Holiday special: Merry Christmas, Harley

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"Hey one-eyed egghead! Let's head outside and hunt for mulberries!" Harley shouted at Cyclops, as he led him to a dark alley where a bunch of mulberries await to be picked.

Despite the horrid snowstorm outside, both teenagers wanted to go out. It was below freezing point, yet their adventurous souls persisted. It was Christmas after all, therefore, heavy to torrential downfalls of blizzards plagued the realm.

Cyclops cackled at Harley's mockery. Despite his friend's constant bullying, he nevertheless stayed by his side and called him a fellow. Cyclops once again fled from his house since his mother, Aurora was again off for a mission somewhere in the Land of Dawn. That left him unlimited chances of gallivanting and loitering around the realm without someone looking for him.

"Aren't you supposed to be allergic with mulberry, Harley?" Cyclops shot back, curious about his friend's weird fetish for such a fruit.

"Yes, I am but that does not stop me. Anyway, tell me the story again." Harley replied, throwing back the spotlight at Cyclops.

"Story? What story?" He asked, nonchalantly.

Harley sighed and closed his eyes. It still affects him deeply—how Cyclops came to be. How he was cursed when he was still in his mother's womb.

They sat on a huge rock inside the swarm of bushes that yielded mulberries. The trees above them huddled and bent over to cover the roof of the alley; as if forming a shelter out of leaves.

"When my mother Aurora, was young, she had a very persistent admirer. His name was Zhask. He was the king of a certain race, the Kastiyans. He often sent out spirits to guard my mother and to keep an eye on her. He did not want anything or anyone to go near my mother. But my mother never liked Zhask. He was evil and has lived majority of his life enslaving the minds of the weaker races." Cyclops paused, composing himself before continuing.

"I never knew how Zhask came to know my mother and how he met her, but he was so aggressive towards mom. He never harmed Aurora but he was evil towards my mother's friends, especially the boys. He was possessive even if my mother wasn't for him to own nor take."

"And everything went downhill when mother met Estes. Despite Zhask's efforts, mother fell in love with Estes instead, for he was the exact opposite of Zhask. Estes was the crown prince for Moonexus and he was really kind and sweet to my mother. Zhask was really mad at Estes for that."

"Somehow, that made the king of the Kastiyans, Zhask, stop his mooring over my mother. Mother never heard from him for years. She was finally comforted by the fact that her cruel admirer finally stopped pursuing her. Not until a year after dad and mom's wedding, when I was conceived." Cyclops said, sweat trickling down his forehead. It wasn't his first time to tell the story of how he came to be, but he still had the chills every time.

"Zhask appeared in mom's bedroom one night and he casted a curse using his staff and pointed it on my mother's belly. He cursed me when I was still inside mom's womb. I was made from a curse. I was supposed to be normal. But Zhask's hatred from an unrequited love made me like this." He concluded, bowing his head to reflect.

Harley could do nothing but lift a hand and place it on Cyclops' shoulder. It was the best thing he can do to comfort his friend.

Cyclops was about to say something when he heard his name being called from afar. He stood up and faced Harley. "Hey, I should be going. My mother is looking for me. Keep safe, my friend. Merry Christmas!" he said, giving Harley a huge hug.

They walked back towards the road where they went through to get to where they were minutes ago. Harley saw Aurora patiently waiting for her son in front of his small hut.

"Farewell, Harley! I'll see you soon." Cyclops shouted, waving his hands as he walked away from the hut. Aurora took his son on her arms and led him away.

As the mother and child went farther, Harley's heart grew lonelier. He had no one to celebrate Christmas with. He knew Lesley was keeping an eye on him. But he wanted someone to be by his side during the winter; when the blizzards plague homes and rivers freeze.

He missed how Lesley could calm his mischievous agendas, how she seemed to be the older sister he never had. Lesley was his only chance, his only shot to having a family but now she is nowhere near him.

He had no parents to miss for he never knew who they were, let alone where they are.

With the thick snow falling over his head, he whispered to himself a merry Christmas as he retreated to his hut.

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