#231: Does not satisfy a craving

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Keke has turned on the water, has the yawn, in the hand raises the
bloody person is going back, opens the door, discovered that several eyes
stare here, in the eye are reflecting the
moonlight that illuminates from out of the door, bright, frightens that Keke
just got up to be stranded intent imme­diately to fly.
„How?!” Keke asked anxiously.
In the although room has not ig­nited, moonlight that because illumi­nates, at the eyesight of people, can
raise Keke on the thing sees clearly,
let alone, strong smell of blood.
A moment ago when Shao Xuan
blew a whistle, the person of falling asleep rolling got up, silent ap­proached the entrance, was preparing
outside the surface, if really what hap­pened exits to solve, but, long time
has not heard the Keke requesting rein­forcements signal. Now looks like, this
fellow has solved the matter.
„What in your hand raises is?” tuo
asked. He worried that Keke Drum­ming tribe making an inspection tour
Warrior butchering, them has met be­yond rarely Tribe , is cooperation rela­tionship , Keke causes trouble at this time is not good.
„, This, does not know that is.” Keke
grasps scratches the head, lets go will be raising the person to put down,
does not know how should say.
Kills had not felt that now suddenly
thought has does not select comfort­ably.
At that time he moved by many
years of habit, realized that killing in­tent has gotten rid, from the start what
has not managed to hide in the thick patch of grass is the person or Omi­nous Beast , he at that time completely
by coping with the Ominous Beast
technique dealt with the person , after
waiting to finish up, discovered that
this and past was different.
Has not waited for the reply of
Keke , Shao Xuan to approach to look.
This person almost cleft in two by a
Keke blade, bloodstain from beginning the woods start, has extended here.
„It is not the Drumming tribe per­son.” After Shao Xuan sees that per­son of appearance, Shuo said .
„Isn't Drumming tribe ? Who is that?
This is not our Flaming Horn person.”
tuo approaches, does not care about
these bloodstains and bits of grass,
searched for searching for in the per­son who ground died. Has not ob­tained by search anything.
„Tomorrow they have a look to the
witch and Chief, takes a look to the
Drumming tribe person. They are quite ripe to here Tribe , look whether to rec­ognize.” Shao Xuan Shuo said .
Keke has complied with the sound.
Then crawls to the plank bed on, the
both arms hug in the brain head back,
opens the eye to look at the black
Shao Xuan sees that is thinking the
Keke first murder, has the trauma,
then asked: „Keke, do you have to think
very uncomfortable? Can't adapt?”
Other surroundings several people of hear that did not have the sleepi­ness, planned to listen to the Keke fol­lowing reply.
That side Keke silent several sec­onds. Spookily said: „...... It is not.”
„What is that?” Some people cannot bear ask. After all, they did not have
cope with the experience of person
like this, is thinking the forthcoming
fight, many just the person of personal experience consulted the experience
with Keke this. The experience, is the
matter that Warrior have valued.
„Was......” Keke said two characters
„What is?”
„Felt...... This person how such......
Weak? A blade has divided, does not satisfy a craving.” Keke Shuo said .
Shao Xuan : „......” Indeed this goods
old problem has violated, is looking down upon person who a blade can
chop .
That person that if died hears, does not know that can be mad spits blood.
To the Drumming tribe moon water
festival also several days, now that side intruder sends for inquiring, at this time sent definitely was not the
weak one. At least has confidence to avoid making an inspection tour of
Drumming tribe, but, he touched early warning facility of Shao Xuan in grove.
Meanwhile, Keke this Advance Group
member is always runs into the match
whole-heartedly, does not allow the
moment to be careless and indiscreet
and slow, this is a blade the primary cause that the person is killed vio­lently.
After chatting the little while, War­rior are really too tired, then has rested, by the person of cleaving in two Keke raises also directly is almost thrown in the entrance.
Next day, the Drumming tribe per­son comes time, sees their entrance
picture. Has feared, but also thinks that is the Flaming Horn Tribe civil war. Listened to Shao Xuan to say, en­forced.
In order to the insurance, they are bringing that corpse. Goes to the place of Drumming tribe Chief with Keke and
Shao Xuan together , haughty also hear
sound in the past had a look at the sit­uation.
Carefully observed by the person who Keke divided, Fan Mu shook the head, „does not know that which Tribe
this person came from.”
Their Drumming tribe person does not run like Pu Tribe frequently every­where, therefore only knows very well that to oneself recent several Tribe, as well as starts Tribe of attack fre­quently, other was unknown.
„This should be the helper of Martyr Tribe this looking.” Person of Shuo said of numerous item of side, „he had evaded Warrior that the surrounding
makes an inspection tour.”
Can evade that Warrior of surround­ing, easily was actually solved by
Keke , Fan Mu and Drumming tribe
witch looks at each other one, did not speak, was only were also at heart many to the Flaming Horn Tribe War­rior strength a appraisal, can look from
this corpse slash.
The numerous item of several peo­ple want to ask that actually much
some yesterday evening matters, for example the opposite party did have
to reveal Totem and so on, but the
reply of Keke made them almost sup­press the internal injury.
„Is too sleepy” , „does not have atten­tion”, „does not remember” ......
As Drumming tribe young genera­tion of most splendid Warrior , clear
one looked at several to touch own ears and cheeks the recollection there
tactical situation Keke , in the heart
considered last night.
