The One: Prologue

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I stared at myself in the mirror once more and tugged at the sleeves my shirt so they covered my thumbs. Satisfied, I wore my white Vans and headed out.

This was it. Today I was going to have my first kiss. I was so sure I could almost feel it in my bones. It might sound weird but I'll tell you what's weirder...

Me, Alyssa Greene, the soon-to-be-17-year old who hasn't had her first kiss. I'm not weird or dysfunctional, but it's just that while my friends were kissing and having boyfriends at age 14, I was still hung up on looking for 'the one'. Yes, you heard me right, I was looking for that guy who'd literally sweep me off my feet.

Sadly I never did find that guy until Damon. Damon Anderson. I sighed just thinking about his face. Damon had copper coloured hair which always looked so silky, his eyes were olive green and totally captivating That 17-year-old-copper-haired boy was the one. I readjusted my sleeves and sighed for like the millionth time.

What made me know he was the one was his patience. He knew I hadn't been kissed and he was fine with it. He never once pressured me because he understood what so many other guys couldn't. Feelings.

The best part about it was that Damon didn't go to my school Westfield High, so my best friends Shannon Hart and Rowan Denner didn't know much about him because I met Damon at a Publix Supermarket a month and a half ago. For the next ten minutes I was lost in Damonville until I got to his house.

As I pressed the bell, I sprayed some cherry flavoured mouth spray and applied some lip balm.

The door opened to reveal a younger boy of about 10 with a striking resemblance with Damon.
"Hey Flynn. Is Damon home?"
"Hi Alyssa. He's upstairs in his room". he replied. I nodded and headed up the stairs, all the while replaying my line of actions in my mind.

I was gonna be bold. I wasn't going to wait for him to kiss me, I was making the first move, because for all hell this was the 21st century.

I opened his door and in an instant all my reveries were lost. I wasn't-and don't think I'll ever be-prepared for what I saw.

Damon was kissing-or rather playing tonsil hockey-with a brunette who was topless. I froze for a whole minute a was only noticed when he was about to unbutton her jeans.

He gaped at me. Those olive green eyes I used to love and trust were wide with guilt, shock and something else I couldn't read.

"Alyssa...", he breathed out coming closer. I wanted to vanish but I couldn't. I didn't want to be that naïve girl who believed a lot of clichés.

In retrospect, the decision I made was probably one of the best I ever did in my entire life.

As he moved towards me, I walked up to him and pushed him down on his bed. I didn't bother thinking it through, just straddled him and kissed him with all the emotions I was feeling at that point. Hurt, betrayed, broken, desire...all at once.
I didn't care that the brunette was still in the room or that I had disrupted their foreplay.

When I felt I'd kissed him enough, I stared into those eyes once more, slapped him hard across his face and made sure I was out of his house before breaking into a blind run, trying hard not to cry, and failing pathetically at everything.

Goodbye, naïvety.
Hello, reality.
Ladies and gentlemen, my first kiss.

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