#213: Hopeful

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The fish that such instance, leaps, al­most projected long spear and stone blade , etc. sewed the hedgehog.
long spear and stone blade sew
after the fish, pushes the fish to the
hull above directly.
Before the fish falls, threw step vari­ous Stoneware also to follow on some­body's heels slowly, had almost been sewn the hedgehog the fish to sew
miserably this.
A thigh being roughly comparable
person also wants the long stone columns, long spear that such as pro­jects is ordinary, has pounded toward the fish of jumping on directly. That is
stone column on the fish grid. Some
this people pulled out directly it.
The flame roasts several people
only to listen to a dull thumping sound, the blood to splash, has splashed their face.
Waited to look at the past time
again, of jumping has been covered with on the big fish of canine, just by
to bind hedgehog, had been pounded a
pit by this stone column.
From the fish dive, to the falling
water surface, Shao Xuan had not turned around once more, looks like
early knows that like this will be ordi­nary.
But so the violence bloody side, the
flame roasts several people, shocked
besides trembling with fear of that mo­ment a moment ago, stays behind, is the unprecedented excitement and ex­citement.
If the straightforward point de­scribed that they several people of
moods, that has the feeling of back­stage, they no longer are the potential
inter-bank issue and acceptance of drafts weak communities, in them be­hind, many people, a more formidable
strength exists.
Once the flame roasted asked that a Long Boat Tribe person, what feeling
some Tribe are, the old person of that
good nature said to him: „Feeling, that is, when the crisis arrives, if you could not deal, all right, turned head to have a look, you behind , but also was stand­ing Tribe .”
The flame roasts still remembers that old person said these words time,
what in the eye reveals is the proud ap­plication, although, he has also re­ceived bullying in Long Boat Tribe, but,
he knows. Sometimes, Tribe is he
most formidable dependence.
But such dependence and depend­ing on, the flame roasted to feel fi­nally.
The blood of splash makes in the
river these Piranha Fish more active.
However, because the ship the flight and Cha-Cha entrain. In is approaching
toward the shore fast, but Piranha Fish in river temporarily will also focus on the falling water was changed on simi­lar that by to bind .
One year has not come back, Cha-Cha is more excited than Caesar , ex­ited to dawdle probably, thought Tribe
good, was in the wooded mountain
comfortable, flew also to consider out­side in others' domain, in addition had
Shao Xuan and its two. Why must the
pondering over hands tied feet tied,
meet troublesome also can only solve,
this feeling makes it very not re­freshed, food that eats is not good, it
felt that own this year is not long, now
finally came back, the first idea of
Cha-Cha is to improve the meals!
Looks ship that approaches fast, the
Flaming Horn Tribe people were happy.
Shao Xuan behind also has several
This is their first time sees besides the person of growth in Tribe, other
As fast nearness of hull, witch
looked airborne to forget deceleration
Cha-Cha from the start. Let the people
hurry to make way.
„Quick, makes way here!”
Wu spoke, the people naturally com­plied.
Therefore. That in ship travel route
straight line, fast came out spatially.
The ship direct impact ashore, the
silt was hit to splash, was splashed to
near people the sludge of becoming stale, but everybody did not mind that
raising his hand scratches the sludge on face, smelled, shuts out grins, one
toward the body scratches the sludge on arm again. Scatters the foot to con­tinue to pursue the ship to go.
„Cha-Cha , stops! Loosens the string on claw!” Shao Xuan toward airborne
Caesar has been nipping the ship
stern trawning in behind. After letting
come ashore the ship speed to fall.
Feels claw the pulling force on trans­mitting, hears the Shao Xuan shout. Im­merses in coming back joyfully, keep­ing thinking about in the wooded moun­tain Cha-Cha of various game, finally
Loosens the string that on the claw
grabs, Cha-Cha saw Old Ke that be­hind walks lamely leisurely, flies di­rectly toward Old Ke .
Looks at Cha-Cha in sky, in the Old Ke heart sighs with emotion, has a
child to grow up, goes out feeling that
one comes back finally. Old Ke has not sighed with emotion, grabbing to raise
by Cha-Cha .
Old Ke : „......”
That side, Shao Xuan from stopping
on hull jumps down, traces the Caesar
hammer, then they walks toward the
witch and Chief.
„I came back!”
„Comes back well! Comes back
well!!” The witches smiled the deep
pleat rarely.
