Chapter 23 (I was WRONG!)

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Chapter 23 ( I was wrong!)


As soon as he entered the dorm ,there was a fall of silence in the room. He felt something cold in the air.

What in the world was wrong with everyone this morning? He thought to himself.

They exchanged glances and they started to leave room one by one.

What in the world.....

''Yaa! What is it that is wrong with you all?'' , He finally cracked up making the rest look at him ,''Why are you all pretending like I did something wrong.''

Silence was the only answer which was given by them.

''I asked something. I am already tensed enough. I don't want you guys to do this to me too.'' He was falling down in pieces. Minzy left without a word and now his friends weren't talking to him either. He was sure they already knew about what happened already.

''Because it's your fault, Acting without thinking.'' Sehun said leaving the room.

''I know I was wrong! I wanted to apologize to her as well but I can't find her. I went to her place but hae said she is not home.'' He said while pouting his lips looking cute as always.

''We know that. She won't be there.'' Some words accidentally slipped out of Baekhyun's mouth.

'' How did you know?'' He asked in rush.

'' Well she called Chen earlier and he just went to see her about an hour ago. He must be on his way back by now. I don't know where they were meeting though.''

''May be I should ask him.'' Lay finally found some hope.

They were talking when Chen entered the room. He wanted to walk past him and go to his room while walking past LAY. But he was stopped when Lay grabbed his arm.

''Can you please tell me where she is.'' He asked in a miserable ton.

''NO!'', CHEN simply gave an answer opposing to what Lay was asking.

''Please jongdae-ah I want to talk to her. For once just let me know.'' Lay pleaded.

''Hyung , Don't you think It's already to late. She left. You shouldn't have acted out without giving it a second thought. She was never a cheater or never used you for anything. All she wanted to do was to protect her loved ones.'', Chen said while looking at lay.

''I know. I was wrong. I want to make for what I did wrong. Please let me know what I can do to make you tell me where she is.''

Lay looked sincere while saying this. Jongdae was thinking hard what to say next when Suho and chanyeol aslo spoke in his favour.

''Just tell him already. He means it this time. But just for this once.''

''If he does something like this again , just punch him in the face.''

''FINE! She left. I met her in Gangnam and she asked me to drive her to the airport. She was taking a flight to Jeju and is supposed to take a flight back to US from there. This is all hat I know about.'' Chen said while giving up.

'' And don't do anything stupid.''

''Hyung, I checked the schedule of flights for jeju , next one is in an hour.'' That was Baekhyun as quick as a bolt.

''And I booked one for you. Now you need to run fast and get on it on time.'' He said while LAY already took his wallet and mobile to leave.

Thank you everyone for being patient about my story. I know I don't update quickly. I am really trying my best to. But University is quite hectic. Thank you for reading my story and HAPPY NEW YEAR . I hope you have many HAPPY YEARS in your life and be happy. Let's be happy with EXO and EXO-Ls together. WE ARE ONE! SARANGJHA.

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