#180: Former home grounds

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Trades with what?” The melon was shocked near for a while. ↖↖,
Yesterday saw that in own little friend hand had several to carve the
exquisite lifelike bone carving, the op­posite party also takes these to show off in their small communities, the
melon also wanted a woodcarving
near, the woodcarving that in Tribe
other people made compared with
these, simply not in a scale.
Heard that is the person exchange of long journey team, the melon then
goes to that side to look near, had not found the person , therefore after plan­ning to seek the tree first, then makes the person carving a woodcarving.
Yes, the melon does not like the
bone carving near the thing, the stone carving next best, but compares the
stone carving, near what the melon
wants is the woodcarving. The stone carving is too easy to throw down and break, in the past his grandfather had also carved the thing to him. The carv­ing thing, uses naturally is the ex­tremely ordinary stones, incautiously
bumped to lack, has been injured by falling down, relatively speaking, sev­eral woodcarving fortunately are in­stead good to the present, even if
many people thought that the wood­carving was frailer than the stone carv­ing, he was partial in the woodcarving.
Today the melon near goes on pa­trol while his father, acts shamelessly
passes together, but also made his fa­ther chop section of stump to tow to
him, has not thought that will bump into Shao Xuan here.
The melon the long journey team
finds person near time, carefully had in­quired Shao Xuan look characteristics,
suspected a moment ago that now
has been determined, was naturally happy, but, the Shao Xuan issue gave
to stump him.
Yes, the person of long journey
team, needs to trade with the thing,
these people are not his family's peo­ple, not free playing the host west.
Trades with what?
Sheep? Good? If towed to trade,
going back can be punched by mother?
Punches to change the father to punch
Before had not thought these, now
thinks carefully, melon near somewhat
hesitant, but he wanted a such wood­carving, carved well compared with the grandfather, what a pity. No mat­ter his father or mother, absolutely not
because of a woodcarving or stone carving but trades with the thing, they
think unworthy, is not cost-effective.
This is also the melon near envies the
reason of his little friend.
The melon cannot find out the
method near, is anxious, for fear that
Shao Xuan rejected. Pulls the hair,
opened several lower mandibles, does not know that said anything.
„This,” Shao Xuan , when the oppo­site party intertwines, leaves the
sound track: „You comply with my mat­ter, matter in one's power, I give you to carve.”
„What matter?” The melon asked
„Usually helps old he they, for exam­ple do not let small A'Nai be bullied by
other people, if usually old he has the
difficulty. In one's power range you add on one group. How?” A'Nai is old he
grandson's name, the melon near and the others will not admit A'Nai , A'Nai
has not been short is bullied. Shao Xuan wants to hit actually for him, but the war between children he is not good to meddle, said again, old he
also needs in this life, Feng Tribe not to be the person who your powerful he
absolutely compromises.
„Your this ability?”
„This naturally yes!” The melon
straightens one's neck to say near.
Shao Xuan from chat of old he, also
knows the melon near father in the
Tribe also a little ability. Also, the
melon near is having certain influence
in his small community. If no creating obstacles of this boy, if this boy can also add on one, old he naturally can
well live here, comes back until Flam­ing Horn Tribe .
The melon did not think near Shao Xuan said difficult, but, he is not too
stupid. Knows to bargain back and forth, „I complied, but you must carve
well, before cannot compare, trades is bad to others' that several bone carv­ings!”
„I look in side, if does is not good. I
do not comply!”
Shao Xuan has polished several
stony good small stone blade in the
traveling schedule, these animal bones are not hard, with these small stone blade feet, carves the blockhead , natu­rally can also use.
Since the melon said near here
carves, Shao Xuan has not moved the
place. The blockhead that the melon
brings near is good, the quality of ma­terial is close, does not distort easily, the effect of carving should quite be good.
„What do you want to carve?” Shao Xuan asked.
„I think...... Um, thinks that......”
melon thinks near carefully, said:
„Wolf, I wants the wolf!”
Compared with these have not seen
in the beasts that on the prairie pre­sents, the melon will not hope to have a wolf woodcarving near. wolf pack is very common on the prairie, but Feng Tribe person, although also hunts and kills the wolf, but regarding the wolf, they are also holding heart of the awe,
if wolf pack has not attacked Tribe,
has not held in the mouth their domes­tic animal, they will not get rid to wolf pack.
„Is imposing, wolf!” The melon
looked forward to near wear a look of
that said.
Rigid of Shao Xuan not too clear
this child right wolf, side old he talked about the reason.
Is spreading a story in some Tribe on prairie, naturally , does not know is actually story that which Tribe which
ancestor makes up. What said is some
Tribe is attacked by wolf pack fre­quently, that Tribe witch predicted that
wolf pack will attack a Warrior room,
then uses a stone, has carved a wolf,
places that Warrior room entrance. To the evening, wolf pack came the time,
saw that stone carving, thinks that saw the wolf king, then ran away in fear.
This story also believes on these
children, when has grown up, no longer
has believed that but, the present
melon is near, regarding this still be­lieved in firmly. He also knows that is
no one has in the story that Shaman
ability, the wooden stake that let alone, he brings is not big, naturally
cannot in the woodcarving with story
compare. Under he purely wants a
such woodcarving to satisfy.
„Wolf......” Shao Xuan first thinks that
was then kept Tribe Caesar , was en­graved later Caesar , there is qualifica­tions of enough machining allowance
wolf, took revenge successfully did not say, but can also in Ominous Beast
with wooded mountain resist, does not know that now grew to any de­gree.
