Chapter 3 (Flashback)

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  "Thats why we are flying Private on her Jet." His sister pointed at MINZY as she said....  

Meanwhile Baekhyun came and looked at Minzy with surprised look on his face.Suddenly he screamed,"Yeah! Daebak. CHEN-ah,Lay-ah look whom I just found."

"You are too loud as always Baekhyun.", Minzy said with a smile on her face.

"Yaa You said You'll come and have a dinner with us."Chen said as he came.

"Sorry I got a bit busy."Minzy said.

"Its okay but You didn't replied me.And lay hyung why are you just staring at her. Aren't you happy to see her again." Baekhyun asked both minzy and lay.

"We don't get along better.",Lay said as he walked away.

"Whats his deal? He was just fine when we last met."Chen said with quite surprise.

"Its okay may be he's just a little tired." minzy said as he looked at lay with a thoughtful expression.

"Yah! Would anyone like to tell me whats going on here?",Xiumin who couldn't bother to listen more asked them how they knew her.

"She is a life saver. Saved us from saesangs once in seoul,While we went out for walk."Chen said.


*Anonymous POV*

They were running, all three of them(lay,baekhyun and xiumin) while she saw them.

Whats there deal. I think They are EXO. But why are they running. She thought.Then she saw a few girls running after them. ahh so that's what this is, they are running from saesangs.

She was standing on the corner of street beside a house as she saw them running from other side of the residential area.

They ran as they saw an open door and entered that door to lose saesangs.

"Hey! Gwichana? ",They heard a girl asking them.

Quite in surprise they saw her. 

"Its okay! Don't worry you can stay here for a while.Those girls will eventually go.Come inside."

"Do you know us?"Lay said.

"Of course I know you. Who would in Korea not know you?'' She said.

They went inside with her. They felt a bit of relief.

"we are thankful and sorry at the same time.sorry that we entered you house in a rush but the door was open."

"No its totally fine. I was just outside and I saw them running after you. I left the door open."

They had a nice chat and dinner with her. All three of them became quite close to the girl Who said her name was Minzy and lived here with a friend of her. Quite an expensive place to live.

Even after Two hours passed those girls outside didn't left so minzy called police.

As police came girls ran away and she offered them a Ride and drove them to their dorm. Since then they kept in touch. Lay was quite close to her.


"Would you like a ride this time too.",She asked.

"No! We can take a flight when there is one.", Lay said in a cold tone as he came back to take his cell from baekhyun.

To be continued ...

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