#204: It is not good to cope

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The person who walks has more than ten, looked that their wear know
is not the person in tourist area . More­over, even if has not seen that thick an­imal skin clothes, can the stance that
since they walk looks.
The person in tourist area, either is bringing shrinking, either is discrete, al­ways feared that whom annoys, to stain anything to trouble, but long jour­ney are not.
Looks that steps the person who to­ward here the stride is coming,
catches up and two shrank the neck that disclosed secret information, he
has not thought that these people such
quickly came unexpectedly.
„Flame roasts, you look for wooden
Qian quickly, quick, perhaps can also
prevent them, otherwise really late!”
With two said anxiously.
Since childhood lives in this place,
afterward with Brother Jiao Wu under­standing, familiar, everybody hugs the
agglomerate, mutual support, although the middle knocks Kan Kan, in the past together grew up had many peo­ple not , the good and evil their sev­eral can live today. With two treasure
these friends, said from the benefit, the flame roasted the battle efficien­cies of their several people, in the
tourist area also belonged on, had
them , the strength of clique can also
rise some, but if looked for trouble by
these long journey today, that was mis­erable.
Sees the flame to roast still not will­ing, with two: „Or do I go to Long Boat Tribe to look?!”
„Does not need . Moreover, now
Long Boat Tribe sealed a door.” The
flame roasts said.
The heavy snow time will seal a door, this is the Long Boat Tribe cus­tom, they worried that outside person
will unable to shoulder the heavy snow
day, but sneaks toward the Long Boat Tribe habitat, whenever stress of weather time, Long Boat Tribe will exe­cute to seal a door to move, the de­fense line of land boundary will not make the person approach, who ex­cluding front door approaches the
Tribe habitat in other places, will re­ceive to make an inspection tour the
attack of Warrior . By the strength of
tourist, cannot undergo from the start,
perhaps has not shouted the purpose in coming, already shot the hedgehog
by long spear or the bow and arrow .
„That runs away!” With two draw the
flame to roast wants to sneak off., The
person is but motionless, draws again. The people are still motionless.
The flame roasts actually when see­ing threatening these long journey, first
thinks also first avoids. Flees from
here, found a place to avoid this tribu­lation to say first again that they had also come across similar matter in the past, besides happen to by one time that wooden Qian bumped into, sev­eral other times, they left the tourist
area to find the place to evade first, after waiting for long journey to leave,
came back again.
But now, Shao Xuan has not moved.
Looks at his such, does not plan to leave. The flame roasts naturally will not leave behind Shao Xuan one to leave. Now Shao Xuan is their all
hopes, even if their several lose the
life here, cannot make Shao Xuan have the matter.
The line of sight moves from Shao Xuan arrives Yang Sui that looks on
room outward, the flame roasts discov­ered that this witch candidate, likely is not the worried appearance.
Is it possible that do they have con­fidence to cope with that gang long journey?
Was, Shao Xuan was Totem Warrior ,
but Yang Sui is also the Rain Tribe fu­ture witch. These long journey should
have scruples. In most situations, long journey will not offend Tribe Totem Warrior and witch.
With two see not to draw the flame
to roast, then draws Jiao Wu . Discov­ered that Jiao Wu also stands there
does not walk, looks at the Yan Zhuo
couple again, just planned two who
packs the thing to sneak off , the thing
putting down, them has not planned to leave.
Jiao Wu does not have that many that his elder brother thinks actually, the brain is not good, he sees Shao Xuan to be motionless, his elder brother does not walk, he naturally
cannot sneak off.
„With two. You leave first.” The
flame roasts to and two said. These
people come toward oneself obviously,
with two can come to disclose secret information to be very good. Remains
only to be affected.
Does not understand completely
why these people clearly know long journey looks for trouble actually did not plan finds the person to help not to run away, is this wants dead?
In same place must grasp scratch­ing the head anxiously. With two hurry
to scatter the foot to leave, „I find the
person to come!”
Does not go to Long Boat Tribe to look with looking person who two said that the Long Boat Tribe heavy snow
seals a door, he naturally cannot go to that side to court death, the so-called
looking person helps, but was in the
levelling day the relationship good
tourist, looked to have any method.
As that more than ten far traveler
was nearer, the surroundings pay atten­tion to the person of here sound also
to determine that carefully the goal of
long journey is not they, immediately
relaxed at heart, so long as does not look for good that oneself trouble.
Was needless saying that the facial expression as well as that malignant in­fluences of that several person, were
telling everybody: The father is looks for trouble to chop person !
