#177: Prairie Tribe

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Because of the revenge slaughters of thousand Tribe, long journey dis­cussed for a long time, until, still con­tinued once more, but also mentioned
these years similar matter, making
Shao Xuan obtain some recent informa­tion.
Let alone, besides thousand Tribe,
in the animal skin volume that but also
several leave behind in the ancestor re­ally has Tribe of record.
Shao Xuan according to obtaining the information, in the animal skin vol­ume labels, animal skin carefully curls up to receive, these must bring back to Flaming Horn Tribe to go.
If Flaming Horn Tribe returns, could reappear the past magnificence?
On the day of Shao Xuan antici­pates.
Shao Xuan and yu have not raised
to other people run into the matters of
thousand Tribe people. The team of
long journey the river surface was also good two days later, has abandoned the wooden raft, changes to walks, be­cause proceeds again, did not facili­tate the use wooden raft, although
also had the rivers, but actually might as well walk quickly, behind, must walk
toward the high place.
Front region at a topography high
place, I heard that there has unable to see the end the prairie, with snowy mountain that not being able to see to go against.
Sounds to look like some places of
Flaming Horn Tribe hunting area very much.
The prairie is very big, there is also distributing some every large or small
Tribe, among there Tribe often will also erupt into the war, the long jour­ney team will not penetrate the prairie,
will not mess with the war related mat­ter, they passed by from the prairie,
while convenient with the Tribe deliv­ery point thing of that side.
This season, the grass on prairie is green.
Along the river escape, stepped this
piece of prairie, Shao Xuan looked to­ward the surroundings.
The clear sky and fresh air, green lawn, on the prairie also blooms the
floret that cannot be naming the char­acter, is bringing the spooky fragrance.
Proceeds to look, green lawn,
stretches as far as the eye can see.
Besides Shao Xuan by them the
passes through the prairie the rivers,
on the prairie also the star falls lays out like chess pieces on a board is spreading many small lakes. The lake water is reflecting the blue sky.
And also some thinner rivers, go through in every large or small lakes, the river water is limpid. Walks also to
see hovers the fast small fish.
„Here was the prairie, proceeded
again. We entered ‚abundantly’ Tribe .”
Nearby experienced long journey said
to Shao Xuan .
Feng Tribe is one on prairie Tribe, the team of long journey, happen to
must from the Feng Tribe process.
Feng Tribe and long journey team got to know each other well. This route
walked many years, both sides already
each other understood.
Regarding the Feng Tribe person, the person in long journey team, re­spective Tribe is far from here too,
does not save with them snatches the
issue of domain, the excessively far
distance makes the inadequate threat
to them. When let alone, each time
teams of these long journeys, they can also put out the person exchanges of something that oneself Tribe produces
with these long journey teams.
In Tribe many people like such trans­action, does not need to leave Tribe to
trade some for them very rare thing, is simple and convenient.
But regarding the people of long journey team, can exchange the thing,
but can also under the protection of
Feng Tribe across this stretch of
steppe zone, this is the win-win mat­ter, regarding this, they did not mind that makes concessions in the transac­tion slightly one step.
„Feng Tribe person where? I have not seen.” yu looked toward all around.
Place that „they live in not here, but
here is their spheres of influence, some­times here Feng Tribe will send for com­ing to go on patrol. Proceeds again.
Team that should be able to bump into the patrol.” Nearby that person said.
„The Feng Tribe domain is so big!”
yu says with emotion.
„Is this big? If sees on the prairie
these true big Tribe , you didn't stare
nice-lookingly?” Side that person said with a smile, „many Tribe on prairie
they will raise some cattle horses, they
also hunted, was only here game are not many, most of the time was the an­imal that ate these raising. But animal of raising, needs to graze, these grass on prairie, for animals of these raising.
If the grass is insufficient, could not raise many animals.”
Did not have the animal of raising.
Did not have the source of food, Tribe
naturally will not feel better. Is listen­ing to narration of nearby person. yu
understands clearly nods. Here major­ity is the lawn, does not have the
woods of cover, life wild beast here
are not many, not like their Pu Tribe,
even if has not taken a long journey the thing that brings, can seek for
food from the surrounding wooded mountain.
Was saying, Shao Xuan heard rum­bling the sound, the ground of under foot has also transmitted the sound of
„Some people came.”
„Do not be worried that is Feng Tribe
Patrol Team.”
„Was right, do you know, on prairie
many Tribe Warrior , are they ride a horse?”
„Rides a horse?” yu has only eaten
horse Rou, but also has not ridden.
The people of other Shao Xuan and
long journey teams, looked that to di­rection that the sound conveys.
That side has some bulge big
mounds of earth, above is covering the green lawn.
As bang the sound is getting more and more near, the place that mound of earth and blue sky dock, has emit­ted forms, quick, more forms appear
in the line of sight of people.
Patrol leader some are several 20
people goes on patrol in various
places, sometimes, is a troop troop to­gether moves, these all are not the Pa­trol Team people, majority is Tribe
other members. The Tribe people will not stay in all day the place, has free time to ride a horse, gallops on the
prairie in groups.
Hundred and thousand of horses, di­rectly soar from the huge green mound of earth, clashes toward the team of
long journey, since brings boundless
air/Qi .
The horse group when quick close
long journey team then starts to decel­erate, neighed during the long and loud cry, the horse group stopped grad­ually, the team that will take a long journey surrounded .
