Chapter 22. So Where Did we End??

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It was almost quarter past 12 when Lay came out of his room after taking his beauty sleep. To be honest he looked cute even in his rough and messy looks.
The scene outside already changed. Some of member had left already to their business .
Others didn't bother calling him.
The anger he had last night was gone and he had now realized that he was wrong. He was wrong when he accused minzy of being a bitch using lay to get her revenge.
He was wrong about his friends.
He regretted the Slap.
He regretted doing everything and saying everything to minzy when he was angry.
He wanted to apologize to her right away but first he needed to prepare himself to go out.
Even though he looked cute but still he knew he shouldn't go out looking like that.

He washed up and went out. He went straight to the kitchen to look something to eat before he go out to minzy. To be true he was trying to contact her but he couldn't . So he thought he should go to her place instead.

He pour some juice and took a few sips before he left.
*Anonymous POV*

Lay rang the bell and waited for a few moments . Door was opened. Against his thoughts it was not minzy but her sister who opened door for him.

"Hey! What brought you here boy?" something felt off than usual.

"mmm Can I see Minzy?" , he asked.

" She left. You should leave too." she said while shutting door. She could hear lay asking where but she can't say.

*Anonymous POV*
LAY stood there for a while without knowing what to do.
All that he had in his mind was gone in no time. Minzy left. Where? He was not given a chance to ask this.

What should I do now ? That was what came in his mind.
He had to look for her and tell her he was sorry. Ask her to forgive him as he slapped her.

He went back to his car and drove off. Where to? To dorm obviously.

*At Dorm*
He opened the door and entered the room.
To be continued...

I apologise to all of you for late n short update. I am student of computer science and my uni schedule sucks.

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