Chapter 11 (The story)

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"I'll drive.", he said.

"Sure.", she tossed her car key.

They drove to river side. It was late at night. There were no people around there. They walked comfortably.

"What do you do?", he asked her.

"Not much! I graduated in software from Texas. And I waste away my families money.'' she said the last words with a little laugh.

"Are you even serious? Engineering at such a young age."

he was a bit shocked.

"I was born with such a mind. I passed my high school when I was 16." she answered.

"Daebakini~ why did you audition for SM? Your family is quite rich. Isn't it like that?"

He asked her as he was little curious. Still walking by the river side. Water flowing slowly. Lights made the view more pretty.

"I just wanted world to know my face. I don't have much of a family." she said while she picked a small stone from the ground.

"Wae? Where are they?" he asked while watching her throwing stone in river.

Small stone made a little Splash.

"My parents, they died when I was 8. Me and my siblings went to our grand father in US. When I turned 16 my brother got into a hit and run case. He died on spot. And last year my sister went out to meet her friend. She never came back. Presumed dead."

She told him almost everything while looking at the small circular water waves caused by disturbance of small stone in water.

"I am sorry. I didn't know."

He felt a little bad about it.

"Don't be. I like talking to you. You look a little like my brother. He also used to take me here and walk with me when I was young.''

She said as she smiled. Still looking at the waves slowly fading away.

"If it is like that You can call me Oppa. I'll be your older brother. Feel free to talk to me anytime." he said it with all his heart.

"You are a good person oppa. I heard you are looking for a friend you love. Aren't your efforts a bit wasted away."

She asked him.

"Nah! I'll find her. I know I will." He smiled with determination imprinted on his face.

"What if you can't. Would you be happy to waste your life for that. For once, didn't you ever had a thought to move on and let it go." she said now looking at Moon shining bright.

"There is no such thing as moving on little girl! People pretend to move on while still being struck on same thing for years. I'll get her back. I promise that to you." He said and smiled with all his might.

"I would love to meet her too. I'll wait for that day. Let me know if you ever need my help. My grandpa have quite soft corner for me. I have trust worthy people here. They might help you." she spoke of her heart.

"Do you love someone? Or have you ever loved someone?" He asked her out of nowhere.

Her heart skipped a beat she moved her eyes away from Moon and looked at his face for a while. Does he know? He can't. Can he? I am also not clear. Or am I?

" yeah! My family." pressing her thoughts she answered him.

"If you ever develop feelings for someone let me know. I'll help you too." he made a cute face and she laughed like a little kid. Of course he don't know.

Little sentences, small topics to discuss their voices started dropping little by little. Making jokes and making each other laugh.

Some secrets locked inside their hearts. Some that they shared. Some still locked even if were Told. Night started to grew darker in seoul.

*At EXO's Dorm*

Everyone was tired when they enter dorm. They all took shower. Most of them fell asleep right away as they were tired.

While Baekhyun and Lay were left alone. Lay was unable to sleep immersed in deep thoughts and Baekhyun waiting for Chanyeol to come back.

He fell on Sofa beside Lay.

"Aren't you going to sleep. Its getting late." Lay asked baekhyun.

"I am waiting for Chanyeol to come back. What are you thinking?" Baekhyun asked him while trolling on his phone.

"Where did he go?" completely ignoring baekhyun's question he asked him another question.

"I received his text. He said he was going for a walk with Minzy. I have a few things to talk to him so I am waiting for him to come back." Baekhyun said and Lay jumped out of his seat.

"Why in the world would he go with her. Is he out of his mind? " Lay's reaction was sudden and a little strange for Baekhyun.

"Boeyaa?? What is with this reaction?"

"Nothing. It was just a little odd for me. Doesn't he like his friend. Why would he go out with her."

He realized his mistake and tried to calm himself down.

"I advised him to move on. May be he is paying attention to that. He also said she looks like Hae." Baekhyun said.

"Of course she looks like hae because she is Hae." Words slipped out of his mouth without realizing.

Baekhyun fell of from his seat hearing Lay.

"What did you just say? How do you know?" He asked him.

Lay felt entrapped inside in his own mistake.

"She said that herself. At SM's building I saw her with other HJ representatives."

"This can't be." Baekhyun looked confused.

"Why can't it be?" Lay asked him.

"Chanyeol, he said Hae is supposed to be 24 while Minzy is just 20. "

Lay was left in brief silence.

Why couldn't I thought of that he said to himself.

" The question is why did she said she is HAE when she can't be. Call her and ask her to meet you. I'll join you. And don't tell chanyeol about this."

Baekhyun had an idea. Lay called Minzy to meet her and she agreed to meet him in SM's basement next day.

Chanyeol came back a while latter and fell asleep without realizing baekhyun beside him was still awake pretending to be asleep.

*Next Morning in SM ENT's Basement*

Minzy slowly opened the door of a roon she was supposed to meet lay at.

She pushed the door and stepped inside. Her foot stopped for a second and than she sat on a chair.

"Well Baekhyun I didn't expect to meet you here." she said as she smiled.

To be continued...

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