This inside of several big Team Leader of long journey team to person
also understanding that takes the lead,
bringing a warm smiling face to move forward to meet somebody, chatted
with the opposite party, the thing that
but also throws to the opposite party
conveniently trades on the prairie that
is extremely difficult to see on the
The person who that side Feng Tribe leads received the thing, said:
„Our Tribe person was waiting, couple days ago some people were asking
when you came, when today, finally
saw you.”
Team that sees the long journey,
Feng Tribe that side person was also happy that some shout must go back the goods that prepares to exchange
immediately, some control horse Su,
with the long journey team same place, walks toward Tribe , which fresh
things while inquired in the team to have. Had young people also to chat
with yu, he frog is interested to yu was bringing poisonously very much, but how also made yu await your instruc­tions he to use these to wipe the frog
poisonous stinger at the appointed time.
That person that Shao Xuan goes on patrol in the team that takes the lead
with Feng Tribe to chat several. For the Cha-Cha matter.
The Patrol Team leader called He/She inferior, saw the hawk in sky, He/She inferior receives the heart of look­ing down on to Shao Xuan actually.
Does not have Pu Tribe Chief broad
Hou like that to dread. Iraqi inferior
they do not repel to the Cha-Cha great
hawk like this, so long as does not at­tack the beast group of Tribe raising.
Their also very being glad makes Cha-Cha fly sky over their Tribe.
Because the big birds in many sky the domestic animal of Tribe raising
give to seize every day, but Feng Tribe
absolutely does not have the hawk that raise the training to defend, usu­ally can only make some protection ar­tificially. He/She inferior has not thought that in this time long journey
team will really have one to lead the
person of great hawk, were also many
to Shao Xuan one point of enthusiasm.
Sees Shao Xuan to walk with Pu Tribe these people in the same place, is very familiar, Iraqi Bei Bian thinks that Shao Xuan is also the Pu Tribe
person, but has not painted pictures on the eye. They do not have many curios­ity regarding other Tribe , before also
once had. When has been familiar, did not have any curiosity. In any case is only the travelers.
In long journey team , some Pu Tribe people, the picture on eye can­celled after Tribe temporarily, as the matter stands, instead makes Shao Xuan not conspicuous.
The team of long journey goes to the Feng Tribe station with the Feng Tribe person together, the weather was late, the team of long journey was im­possible to trade to walk, walks was so far, happen to took advantage of
this opportunity. Keeps two days in
Feng Tribe, rests. Waits across the
prairie, walks again. Middle must
enter, when the time comes does not have that many time of rest.
The lawn scenery is infinite, but can also hear many people to sing, some the riversides and bund children are also playing to catch fish, the surround­ings come and go, have the Sir child who rides a horse to move. It seems
school of gentle, cannot imagine, this
Tribe also battled with another Tribe a short time ago.
Shortly, Shao Xuan then saw not far away these house that becomes by ani­mal skin and grass, blockhead and other builds. And some look like the
appearance of tent actually.
„Tonight present here rests, here
rests to you.” Iraqi Bei Zhi has referred to a that side row of blockhead build the simple room. Said.
Although the log cabin are many,
but the people in team are also many.
Also must push.
Shao Xuan and yu and the others
enter the room together, slightly after
tidying up one next, Shao Xuan looks
from the window to Feng Tribe other
In some wooden qualitative stock­ades, is encircling many appearance
slightly strange cattle, perhaps is this
piece of prairie wild domesticated vari­ety, is different from Shao Xuan has seen some cows and sheep. The dis­tant place, drives away the person who the herd and flock of sheep round trip are walking.
„Was right, did not say, in Tribe on
prairie will also give shelter to some
tourists? Where do they live?” Shao Xuan asked to nearby several experi­ence rich people.
„Tourists do not live here, here is the
place that the Feng Tribe person lives,
sometimes will entertain the guest also
here, but in addition, tourist and others,
in that side.” That person was saying,
has referred to a direction.
Shao Xuan looks at the past in direc­tion that he referred , that side had
bulge green big mounds of earth, in an­other side of mound of earth, is occu­pied by the tourist.
Feng Tribe person, although also
will usually make the tourists help,
then gives their meager rewards, but
generally speaking, is guarding.
Crosses the hill , Shao Xuan can also see that some do not calculate the high mountain range , the crest of
mountain is covering the green, the
tree are not many, majority of is also the lawn and stone.
A farther place, can see dimly is having Bai Dian the mountain shade, that side is other Tribe domains.
Heard the team that long journey
came, Feng Tribe many people bring the thing to come, exchanges with the
long journey team. Meaning that Shao Xuan had not exchanged, his midway
has hunted for a cow, has to the pre­sent many roasts the good meat not to eat, remaining Water Moon Stone re­mained has been using to the middle
However, Shao Xuan on wooden raft
bored, carves something with some an­imal bones beast corner/horn polishes,
in the hand has two bone blade, sev­eral carve various Ominous Beast ap­pearances bone ornament , by a mid­dle-aged man with mutton leg trading.
That man also very likes these, in the
child to the family trades.
When the weather gradually fades out, came the person of exchange
thing to be also short, after having eaten food, the long journey Tribe per­son must rest.
Looks sky that is dark, Shao Xuan
plan, tomorrow the place that goes to the tourist to live in looks that he has a feeling, here, can find the person who wants to find. ( to be continued )

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