Is recalling the Caesar appearance, when as well as in the wooded moun­tain hunts the manner, Shao Xuan
starts to resort to arms.
The melon is thinking near can also
learn the skill of carving, has not ex­pected, front person resorts to arms
more and more quickly, from the begin­ning he can also see the movement of
each blade, wood chips were trun­cated, but is quick, he is unable to fol­low the Shao Xuan speed. Can see
only, is these like the sawdust of rain­storm splash, compelling him to draw back several steps.
The melon wants to ask some ques­tions near, actually the discovery, front
sculptures, as if immerse in some con­dition, letting the person is unable to participate.
Old he works with the hand
splashes down in the sawdust of
ground, decides to look to Shao Xuan. The movement on Shao Xuan arm, he
does not see clearly, but, Totem Pat­tern on Shao Xuan face. He looks
clearly, that is Flaming Horn Tribe
Totem Pattern , his father is much clearer.
Carves a woodcarving, and need not Power of Totem , but, Shao Xuan,
when true earnest carving. Will use nat­urally. These stone blade on hand, are not like that easy-to-use, every so often in order to carves the effect of
wanting accurately, the strength, speed
needs to control, does not accommo­date slightly the mistake. But when
Shao Xuan in the study polishes
Stoneware fine accurate control that
exercises, makes the carving easily.
The surrounding four people, stop the matter in hand, is staring at Shao Xuan.
As the sawdust falls fast, the wood­carving in Shao Xuan hand also gradu­ally forms.
Melon near breath aggravates gradu­ally. Whom he has not seen to carve
like this, in the meantime, some of his
also feelings, this woodcarving, is he
wants, even, imagines being better
compared with him.
When Shao Xuan stops the blade in
hand, in another hand took that to take shape however is actually cov­ered a stone carving by the sawdust.
Has blown the air flush.
Covers the sawdust in woodcarving
then to fly upwards, leaves from the
woodcarving. Under the dazzling sun­light, looked like scattered diamond dust. But woodcarving, has revealed
its portrait.
That is a very vigorous and healthy
wolf, even under can make the viewer
feel the superficial knowledge to cover the solid muscle. It stands by the
stance of chinning up and chesting out
there, has not given a tongue-lashing the tooth, does not have howlingly hiss­ing. Also has not lifted the sharp claws, but stands there, slightly leaning
head, was looking the thing that likely
anything is nothing to speak is com­mon, has the power and influence that a melon could not be saying near. As if front all, is unable to cross it, can only withdraw.
The woodcarving is not big, seems
is the size of puppy, but gives the feel­ing of person to be completely differ­ent.
„This can, satisfy?” In the Shao Xuan
request begins the woodcarving, asked that is near to the melon.
„Full...... Satisfaction!” The melon
puts out a hand to catch near excit­edly, cautiously.
„Can the words that you complied with before, still remember?” Shao Xuan also asked.
„What words? Remembers that natu­rally remembers! Takes care of old he
they!” Looks at the woodcarving,
melon thought near that this transac­tion is really satisfying.
„Eye for an eye, cannot take back.”
„?” The melon somewhat is near va­cant to Shao Xuan these words.
„I.e., your words have said that is
puts on your Tribe most strong four
horses...... Also is hard to overtake, the
words cannot take back again, must
keep the commitment.” Shao Xuan an­swered simply.
„Naturally !”
The melon near present wholeheart­edly is thinking hurries to take the
woodcarving, had not remained again,
sets out to leave.
After waiting for the melon to leave
near, Shao Xuan turns the head, to old he line of sight of grandson small
A'Nai .
„Do you also want a woodcarving?”
Shao Xuan asked that
„Um!” A'Nai layer on layer nods.
„What wants?”
„Also wants the wolf!”
„Does not need,” Shao Xuan has rubbed a A'Nai first half long hair, said:
„When the time comes, you will see
true body, living, are more than that
power and prestige. Not is only the
wolf, the hole lion, easy mark the crane of perhaps, are many......”
Shao Xuan also talked about some
Tribe matters to old he one, but also
carved Totem to bring flame two horns
with the stone.
Old he was old, the matter of expe­rience are too many, innumerable set­backs and attack, fluctuate, to the pre­sent, although is insufficient the cloud
poor business conditions to be light,
compares Yan Shuo , is calmer. Usually
can take Stone Gao's hand steadily,
when is taking that not big two horns
Totem stone carving, has been shiver­ing, quite a while not slow.
Long time, old he changes a direc­tion, was careful that before the stone carving places the body, then in the
Flaming Horn Tribe way worships on bended knees. The wife of A'Nai and
old he also worships on bended knees.
Waits to worship on bended knees,
old he sets out.
„ Once Tribe in that direction, but af­terward left, where, I have not gone
specifically, only knows that former home grounds in that side, is my fa­ther tells me, but my father also from
my grandfather there learned that
hands down from generation to gener­ation generation by generation. They said that although Tribe left the former home grounds, but root also there, if
Tribe, one day, Tribe once more will still return to the former home grounds, ignites the fire seed .
Shao Xuan, you do not need to seek for the separate clansman. The Flam­ing Horn Tribe tourist are many, possi­bly many people have not known one
belong to where , many people do not know, will unable to see the future
road, when fire seed, once more when the former home grounds will ignite,
tourists of all wandering about desti­tute Flaming Horn Tribe in various
places, can go home! ”( To be contin­ued..)

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