Chapter 5 (Lets talk)

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While the rest of them were getting there bags to go out,Lay asked Minzy if they can talk. She said sure. Lay asked others to go first and that he'll be joining them. Everyone left leaving these Two behind.

"What is it this time?",Minzy's tone became serious all of a sudden.

"You said something was missing in the story yeol told us.I want to know what it is.",He said as he looked at her.

"How could I know that?.",with a pressed smile she asked.

"You know exactly what it meant. and you also know exactly why I asked YOU this question.Unless you want me to ask you the same thing in front of everyone in SMTown you can answer me here.",Lay smiled.

"You sure know how to piss me yixing.",She said as she laughed.

"You have a good IQ I guessed.And a good Common sense. You found out who was the new share holder of SM before SM even knew. You are something. I remember our last meeting and you said you won't be asking me questions. I guess you should keep your words.",She added with the same soft expressions that were her mark.

"You also said you won't be there every time where we are. Still You couldn't keep it.",Lay added too.

"It was a coincidence.",she added.

"If you really want me to believe that I will. But I don't trust you. If you can't join him then leave him alone I asked you clearly. Make this thing clear I won't be holding this for a long time. Yeol is my friend and he deserves better.",Lays tone sounded a bit anxious.

Minzy smiled with a sad look,"I guess someone have got better companions than I though he might.Shield him. He  might be needing it in near future. Guard him well."

She left as she took her bag without a second word or listening to Lay calling her from back, she left with a water drop out of her eye. She wiped it hard and LEFT. As she was meant to leave it behind.

To be continued ...

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