finished the war. And he has no clue as to why she left just like that; without a word, without a whisper of gratitude.

But he was thankful, still. That even in the events of war and discord, in between disorder and peace, he met a soul that left him lost, aghast in awe and appreciation.

In the crowd, Natalia stood out like no other assassin did. Her silky white hood hid the rest of her face but he knew by heart every inch of her.

Its weird to imagine such kind of affection that's built upon a seconds rule yet Tigreal, in his purity and innocence, managed to.

It is unlikely to fall in love in their realm; it would only be a source of distraction, an element of weakness but he was more than willing to transcend the odds just to get a glimpse of it, even a touch of it.

For he has grown lonely throughout his life. Heroes are among the loneliest souls that walked the realm. After battles and war, they are to return to their homes alone. They sleep alone on their beds, walk alone in the night.

Heroes are just like soldiers, only a bit lonelier than the rest. He could not begin to imagine life without a companion. All he needed was a soul to keep him at a bay. One that would push him to get through the day and make him smile.

He didn't know if his feelings were worthy of someone's notice, but no one really does. The heart wants what it wants and he knows just about who he wants in his life.

But he wondered, when will he see her again?

Tomorrow? The day after tomorrow? Years from now? A century after today? A millenium? Never?

He let out a meandering sigh and finally positioned himself to rest. He lay still as he tried to close his eyes. But even in the silence of the night, in the vastness of the realm, he only had one thought in his mind.


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