14. qualms

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Moonexus has gone quiet, wounded yet recovering, the citizens retreated to their homes and slept the night off.

Meanwhile in the kingdom, "I think you should go to your room and rest, Miya. I'll keep an eye on your brother." Yun Zhao said, touching her by the small of her back.

Her face flushed and her heart went into uproar. She nodded gently and went on her way, with cheeks red and her innards in resounding pandemonium.

His eyes followed her until she was out of sight. He threw his gaze on the sleeping Estes.

Yun Zhao inhaled deeply and placed his spear on the ground; he folded his knees, kneeling beside the king's poster bed. In the silence of his heart, he called out for his father and whispered a prayer.

"Father, help me heal this land, this wretched place destroyed by heartless darklings. Help me and this king. Bless us with strength and Miya, oh sweet Miya, keep her safe." He finished, opening his eyes as he stood up and sat on a nearby chair.

He was about to close his eyes to take a brief nap when his ringer suddenly buzzed, it was a message from a fellow assassin.

He clicked the golden button located at the side of the ringer and a hologram flashed before him.

"Yun Zhao, how have you been doing?" Natalia said, her eyebrows furrowing along with every word she said.

"All is well, my fellow. The king has fell ill yet his land is recovering. How about you? You look drenched, exhausted. What has been bothering you?" He replied, worrying a bit for his fellow on the other side.

He could see Natalia taking in a deep sigh as she pounded her knuckles om her thighs. She always does this when she gets nervous or stressed out.

"SE702 has awakened and a gunner from Malefia came to the quarters." She responded briefly.

He was perplexed. What was wrong with Alpha waking and a visitor in the quarters? Natalia was being strange, Zhao thought. She was usually composed, cold and reserved. Now, she looks like she is about to fall apart.

"I do not find anything wrong with the current situation in the quarters, Natalia. Why are you worried?" He pressed on, probing her for answers.

She took in deep breaths. She was acting weak. She was frail looking. Was this the Natalia everyone knew? What has been going on in her mind?

"Worry not about me, Yun Zhao. Just remember to get back to the quarters as soon as you are done with your mission." She shot back, ending the hologram message.

Zhao could do nothing but shrug a shoulder. With Miya in his life, it would be a fleeting thought, a rare choice for him to go back to the quarters after all this.

* * *
"So, what are you doing here anyway? Weird for a man to be all by himself, whilst staring randomly at stuff in the forest." Karina said, catching his stare.

"And why should I tell you?" Saber replied, his heart relentless.

"Come on Saber. Stop the cold guy act already. Its tiring." She replied, rolling her eyes upward. She was in the pit of fuming.

"Whoah whoah. Slow down there, missy. You are acting as if we are close companions. A bit too aggressive huh? Could you just keep your mum for even a minute? Stop yapping and yapping. It drives me crazy!" He responded, praying she didn't get the connotative meaning of his statement.

Of course, she was driving him crazy. His heart, he couldn't get a grip of it. Its as if his chest is about to explode. He couldn't understand the feelings inside of him.

She only gave him a playful smile as she turned her back and walked away from him. Wait... is she leaving?

"Where are you going? Are you leaving?" He yelled behind her. She could no longer roll her eyes farther. He amuses her.

"You said I was driving you crazy so I'm leaving. And now, what? You don't want me to? Could you be clear with you words? Urgh!" She replied, faking her annoyance. She was entertained to see his facial expressions change with every word she said.

Oh its a wonder to mess with such an ill-tempered infatuated assassin, she thought.

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