Chapter 19 ( Little by little, We walk further..)

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                Chapter 19 ( Little by little, We walk further..)

They silently stood there, He still wrapping his arms around her and she still looking at him in shock.

Some tears fell down her cheek and dropped on his hand. He looked at her as she silently cried standing there.

He broke the hug and stood in front of her. ''You shouldn't cry . Everything is alright now.'' he said as he held her face with his huge hands.

''Or should I tell you that you look ugly crying.'' He said while looking at her with his usual 24/7 smile displayed.

She laughed through tears, '' And You are still as cheesy as you were Before, HOBBIT.'' she sang the last slang.

''Yah' I am not a hobbit look I am taller than you.'' He said pointed toward himself ''It is you who look like a hobbit now standing with me.'' He joked around.

''Do you want me to kill you after meeting first time in a long time Channi?'' She said as she gave him death stares.

He chuckled and pulled her in hug again,'' I love Minzy for letting me come here today. She said I can stay the whole day here if I want to. No one will come. And I think I will be staying here in this position all day.'' He said while still holding on to her.

''Yah! Giant get off me. You are so heavy. '' She said trying to pull out of his hug.

''No I don't want to.'' He said with his usual stubbornness.

''Why don't you go find that girl you said you like in your music show.'' she said jokingly.

''AWW so you've been stalking me all time long? my Hae is Jealous, Why does it makes me happy?.'' He said while looking at her face turn like tomato with his cheesy smile and MY HAE term.

''No I am not.'' She said looking away.

''Oh yes you are. I can see that all over you.''

And they continued talking and laughing around.


About 6 Black luxury Cars Followed by a few government engines stopped in front of SM ENT building.

Some People Dressed in black came out and opened the back doors, other dressed as public officials also came along.

One by one people from cars came out.

Then another car stopped , door was opened and she stepped out.

Wearing Ripped Black jeans with a White T-Shirt and a Leather Black jacket. Her faced was covered with Black Mask she took from Lay's car. Her hair tied up some falling on her forehead. Her black Gucci Heels suited her the best along with her glasses.

She looked pretty even that way.

She walked forward with her usual determined steps, People who came out of cars earlier followed her as she entered the building.

She looked more like a Careless rich bitch than a CEO of a company.

Lay looked at her on TV screen as she might have looked suicidal from people's point of view.

''You were with her last night, Did she tell you?'' It was suho who asked him.

What the hell is she thinking? was the first thing that popped in his head.

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