The witches have not asked at this moment too, he exchanged a look
with Shao Xuan, Shao Xuan has patted the animal skin clothes of chest, the
pleat in witch surface was deeper.
The Tribe person has too many is­sues to ask Shao Xuan, but Shao Xuan
now is not 11 replies time, after get­ting to know each other well wheat,
Lang Ga and the others of greeted,
then saw by Old Ke that Cha-Cha puts.
Has not said anything, Shao Xuan
had given a Old Ke hug in the past.
„Welcome to go home.” In the Old Ke eye is dodging the tears, says with a smile.
Fired off greeting with the Tribe per­son, Shao Xuan has not forgotten to in­troduce that to everybody the flame
roasted several people, but had not re­lated in detail that only said that they
were wander about destitute clansman
outside, temporarily has not awakened
The witches and Chief know in
haughtily this definitely has more mat­ters, but is not questions in detail
Sees the Tribe witch and Chief, the
flame roasts several people somewhat
helplessly, was excited does not know
to say anything, although Tribe ritual
Shao Xuan has told them, but one ex­cited, all forgot.
The witches and Chief see their this,
has not blamed.
„Tower, Gui He , you lead them to rest, this line is too tired, making them
rest much.” Said haughtily.
Even if Shao Xuan said that the
flame roasts several people not to awaken truly, is very weak people, now
these two big Team Leader did not mind that told person under the thing that prepares an average person to eat, the Ominous Beast meat cannot
temporarily their, ate them unable to bear.
When the tower and Gui He roast the flame several people bring to climb mountains, a warm aunt pushes, sin­gle-handed tall and powerfully built
Jiao Wu will have raised, has hefted
hefting, is a pity the tunnel: „Insuffi­ciently solid.”
Jiao Wu : „......”
Said that aunt smiled warmly to pat the shoulder of Jiao Wu , sincere tun­nel: „Young people, must eat the meat!”
The surrounding some people
roasted their hand toward the flame
food, but, big Team Leader said that
they have not awakened, something
were unedible, to be quite regrettable.
Person who keeps the shore gath­ers round is put aside by the ship of
„Yeah, is this also ‚ship’?”
„This naturally is ‚ship’! However, we
did last year was more attractive.”
Totem Warrior has not controlled
good strength, just will have pinched a
broken seam after the storm wooden boat, hurries to receive to reach be­hind the back,
„Attractive is attractive, is not solid.
We later according to like this make
„Oh.” Encircles the person near ship
to nod to say.
But Shao Xuan, in said after Old Ke
several words, has climbed mountains
along with the witch and Chief, this
makes this want to inquire that out­side the person of Tribe matter can only wait temporarily.
Shao Xuan climbs mountains along with the witch, arrives at Shaman this
stone building again, the familiar house goes, oneself one water, rumble
have filled but actually. Under vision that then in Chief and witch anticipate,
from the animal skin clothes, puts out
beast skin bag , pulls out four animal skin volumes.
„These two are the Drumming tribe
witch and Chief writes for respectively
your, this map that is I draws, that side
change is very big, these that the ances­tors leave behind perhaps cannot use,
is only the date and time is too short,
many places I cannot walk, is not very concrete. Finally this, is my this line of
After four animal skin volumes give
witch and Chief, Shao Xuan also takes some small gifts of bringing, for exam­ple Shell Money, Jade Stone , Water Moon Stone , etc., the origins and
uses of these things, he writes in that
animal skin volume finally.
After the thing puts down, Shao Xuan has not waited for a long time,
descends the mountain to rest, such a long time aquatic navigation, but must
protect the flame to roast their sev­eral, the energy consumption of Shao Xuan was huge excitedly, in the past, the exhausted feeling of body coming back was also intense, he needs to rest well a evening, had any matter, to­morrow will say again.
But thing that he leaves behind, suf­fices the witch and Chief discusses
very for a long time.
After Shao Xuan leaves, the witch
and Chief shiver take up the animal skin volume that Shao Xuan gives,
looked earnestly, first what looks is fi­nally that. This is their first time, con­tacts the matter outside Tribe .
In the evening, person who the
witch and Chief Tribe have the pres­tige, convenes completely, discussed that Tribe migration matters con­cerned, is actually not considered as the migration, but is the return.
The never former home grounds,
now, finally are once hopeful. ( to be continued )

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