Chapter 12 (Behind Everything Lies UNTOLD STORY)

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"Have a seat. We need to talk.", Baekhyun said.

"Let's cut to the chase. Why did you want to meet me here? Why is Baek here?" , she asked Lay sitting next to Baek Hyun.

"Baek said he wanted to see you. He asked me to arrange it for him. I wanted to come along.", He gave a smile.

"Sure thing. Baek you know you can call me yourself whenever you want to meet me up. Don't you?", Minzy said as she looked at him straight in his eyes.

"Lay talked about you saying that you are Chan Yeol's childhood friend Hae, Last night." Baek Hyun said without a break. Straight style of His.

"And you have got some problem with that?" Said Minzy.

"Its not me who have problem its Chan Yeol who have problem with it." 

"And what is his problem with that..." Minzy said without even a trace of hesitation.

"He said you can't be HAE. you are younger." added Baekhyun.

"No doubt Chan Yeol oppa is smart.", Minzy added while she giggled," I like him. He have brains that not all of you use." She tried to hold her smile while looking at Lay.

"Would you be a little serious and say it in one term." Lay said as he was slightly offended.

"No offence. But Zhang Yixing I never said I was HAE. you just didn't listen to me that day when you met me in the restaurant you didn't let me say what I had to say. I am sorry but you assumed I was HAE. I am HAE." Minzy said.

"Than who are you?" Asked Baek Hyun.

"I am Minzy." she said.

"Ahh! Can you please be a little less dramatic. Finish the entire story. I need the STORY." Baek Hyun said as he couldn't hold himself from curiosity.

"I am sorry for being like this. But Lay's face here is making me laugh."

"Yaaaa~~~~" said Lay.

"Mianah! Hae is my older sister. I am the youngest daughter of HJ Group. The only one active nowadays." Minzy said finally taking hold of herself.

"Where is she? why are you here? She was supposed to meet Chan Yeol. But disappeared." Asked Baek Hyun.

"So many questions on your tongue. where should I start answers from. " Minzy broke in his sentence.

"Start from where ever you want."

"She went missing The evening she left to meet Chan Yeol oppa. I found her in an unknown hospital in Coma a month after she went missing. She was not conscious, I took her back home." Minzy said while looking at wall.

"What?" Both Baek Hyun and Lay shouted at same time.

"Easy you there you don't want me to be Deaf. Do you?" minzy tried to add a little sarcasm between.

"What happened. Why did she went missing? How is she now?"

"Chan Yeol's family knows. His father helped me find her. He asked us not to involve his son in this matter. so before I tell you I want you guys to make a promise not to let him know until its time for him to know." They promised and she continued...

"My father, Chan Yeol's father and their mutual friend started a business back. Chanyeol's father realized their other partner was not honest and left in start. While my father still worked with him. while they worked together my father found something he was not supposed to know. He and my mother got involved in a pretended Car accident I was 8 back than. we left with our Grand father. My brother took over my GrandPa's business he found about our parents and got involved in an other car accident. I was 16 and HAE was already 20. She took over business. She was not supposed to touch the stuff that caused my family harm. But she did. Last year when she came to Korea she was happy that she can finally meet Chan Yeol oppa. But she confronted that Man who killed my family." Minzy laughed while her face was stiff," She went out to see ChanYeol oppa. He didn't showed up and she went missing."

"Chanyeol's father found her in hospital and contacted me. When I invited you three to my place last year. I was here to take my sister back." Minzy completed her story in brief manner.

"Whooooa!" Baek Hyun was speechless.

"Why Have you returned and where is Hae?" 

"She is Home. she regained consciousness not long ago. She is still recovering." 

"What about my second question."

"I am back so I can take my revenge. I am unlike any of my siblings. I'll put a stop to that man, who ruined my family. You guys don't have to tell any of this to chanyeol."

"We won't tell him. But is it a good idea I am talking about your plan." Lay asked.

"You don't have to worry about that I can take care of myself. Just make sure he don't know. Hae can't meet him. "

"What are you guys hiding and from Whom?" Chanyeol's voice surprised all three of them and they turned back to see him.

"Ahh its nothing . we were ... err , We were saying.....eerrr" Baek hyun had trouble to find what he should say to Chanyeol.

"ahh Boyaaa?? What are you three up to?" Chanyeol asked looking at them with suspicious eyes.

"We were planing to throw you a secret Birthday party and its ruined now thanks to Baekhyun who couldn't find a nice Alternative to tell you right now." Minzy said.

"Yaa Baekhyunaaa its ruined now because of you." Lay also added ...

"I will buy you all dinner tonight for compensation."

"You can only Buy me Dinner not them." Chanyeol shouted.

"Yaa you two get married." SUHO who just came in threw his jacket at them.

To be continued...

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