After seeing clearly several people that takes the lead, Yang Sui said to
Shao Xuan in a low voice: „These peo­ple who when is yesterday disembarked
In other words, these people, are very likely are the murderers who yes­terday killed the tourist, they can kill
1-2 yesterday, today can massacre 45,
so long as were not noisy too greatly,
this tourist area raising, Long Boat Tribe will not come out to manage.
That person of yesterday's Shao Xuan of drivehead has also seen, but,
passed less than day of time, that per­son Shao Xuan forgetting, in the moral nature, he not to have been serious
Shao Xuan probably from the start. The
insignificant person, he will not spend the time to remember.
The before person of drivehead ar­rives at the log cabin, the look swept
has stood in entrance several people,
his very surprise, this group of people
saw own one line, has not run unex­pectedly, they also sent for defending
in nearby several crossroads, it seems like also had no need.
„Who is Yan Zhuo ?” Drivehead that
person was saying, look such as the
shaving knife is common, looked at
one one by one. In his eyes, these peo­ple are the same, when sees the ani­mal skin clothes that the flame roasts
several people of putting on, that per­son of look shines. Had a liking for
these animal skin actually, in his eyes,
these animal skin could not have en­tered his eyes.
animal skin that now the flame
roasts several people of putting on,
was yesterday's Yan Zhuo and Jiao Wu
trades, because it was cold, has worn
also the thick animal skin clothes,
such as Shao Xuan said that they must
get better now, cannot get sick, when the time comes can hurry along. Under
hint of Shao Xuan, each of them has also put on 1-2.
The person in tourist area, little has
wears these many animal skin clothes
all of a sudden . Moreover, these ani­mal skin according to broken. This
also confirmed news that long journey
Hears that person of question,
flame roasts has not moved, Shao Xuan has not moved, only then has doubts Jiao Wu that cannot bear, the
look glanced the eye toward Yan Zhuo
that side.
That person also keen, held the Jiao Wu petty action, looks to standing Yan Zhuo, smiles harbors evil intentions.
„Are you Yan Zhuo ? I threw several
jade yesterday, is I trades with great dif­ficulty from Mang Tribe , who knows that disembarks, lost, I heard. You
picked my these jade, was?”
The story that the opposite party
makes up is too false. He in saying, in
surface is expression that one „father
is snatches” .
Yan Zhuo when the opposite party
mentioned by name to look for itself.
Had determined in the moral nature the person of informing, against the
tourist against long journey, again was actually being betrayed by the person on one's own side, this time is not the
swindler who the midway comes out,
but grows up together, is regarded as
brothers' person, this makes Yan Zhuo
quite not feel better at heart. This time
because of him, everybody drew during
this trouble. Naturally , the matter of
jade, he is will not acknowledge ab­solutely.
„I have not picked to have been to the jade.” Yan Zhuo said.
„No?” That person of eye like sharp knife thorn to Yan Zhuo, „, but some
people said that visited you to pick!
Otherwise, you these many animal skin that what uses to trade?!!”
That person spoke of the following
time, the sound was even more re­sounding, in the surface also has even revealed some Totem Pattern . But
nearby these hide the tourists who the
ear is listening at home actually to out­side sound, hears here also to have doubts, why will the flame roast them
unexpectedly these many animal skin
That side long journey who coming. The person of lead is position Middle Level Totem Warrior , but Middle Level
Totem Warrior when facing average person, if uses Power of Totem . Takes to the pressure of average person is
considerably large.
However, when that person looks to
Yan Zhuo, Shao Xuan keeps off in front of Yan Zhuo.
„I do not know that whose you from
there heard,” Shao Xuan said that „Yan Zhuo exchanges the animal skin thing,
is I gives him.”
Sees really has over artificial Yan Zhuo, in that will of the people also
flashes through spunk, but hears the
Shao Xuan following words, under that
will of the people is one happy. The ori­gin of his also doubts Jade Stone,
wants upward to look up from Yan Zhuo here. But knew now, has saved
his many strengths.
Look stands in the Yan Zhuo front
young people. That person has been es­timating first at heart, thought that the
opposite party is looking at not any
special place, puts on not compared with these tourists good many, looks that is also very young, young and im­petuous.
In that person of eye reveals the
greedy color, the smiling face deep­ens, arrogant air/Qi , was saying: „,
That was you have stolen my jade.”
Yan Zhuo and Jiao Wu were plan­ning to say anything, was actually pre­vented by Shao Xuan raising his hand ,
he proceeded the cross three steps, ar­rived in front of that person.
As long journey, naturally has seen,
experiences many, the stimulation
also non- friendship between life and death has been many times, intuition
wants to be keener than many people.
