Chapter 1 ( SEARCH)

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"Hyung are you certain about the address?" while walking boy in black asked the guy a bit taller than him.

"Yeah! Its the same from the envelop. I am sure we are on right place." said the tall guy while looking at a beautiful home in an expensive area of LA. Many thoughts were rushing through his brain. So many memories. He remember the when he was 2 and first met the person, he was as nervous as he now is!

His focus was broken by some girls passing by. One of them made an eye contact with him. He felt something cold about her. DOES SHE KNOW ME? WHY DID SHE LOOKED COLD? LEAVE IT CHANYEOL SHE MIGHT ME JUST A PERSON PASSING BY. HOW COULD SHE KNOW ME? I JUST ARRIVED HERE. He wasn't even certain about his thoughts.

 "Hyung I think you should ring the door bell. We can't wait here all day long. We have our concert to go to." ,While waiting for his hyung to move a darker boy called him.

"Yeah! I was just about to ring the bell. Sorry I was a bit carried away." Chanyeol shooked his head. He took two steps forward toward the house in white. He saw door bell and pushed the button.

A few seconds passed and then he heard a voice, "Who is there?"....

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