Chapter 15 ( And than We met in a Dead Alley)

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BaekHhyun was calling Chan Yeol's number again when Minzy came in with the concert's final manual.

The air inside was depressed.

'' What happened? Everything is alright?'' she asked Sehun.

'' Just that we can't reach Chan Yeol hyung. He's late.'' He explained briefly.

''What is the big deal in it? May be he got struck in traffic or he ran out of batteries and can't contact either of you.''

'' We thought the same but Baek hyung kept insisting there might be something wrong with him. He gets a little too much worried about Chan Yeol hyung. You don't have to worry. You can just grab some drink meanwhile.''

'' We still have time before the concert. I am working. Let me know if you need any bubble tea boy.'' she said with a pressed smile.

'' Yaa! that is not fair. YOU SHOULDN'T PLAY WITH SOMEONE'S EMOTIONS LIKE THAT. Plus I can drink it anytime. You should just give it to me. You don't have to ask of me for that.'' Sehun made a pout making hard for her to hide her smile.

They were talking and Baekhyun was still moving , trying to call Chan Yeol when he entered the room.

Messy hair, red eyes , wearing same clothes as he was last night.

'' I think something really is wrong with your friend.'' Minzy said as she looked at him walking inside.

''I think he just had trouble sleeping at his Mom's place.'' Sehun said.

Baek Hyun was relived looking at him.

''Where have you been? We were worried. Why are you late? and why is your cell off.'' Baek asked all the question in one breath as he couldn't just rest them for a little.

''I had trouble sleeping last night. I was struck in traffic and ran out of battery.''Chan Yeol answered all of his questions.

Everyone started getting back to there positions.

Chanyeol walked with Baekhyun and joined them in practice.


Everyone was happy as the last concert of EXO's tour came to an end peacefully. They celebrated it together while Chan Yeol left early saying he had a fever.

''Who was that?'' Lay saw Minzy standing in room.

''Who was Who?'' she asked him for detail.

'' The girl and the guy that came earlier.''

''Ahh~~ Girl was my sister and the guy was one of our trusted men.'' She said taking a sip from her glass.

''Your sister as of Hae? Chanyeol's HAE?'' Lay asked as if couldn't believe what she said.

''Yeah! she was. She was here yesterday too but I sent her off as Ma Dae was coming and he doesn't know she is alive. He was not coming today so I called her over.''

''You should have at least let us introduce to her.'' They heard CHEN.

''You know?'' Lay asked him.

''We don't keep secrets. We have no secrets among us. Plus I have heard tales.'' CHEN said.

''From ?'' Minzy asked.

'' Baek.'' Reply was given in one word.

''Who else knows?'' She asked again.

''Except for Chan Yeol, Everyone.''

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