But along with Shao Xuan consecu­tively for three steps approaches, peo­ple suddenly feeling back one cool.
Especially with the Shao Xuan
frontage relative that person, the arro­gant smiling face had been restrained,
he felt that fine hair sets upright many,
looked that has also filled to the eye of Shao Xuan vigilantly.
„Totem Warrior ?!” That person said
with amazement. He can only judge
front person is Totem Warrior , as for
arriving at any rank, could not settle on.
The deep breath twice, depressed
surprised at heart, that person moves the neck, that strange trembling feeling
dispelling, the sturdy arm will move a moment ago two, the vigorous body
seemed has been full of the strength, when moved the arm, on that big hand
was grasping a big crandall, has high­lighted his strength.
On the crandall is also bringing the
dry bloodstain, let see in the will of the people of crandall thump. This
above blood, should be on the yester­day's killed tourist stays behind.
„Which Tribe are you?” That person
asked. Because leads the person to walk frequently everywhere, the time
custom of speech is also having the
Shao Xuan has not shown any ex­pression to that person of pressure,
but is the gentle tunnel: „Flaming Horn Tribe , Shao Xuan.”
„Flaming Horn Tribe ?” That person the Tribe name that read Shao Xuan saying that made an effort to look in the memory, has not been looking,
looked to the body side person.
The person of body side shakes the head, he has not heard similarly. This
type has not listened to Tribe name,
definitely is small Tribe in that corner,
has no need to care.
Long journey will not go to offend the Tribe person and witch easily, but
that limited to large-scale Tribe, the
small Tribe words, they will not only dread, even if some of their also many
people come from small Tribe .
„, Flaming Horn Tribe Shao Xuan, was really a pity that perhaps you
could not go back!” That person when
spoke these words, is passing the
fierceness of difference.
He truly has not thought that will bump into other Tribe Totem Warrior in the tourist area unexpectedly, this dis­rupted him to plan more or less. How­ever does not have relationship , small
Tribe, he believes that person who one­self lead, even if the strength is worst,
can from corner small Tribe massacre
this person, draws back one step to say again, even if this boy is Middle Level Totem Warrior , the group of peo­ple who oneself bring, can step on him
with ease on the ground!
„But, I thought that nobody can pre­vent me to go back.” Shao Xuan being without turning a hair tunnel.
That person of look concentrates ,
has not begun personally, his intuition ,
as the person of leading, when natu­rally cannot own strength kiss is, will have person under to rush to get rid,
therefore, he was having killing intent
that time to Shao Xuan, then moves the finger, hinted behind person to start to look for trouble.
Really, the next quarter, then some
people come out from the long journey
that side, moves toward Shao Xuan
quickly, in the hand is raising a slightly
small crandall, brandishes toward
Shao Xuan , the speed of because run­ning is too fast, is too anxious, the
movement scope is also big, since the
footsteps also bring the snows of
many ground.
The people think that will see yester­day the same situation, but, only lis­tens to bang one, bone the sound,
brandishes the person who the ham­mer runs, was pounded on the ground,
seems, looks like inlays is the same in the snowy area.
But just punched Shao Xuan of com­plete human, the both feet had not moved a moment ago from the start
tiny bit, a moment ago, he moved
under the arm merely.
Whistling is transferred the where­abouts by the war hammer space that the master throws.
Shao Xuan puts out a hand to catch the hammer handle of crandall
steadily, moves to ground that person of face above, lets go, falls.
Was pounded the person to call out pitifully to make noise by own crandall,
but also only called one, on the corona of whole face blood, had been hit a
fist by the Shao Xuan front surface,
quickly fainted, was added by own
crandall again, really could not sup­port.
Stood that long journey the leader in
front of Shao Xuan , the eye hides to jump two, in the eye full was the color of haze, in the surface is ugly.
He has not thought really that front
boy, can actually one under give to hit
to fall face down . Moreover, these
movements, were having the provoca­tion and disdaining obviously! Is pro­voking he!
But stands in Shao Xuan behind
Jiao Wu and the others, then stared in a big way the eye, they know that
Shao Xuan was Totem Warrior , but,
they have never thought that Shao Xuan can a fist with be unexpectedly the Totem Warrior person will punch
to fall face down, a fist!
As for these long journey who looks for a job, the expression in surface is the exaggeration, the expression of
this group of people, looked like sees
in the quail egg to hatch a Overlord
Early knows that here will really have Totem Warrior , this again in­quired, this boy, seemed does not cope well!
With two bring the person is coming the time, sees is this confrontation
scene. ( to be continued )

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