19. patience and tact

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"Hey idiot, bring this for me and would you please stop juggling that ball? You have the rest of your life to do that." She said, rolling her eyes and letting out a snort.

She was always the snarky and tactless one and her companion, was the patient and understanding chap.

Bruno could only let out a sigh of exhaustion as he gripped Lolita's rocket hammer. She was walking ahead of him and he was trailing behind her, carrying both Lolita's weapon and his electric soccer ball.

Both were going home to Eruditio after a strenuous day at the Berry Dungeon. Rooney, the master machinist of the City of Scholars, ordered them to scavenge for food and wild berries. The berries were used as fuel to keep Eruditio's machines going.

"It's a funny thing" he suddenly chimed, "You ordering me around like this. You were once sweet and gentle and adorably quiet and now, my oh my, Lolita the tigress everyone!" Bruno continued, clapping both his hands vigorously.

He loved teasing her and seeing her fume. But no matter what he'll say, Lolita always has a sarcastic reply.

"It's a pity, really, to see you like this. Being jealous and all, sugarcoating your envy through flattery. I wish I could give you a pint of my awesomeness but it saddens me, wait no, it makes me weep, knowing that I cannot even share this, this piece of glory." She said, pointing to herself.

Bruno let out a boisterous laugh as he crouched to the floor and banged his fists on his thighs. Moments later, he had formed tears in his eyes. He was that entertained by Lolita's response.

"Seriously, thanks for the good laugh but no way, am I jealous of you. I am contented of my own awesomeness, elf." He responded, catching up to her, as he ruffled her hair with great force.

And then in a seconds rule, they locked gazes. Lolita saw his stare. His eyes suddenly seemed beautiful, as if its the first time that she saw his orbs. They suddenly seemed foreign, ethereal, unable to resist.

He saw her stare at him too. Oh how they had been through a lot already. Ever since Rooney took Lolita home to Eruditio, Bruno and her became inseparable, despite their constant, nonsense quarreling.

Lolita almost lost her hope in living, she almost didn't make it but coming to Eruditio changed her, it gave her strength. She was bestowed by the city scholars by the ultimate frame of Loma, the Noumenon Energy Core rocket hammer.

Grateful for such luck, she continued serving Eruditio as a city guard, along with her fellow, Bruno. Because of him, she has risen and was once again hopeful. He had faith in her, that she would somehow recover and regain her inner strength and she, would do all that she can to prove to Bruno that she was worth his faith.

Despite Bruno's disability and past, he was always so patient, lovingly gentle and kind to everyone he'll come across with. Though he is somehow tough with Lolita, across that, he cares for her a lot that he'd risk a limb just to keep her safe.

"Dude, how can you be contented with such little awesomeness to tend to? Don't strain yourself. Just admit that I'll always be a lot more awesome than you." She said, sticking out her tongue at him.

He internally giggled and placed his electric soccer ball on Lolita's hands. Now they are even.

"What the peanuts is this, Bruno? Are you coercing me to bring this ball, this weird looking ball?" She screamed, clutching the ball with such a repugnant look on her face.

"Yes. Now we're even. I bring your weapon and you bring mine. At least its not that heavy. Your hammer weighs like a damn cow." He laughed, hunching his back, pretending that he's carrying a colossal thing on his hands.

"You are so unfair!" She responded, giving back the ball to its rightful owner as she quickened her pace, going ahead of Bruno.

He smiled to himself as he watched her walk in front of him. Even in her impatience, Bruno loved every bit of her. And all his life, he'd be thankful that she came, that fate led him to her.

* * * *

Hey guys! Surprise! I have updated. I hope this chapter will not disappoint. Bruno and Lolita everyone ❤

I also want to plug my stories, especially to those who love poetry. I have compilations entitled 'Never sent' and 'Soliloquy'. All containing poems and nothing but sappy, romantic, melancholic poems.

To my Filipino readers, my kababayans, I have Tagalog stories too. 'I Almost Do' is an example.

Nevertheless, thank you guys for supporting the Land of Dawn. This story wouldn't be what it is today if not for all of you. We ranked #189 in the Fanfictions category today! 🎉🎉 We are also nearing 6k reads! This is such great news guys! Thank you to everyone who's reading this fanfic. ❤

Much love,

thessythes xx

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