Keke when gesticulated is reappear­ing yesterday situation, on the face
has not revealed murderous aura , in the words does not have, in the fore­heads only saw stupid, could not see
murderous aura . Only looks at the ap­pearance the words, Flaming Horn Tribe such person, removes beside
these unique dressing up of first day,
is definitely more popular than their
Drumming tribe person outside.
This is appearance issue. Who
makes their Drumming tribe person
generally quite exaggerates.
However, as frequently the person who leads to trade, by clear one with
one instinct intuition that the different
people have to do, he can feel a dan­gerous aura from Keke , such as re­mote mountain that type stares at the
game on below dying mouth wild beast.
Fan Mu asked the long time, had not asked as before many useful infor­mation comes out, then gives up
closely examining, then to haughty
Shuo said : „It seems like, we must de­ploy as soon as possible.”
„Um.” Ao Diantou said.
When the Drumming tribe person
and Flaming Horn Tribe person was dis­cussing how to deploy, to the Drum­ming tribe boundary not far place, a
Dashanli, is gathering the people of
several hundred Martyr Tribe.
A person of drivehead wears black
animal skin, thin and tall, in the sur­face, a scar from the frontal eminence
extends to the lower jaw, the slanting
cross whole piece face, in addition
looked when person measured cloudy the look that making him seem the poi­sonous snake is likely ordinary.
He is this time leads Martyr Tribe to attack Drumming tribe, robs Water Moon Stone Team Leader .
The person of drivehead grasps the
blade that-and-a-half meter animal bones polishes are becoming, looks at the Drumming tribe direction.
After a little while, what hears, he
turns head to look that to raises the
chin, „finally came? I also think that
you gave up this time good deed, has not thought or come. Let my spatial
Walks about 500 people, although
these people seem very ordinary,
grows was inferior that the Drumming tribe person is strong, is not steaming
like Martyr Tribe like that murderous aura , is, their sounds of footsteps are very light, this is not desirably for it,
but is a custom, the habit of since childhood forming. Each Totem War­rior is taking stony or the animal bones beast corner/horn similar spear
common long handle weapon that
„Has the opportunity to come across
such good deed rarely, our jian Tribe
naturally cannot give up.” In person who coming, that person of lead said with a smile.
„Comes late reason as for us...... We
sent them to go to Drumming tribe yes­terday, but this morning, actually only
came back one.” Also the person with a smile, the eye happy expression
flash diverged a moment ago, what re­places it is gloomy ruthless severe, the
so fast change, appeared very strange.
„To” knits the brows, on the face
that scar of knife wound is even more fierce, „what do you want to say?”
„You have not told us, Drumming tribe person, but also looked for the
helper!” That person gets angry said.
„Helper? Snort!” To looking askance
to look to the jian Tribe leader, the cor­ners of the mouth brings back, in the
eye reveals one to disdain: „How has?
If your jian Tribe is afraid, now can
leave! Our Martyr Tribe may never ask
your together to come, does not need!”
In „to” looks like, Drumming tribe
looks for the helper, has been exis­tence feeling very low small Tribe of
some surrounding , to not fear insuffi­cient.
„Thinks but actually beautifully!” The
jian Tribe leader scoffs to say. Actu­ally, his idea with almost, here after is
not middle, their not needing every­thing cautiously, he is only ratio „to” is more discrete, two who sends only
come back one, another cannot come back according to the agreement time
point, obviously has come across any
„Under careful, again sends for inquir­ing also good. The person who I send the inquiry, only heard them to look for the helper, who has not inquired the
Drumming tribe helper is. Defense of
Drumming tribe close many, he cannot
penetrate the dwelling place inquiry of
Drumming tribe .”
„Was good!” To does not break the
opposite party the words that patiently
cares to continue, Shuo said : „Whom did that group of alligator people ask the helper to find? Visits you to be timid.”
The jian Tribe person thought: Do
you think anyone with your Martyr Tribe same corrupt thing lunatic not
awfully? Their jian Tribe person is greedy, but also fears death, the life
did not have, but also wants the pre­cious thing to do?
Looks at the jian Tribe person „to”
taunt, then the other places of line of sight on toward the mountain has swept one. On this mountain, as well as on the surrounding several moun­tains, there is waiting and seeing much a plan to play a praying mantis to catch the cicada canary after the per­son, but also some people are thinking
when the time comes took advantage the fight is chaotic, dives Drumming tribe to pick to leak, these „to” have not planned to pay attention, when the time comes they fish in the thing the
hand completely, copes with these
small and weak pitiful creatures again!
„To” pulls out a wooden sentry post,
A form flies from behind woods, cir­cled two in the sky, seems demonstrat­ing its heroic bearing to below person.
„Kite that Feather Tribe tames?!” jian
Tribe takes the lead that person of sur­prised tunnel.
„To” lifts an arm, happily looks the
bird that sky flies, stands on his shoul­der.
This is high about one meter bird of prey, the look is sharp, launches the
wing the time seems must greatly the
overwhelming power. The bird claw
strength is strong, on animal skin
clothes „to” arm by bird claw scratch­ing and tearing, but „to” does not care.
This is „to” from Feather Tribe with the inquiry crown kite that many things
trade. The appearance seems to other
kites is similar, but the head are many
feather that several pieces have as­sumed fan-shaped launch, such as
cockerel head head crown like that
therefore was called the crown kite, is
one best-selling bird that in serve trans­action birds Feather Tribe tames. ( to be continued )

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