Chapter 24 (Late but Here)

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Chapter 24
Late but Here

Warning Errors ahead

He drove to the airport and took the first flight to jeju.
He had tons of things on hus mind. She must have felt devastated.
The flight landed and he went through clearance.
Why does people not listen to others when they are angry?
He took a cab to the address given by his friend.
Why would someone just assume ideas about a certain person when they don't know the whole story?
Would she still be there?
The colourless liquid in a glass may appear to be water but it can be an acid too right.
Will she forgive me?
He kept blaming himself for assuming all the bad stuff and specially the SLAP.
Can I find her again? Or did I lose her forever?
He went to the hotel and asked for her.

He ran towards the beach to find her only to see her on a large rock.
A sigh of relief he had. Finally I found her!

He walked towards her slowly. How nice she looked from her back he thought.

The sun was about to set. The orange and yellow mixed rays shinning on top of the waves  the wind blowing her hair and the sound of waves making it even more aesthetic. He finally reached her back.
Should I call her name? Or should I tap her shoulder? What if she was not her but a random person?
Lay just do it. He shooked his head and called her name.
Minzy looked back and in a mere moment of a second she was taken aback.
"Ho...H...How did you get here?" ,she asked.
He looked at her in the eyes,"I am sorry about everything. I am sorry that I misunderstood you. I am sorry for all the bad things that I said or did. I am so...", he stopped in mid sentence.
"Can we skip these apologies and go back to the nice time? " he looked at her.
"Can I have another chance?" He asked her.

"How about we have a walk??" She said with a smile on her face.

Well I know this is not the best ending that I thought of but I was having a hard time dealing with it along with my university and stuff. I am sorry for late and disappointing short ending.

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