Chapter 14: Not drama free.

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Alyssa's P.O.V

The week was almost over.

Ivan was mad at me for 'turning against him' during the dinner, so he wasn't speaking to me. And no matter how I tried to mend our relationship he kept giving me the silent treatment, forcing me to give him some space.

Cameron and I were on a 'hi, hello' basis which was admittedly my fault. Each time we crossed paths, he'd try to bring up a conversation, but my old feelings of mistrust would nag at me all the time.

Oddly enough, he keeps sending me small smiles and nods when we pass each other in the halls.

Rowan on the other hand has stopped acting a bit strange so that's one less things to worry about, and I have a feeling Shannon is seeing someone...

So yes, this has been a very hectic week on my part.

In between attending classes, somewhat avoiding Cameron, also dodging Ivan, let me just say that I deserve a good weekend break.

Drama free.

"... and maybe we could go shopping after school tomorrow." Shannon was saying. "That okay with you?"

I nodded. "I need some new Vans and boots."

She glanced at my feet. "You do."

The bell rang ending the period and stopping me from replying. We stood up and left the class.

"Tell Rowan. Gotta go." Then she left. I also had to hurry. Algebra was my next period and I wasn't exactly the teacher's pet, seeing Mr Morgan indirectly saw me as a delinquent.

I was in before the tardy bell went off and I quickly took a seat at the left end of the class. That way he wouldn't call on me so much. I hope.

Mr Morgan began teaching, so I got out my note and textbook trying my best to follow, but my mind was out of class.

On the bright side, this was my last period. One more day of school before weekend.... I can survive.

A question booklet was placed on my desk, as he kept on distributing around the class. The first page read 'Prep. Test' .


I swore under my breath as I opened the next page, then the next, and the next, and... well you get.

I could answer only few questions and to be honest I wasn't even sure of those so I just kinda skimmed the equations until the time was up and Mr Morgan collected our booklets.

I'm majorly screwed.

He dismissed us and I was already making my way out as subtly and fast as I could.

"Miss Greene?"


I turned around, allowing the other students pass until we were the only ones in the room.

"Please close the door."

"Nah, I'm good."

He looked at me sternly. I closed the door.

"Miss Greene," he began holding up my question booklet.

"I don't think you should open that..." I mumbled. He heard and my words sparked his curiosity. I watched in suffocating silence as he flipped through the booklet. Then he looked up at me.

"This is your last period right?"

Sadly. "Yes."

He motioned to a desk at the front. "Take a sit."

I went to sit immediately. Better not annoy him any further. My eyes were on him as he walked over to the front of his desk and leaned on it.

"Do you remember the discussion we had last week?" he asked.

I nodded, not wanting to say anything provoking.

"I assume you also remember you gave your word to work harder?"


"Please use your words, Miss Greene."

"I did." I choked out.

"Well, since you aren't staying loyal to your word, I'll have to assign you to one of my best students to tu-"

I shot up from my sit. "No!"

He sent me that same stern glare. "Excuse me?"

I was still standing. "I don't need a tutor, that's wrong!" Then I realised I was standing and yelling at my teacher. I could keep it up and most likely get a weeks worth of detention, or sit down now and save myself the trouble.

I sat down.

"This is not an offer Miss Greene. Tomorrow after class I will show you your tutor. You might think of this as some sort of punishment, but I assure you, in time there will be positive results."

"Unlikely." I muttered.

He heard but chose not to say anything. "You may leave."


"Who're you coming with after school?" asked Shannon. We were by our locker sides. The question was obviously directed to Rowan, but the brunette looked utterly confused.

"Shopping?" Shannon prodded.

"I'm sorry, I'm confused."

"Didn't Alyssa tell you..." she trailed facing me, who'd been watching in slight amusement. "Alyssa!"

"I had a lot on my plate!" I defended.

It was the honest truth. I was and am still worried about what Mr Morgan told me yesterday, and I've been wondering who he was going to assign me to today.

Truthfully, the anxiety was nerve wracking.

I leaned on my locker. "Besides, who Rowan's going with doesn't matter. I can't make it."

Rowan tilted her head. "Why?"

"Yeah, why?" Shannon repeated clearly annoyed at my late minute cancelation.

"I'm sorry. Something came up yesterday after you told me."

The bell went off.

"I have to go."

The blonde narrowed her eyes at me. "Okay but we need to talk about whatever this is."

"Fine. Saturday, my house." I agreed, before sending them a small wave and heading for Mr Morgan's class. The anxiety was flooding back the nearer I got to his class.

Who was he going to dump me at? The smartest people are always the weirdest ones...

The class began as soon as I got there and for the first time I found myself hoping the class would drag on slowly, but for some reason it just sped on, and I had a feeling Mr Morgan was rushing it on purpose.

I'm beginning to despise the man...

Soon enough the bell went off. I didn't even bother to stand up from my seat as everyone else filed out.

He smiled. "I see you have set your mind down for this."


I rolled my eyes. "Well seeing I don't exactly have a choice."

"I assure you once more that you will be happy when you see the results later on. The person I'm about to introduce to you is one of my best."

A sharp knock on the door interrupted us.

"Come in."


                             AUTHOR'S RANT.

Sorry... I wanted to try out cliffhangers.

Did I do it right?

Mad love,
Reverdii •.•

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