Chapter 7 (Unforgettable...)

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Slowly restaurant Minzy and people faded away.Lay took small steps and walked away...
*Anonymous POV*
A White Door opened,someone entered the room. A luxurious room that was. Person that came slowly went toward the window and lifted shades. Whole room got lit. She smiled and turned back, It was a room upstairs with beautiful scenery outside. She smiled to the figure lying on bed and said, "What a beautiful morning this is! I can see anxious expressions of your. But I won't run away. I won't be going back. I'll do whatever I have to put things back in their place. You don't have to worry aboit me. I'll be fine. And you'll be with me when I win. When I put things together olease stay beside me. Don't leave me like everyone else did.",tears fell down her cheeks.
Figure on the bed made some weird noise. She bent down to hear that. And patted the back to her hand.
*At EXO' Place*
Baekhyun saw chanyeol preparing for bed. He was also lying on his bed. Chanyeol turned off lights and fell on his bed.
"You're alright?"
"Yeah! First I thought I might go insane about what is happening in my life but I think I am going to start anticipating it."
"Hyung if you ever need someone to talk you know I am always here right?" baekhyun asked chanyeol.
"I'll always come to you first if something ever happens. And its a promise."
"Hyung you want me to set you up with someone." Baekhyun jumped out of his bed screaming to cheer yeol up.
"Have you lost it Baekii?" Chanyeol said as he got startles because of Baek Hyun screaming out loud.
"Just answer me. What do you think about the girl we met on airport. She is pretty isn't she? What about the tall one we met in US?" Baekhyun didn't had a pause button when he started.
They laughed and talked out about silly stuff and their voices started to dim.
Night got all Dark out with no Moon on sky and lots of stars shining out bright.
What a beautiful night it is people thought.
A perfect dark and beautiful night.
*In Lay and Chen's Room"
Two of them were also preparing for bed after getting shower. They were all quite relax as they didn't had any schedule next day. Everyone else was also playing or went out to get some fresh air.
"Ya Lay can I talk to you about something?"
"Dae malhe ba."
*EXO Went to Chanyeol's family place For Vocation*
"ya Chanyeol-ah take this. Go and deliver it next door. Someone just moved in nextdoor." his mother handed him a bucket full of sweets.
"Don't you think I am too handsome to be a delivery person amma. Beside you should ask Baekhyun he's been lying on floor for past 5 hours." he said while he kicked poor baekii.
"ya he is a guest behave chanyeol." he got scolded and gave baekhyun some stares. Which he ignored while playing games whin sehun.
Leaving them both on floor he went out to deliver sweets. Mom said deliver it next door. Wait a sec. Did someone really  moved next door???
Dae malhe ba " yeah tell me"
To be continued...

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