#170: Tourist Yan Shuo

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Slave and Slave Master that al­though Shao Xuan to presents here are very curious, but Shao Xuan also the first long journey team stopped over
said again.
That Slave Master has many hous­ing here, in this kind of road intersec­tion, the team of coming and going are many, every day has like the person who the Pu Tribe long journey team
comes to here to stop over, he will gather certainly „expense” .
All living, is doing by these Slave .
But Shao Xuan discovered that
these by Slave that the Pu Tribe per­son despises, although the healthy con­dition of body is also very bad, but
compares these tourists, were many
Right, the strength, is strength!
These Slave have compared with
tourist many strengths! Not necessarily
is the strength, possibly is other, the
speed, or responded, or other.
In these Slave surface some pain,
some are numb, to the surrounding de­spising line of sight, turns a blind eye.
Becoming Slave , has abandoned all
beliefs, from now henceforth, his be­lief has his master.
The dim light of night is gradually strong.
Fan Ning has not said to that Slave Master that he also needs to arrange the team.
Place that temporarily stops over, is not the good condition, the space is small, everybody pushes in inside. This
also compared with feeds mosquito in the riverside . Moreover, to the
evening, outside was not safe, said that did not permit to be chopped by
these tourists, heard that some crazy
tourists will suppress hungrily will have
eaten the person . Although is insuffi­cient to fear them, but is guarding against well always, is sticking to­gether.
As for Cha-Cha , does not need
Shao Xuan to be worried completely
that this goods can live in the hunting,
here, these wild beast do not have any­thing to threaten. Even if encounters the danger, it will also look for Shao Xuan.
At this time, peripheral region. Be­fore Shao Xuan, has seen in these dis­similar in shape and form houses, se­lected the fire of high-piled firewood, the person of going out practical train­ing had a day of fruit of labor to come back. Some come back from the
wooded mountain. Some riverside that
anchors from the long journey team
comes back, they will also be the
coolie. The reward are few.
A thin form passes through from the
dim light of night quickly, the wooden club in hand fast is brandishing, the
palm of the hand big mosquito that
humming sound will fly drives away.
Before arriving at not a big log cabin, he moves things out of the way
together the Atsugi board, moves side­ways, is then fast the plank moves back, blocks outside mosquito.
„Came back?!”
In room, a similarly thin woman.
Hugs not a big child to sit there, wear a look of weary condition. The child of
woman arms is resting.
In the corner, the keep flat a plank,
that is being a bed, above also falls asleep a thin and small form.
„Um.” Just came back the man who
to throw over that broke several holes
animal skin to put one side from out­side, puts out today's harvest.
Is some fruits in mountain, as well as a fish, a rabbit.
Surrounding wild beast , can hunt for
had hunted for similarly, again. Their
ability was limited, goes dead. As for the fruit, has. Also not mature, had been picked. Today or the luck is good, in the corner that in one not eas­ily paid attention has discovered sev­eral big fruits.
Sees the fish and rabbit, woman
eyes shines, this has calculated well.
The women place on the bosom
child the plank bed carefully, goes to
admits the pan boiling the fish and rab­bit, because these two slaughter to clean up outside, brings not to need to make processing, boiled directly is OK.
Came back to nip the fruit one by one little. Passed the little while,
woman juice will be many. Puts on the
plank bed that one -year-old child
Had food, the child does not rest.
Holds the fruit calmly to eat.
The women give daughter two fruits on the plank bed: „First eats.”
„Today how?” The women asked.
The men sighed shake the head.
Initially came with their family here
also ten people, three have joined
other Tribe, stayed behind smoothly,
another two were driven away, cannot
live \; Four are when the troop walks into the mountain to hunt stayed be­hind by wild beast \; Two have be­come Slave . Other person in addition
their families, then has stayed here, al­ready nearly ten years.
„If not good, I planned that finds the
person to leave together, we change a
place again, today had talked to them.” The men said.
Was saying, blocks that plank of en­trance to be patted the sound.
„Yan Shuo , opens the door!”
Heard this sound, the man the tight
muscle relaxed a moment ago next,
put down in the hand to bring many
gap stone blade, he set out, moved things out of the way the plank.
The person who comes from out­side wants to be shorter than Yan Shuo, is thinner than Yan Shuo , skin and bones, in both eyes has filled the
blood thread , the breath shortness, is
making some decision to be ordinary
„How?” Yan Shuo asked.
The opposite party comes to gain ground fiercely, because is extremely excited, some expression distortions in surface.
„Yan Shuo , I...... Plan...... That side
went!” Was saying that person looks to a direction.
Yan Shuo eye because of surprise,
but opens the eyes greatly.
„I...... Really could not bear! Today I run into them, they had the strength
once more.” That person said that
gives Yan Shuo to visit him while con­venient today the broken arm, this
arm, if calculates according to the pre­sent situation, the short time cannot restore.
Yan Shuo knows what „they” refer to
is, in person who previously together
came, becomes the Slave person. But
front person, looked at a moment ago
to direction, is the place that this
piece of local Slave are.
Yan Shuo opened the yawn, actually
does not know that should say any­thing. Is thinking everybody leaves to­gether, finds the good point place
again, is living diligently, actually does not think that the opposite party gave up, cannot boil. Without the feeling of
strength, is truly desperate.
„Good I walked,” that person gets to the entrance to stop, back to Yan Shuo, slightly leaning head: „Earlier
makes the decision, do not think these
impossible matter again.”
Waits for that person to leave, Yan Shuo calmly sits there, looks at the
fire in fire of high-piled firewood, did not speak silently.
When the eye is staring at the fire of high-piled firewood, the muscle in
Yan Shuo surface has twitched two, on not the thick arm the meridians are clearly discernible. What is strangeest,
on the Yan Shuo face appears not
clear trace, if Shao Xuan here, can cer­tainly recognize, this is Totem Pattern on Flaming Horn Tribe Totem Warrior
Compares Flaming Horn Tribe
Totem Warrior , Totem Pattern on Yan Shuo face is not clear. Moreover is un­stable, from time to time slightly clear,
from time to time completely hidden.
But * on upper body as well as arm.
Appears without any trace.
Yan Shuo intuition , own strength
should more than so. But because, is the tourist, does not have the fire seed, therefore he is unable to be­come true Totem Warrior .
He knows that his ancestor is Flam­ing Horn Tribe, in words that hands down from generation to generation
from generation to generation, every­one records, Flaming Horn Tribe , as well as Tribe Totem.
„Father said. Flaming Horn Tribe
also.” Yan Shuo said in a low voice.
„The Flaming Horn Tribe person, is
formidable Warrior , can lift up a bear
easily, is bringing flame two horns
Totem Pattern , can cover entirely the
whole body, the Flaming Horn Tribe fire seed flame, can cover entirely the entire
Yan Shuo is only muttering in a low voice, the expression is from the begin­ning tranquil, seems like telling the
story to be ordinary, but gradually. The
expression is bringing constraining,
both eyes are red.
Because holds to read, therefore
Yan Shuo ancestry. Has one to the
name that in the junior gives „flame ”
character or „corner/horn ” character,
must make them remember oneself
Tribe name, if one day can find Tribe,
their wishes then. Therefore, the de­scendants do not allow to join any other Tribe , does not permit, when
Slave , even if dies does not allow to betray own Tribe .
However these many years passed by, Flaming Horn Tribe, no longer has been remembered. Surroundings no­body has heard this kind of Tribe, no matter Yan Shuo said many own Tribe
also . The fire seed , other people have
not believed.
However. Yan Shuo strength indeed
compared with others' big, will reveal
light Totem Pattern . Can insist now,
this is an important reason.
However now, he thought at a loss.
Another ten people who initially to­gether came, all cannot boil, now on
only the remaining their families.
If no enough many people, their fam­ily leaves only, has not walked far, will die probably.
Couple of days ago some people
left, but was discovered next day died
in not far away riverside, his blood by the suck dry, these mosquito was at­tracted. The half body was gnawed to nip, is in nearby wooded mountain
evening's coming out wild beast
gnaws, if in one day, the bone not re­maining.
Even if the Yan Shuo strength wants
to be bigger than others, but that is to the tourist, regarding these Totem War­rior, not necessarily suffices to look.
Had the strength to be able in such
world to live well!
The tourist who this cannot boil
chooses into the Slave reason. Becom­ing Slave , although did not have the
freedom, lost, but they can obtain the
strength from Slave Master there!
How to choose?
Continues to boil again, seeks, or
waits for the Flaming Horn Tribe news, the tourists, cannot boil with these are the same, look for Tribe to hire one­self, either becomes Slave ?
No, may not!
Yan Shuo both hands hold the head.
Cannot give up, cannot! The father said that Tribe also, but also in!
Sits the woman on plank looks at
husband this, starts to speak but hesi­tates, wants to comfort, thought that should also with other person of such,
choose other roads?
However, when the woman plans to open the mouth, the woman discov­ered that on oneself husband, some
traces extend along the face and neck
downward, but on the arm, like the
flame pattern, from the shoulder
starts, extends to the entire upper arm, then crosses the elbow......
„That...... That......” woman is ex­tremely shocked, is unable to say a word.
Is holding Yan Shuo hear sound of
thinking to gain ground, in the eye is also disseminating the red blood thread , sees appearance that own
wife, some doubts, when the direction when but he refers to following the
wife, looks to oneself body, saw
Totem Pattern road that these spread.
Was born to start from him, when ex­cept for ten years old on the face pre­sents beside light Totem Pattern , does not have other again, is now, Totem Pattern that these present......
The fuel that these patterns, like al­ready prepares unable to light well,
now is lit one by one general, although
is not clear, but can still see the ap­proximate trace.
Yan Shuo remembers oneself father
had spoken the words: „You must be­lieve that in our bloodlines , strength
also, its continuously deep sleep, when
some day, the conditions are ripe, it
will then start to regain consciousness
Meanwhile, pushes with other peo­ple in a small room closes one's eyes
rest Shao Xuan , opens eyes fiercely,
looked that to direction that Yan Shuo
is. ( to be continued )

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